Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 502: Bagua Mountain

Blanche lay down while pressing her head. When Wu Tian slid her hands and fell to the north of Blanche, her body trembled a few times like an electric shock.

This was the first time her body was touched by a man.

To be precise, this should be the second time, and the first time it was touched by Wu Tian, ​​and that time was a last resort in the secret room.

"Relax, don't be nervous." Wu Tian pressed Blanche's shoulders and asked in a gentle tone.


Blanche let out a sigh of relief and changed her posture to sit down, but she couldn't help being nervous.

Especially when the skin is touched by the palm, it feels numb and itchy, and it feels as uncomfortable as an electric shock.

Fortunately, Wu Tian's hands are very dutiful, pressing back and forth on her shoulders, neck, head and back rhythmically, without overstepping.

After more than two minutes, she gradually adjusted to the hands and gradually relaxed.

"OK, all right." After pressing for ten minutes, Wu Tiancai retracted his hands and asked with a smile: "How do you feel now?"

"It feels... the upper body is very relaxed, as if the burden has been removed." Blanche twisted her body left and right, seeming to enjoy the feeling now.

"Usually pay attention to rest and exercise moderately."

"I really didn't see it, you still have some skills." Blanche smiled slightly, and Ben jokingly questioned: "Do you often massage other girls like this?"

"That's not true."

Wu Tian grinned, walked back to the opposite position and sat down.

"I heard that your Chinese men are not very honest." Blanche looked at Wu Tian and glanced at Wu Tian, ​​and said: "But I think you are quite honest."

"How do you know I'm honest?"

"When you massaged me just now, your hands were very responsible, and you didn't do anything extraordinary."

"When I meet a beautiful woman like you, I'm actually eager to move." Wu Tian finished saying this, and then changed his tone: "But you are an international friend, so naturally I can't lose my identity, and I can't discredit our Chinese men. "

Such an answer can not only show Blanche's charm, but also show the Chinese gentleman style in front of foreign girls.

"I like this answer very much." Blanche's mouth raised, and the smile on her face was sweet and grand.

When the two chatted, the convoy had arrived at Bafenzhai, not far from Lushan, and a brand-new helicopter stopped not far away.

This is the most remote location in the northern part of Luzhou, with Lushan in the north and the upper reaches of the Lujiang River in the south. It is the least developed area in Luzhou in terms of transportation.

This area is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and the transportation is extremely inconvenient. It is barren and crowded for ten kilometers.

In the past, the Municipal Tourism Bureau planned to develop Lushan Mountain as a tourist attraction, but the cost was too high, and this plan was shelved indefinitely.

Nowadays, few ordinary people come to visit Lushan, only a few adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts come to have a picnic at the foot of Lushan.

The Bafenzhai where they are located is more than ten miles away from Lushan Mountain. This place used to be a military training base, but after the base moved away, it has been idle.

However, there is a large open space here, which can be used as a temporary apron for forest and rescue purposes.

Blanche relied on powerful diplomatic means to temporarily rent the apron and was eligible to fly within 15 kilometers of Lushan.

In addition to the brand new helicopter, there are also a group of international professional explorers who are waiting here to listen to Blanche's dispatch.

"Helicopters, expeditions, and all kinds of equipment are all ready. Go and see." After getting off the car, Blanche turned her head and said to Wu Tian.

This time she pinned all her hopes on Wu Tian, ​​hoping that this Chinese boy could help take out the blood moss.

"Not bad." Wu Tian walked over and glanced at the equipment, very satisfied with the preparations.

There are more than thirty UAVs in various specifications, in addition to various instruments and equipment for outdoor survival and rescue, and even remote positioning and survival devices.

"If you need other equipment and instruments, I'll let people prepare them at any time." Blanche promised with a confident face: "No matter what you want, I can get them ready for you."

"not needed for now."

Wu Tian stared at the equipment for a few times, then turned his head and said to Blanche: “Let’s fly to Bagua Mountain by drone first, and survey the terrain first, and then make a detailed plan.”

"Okay, what equipment do we need to bring?"

"You don't need too much equipment this time. Just bring drones, high-powered telescopes, cameras, and remote positioning and rescue equipment."


Blanche nodded, and then walked over to give a few words to the foreigners in Chauyu.

Several foreigners nodded their heads and started to get busy, binding a locator and a distress alarm device to each person, and then carrying two long-range UAVs and telescopes on the plane.

After the pilot was ready, he took the lead to board the helicopter.

With the help of the entourage, Wu Tian and Blanche also prepared for safety protection.

Before boarding the plane, Wu Tian tried to suggest: "Miss Bu, the situation in Bagua Mountain is unknown, otherwise you should stay here and wait for us?"

"It's okay, I'll go with you." Blanche finished speaking and walked towards the helicopter first.

Seeing Blanche insisted on going, Wu Tian didn't stop him.

After all, they only took a drone to hover over the Bagua Mountain this time, just surveying the terrain and looking for dangerous situations, and would not enter the mountain.

In this case, as long as the driver does not make any mistakes, no accidents will occur.

The helicopter can seat five people. In addition to the pilot, Wu Tian and Blanche, it also brings two survey experts.

Everything was ready, the drone started to take off, the loud roar was deafening, and the propeller rolled up the dust.

The helicopter took off quickly, then flew northward, and arrived near Bafen Mountain after more than ten minutes.

Below is a series of mountains, more than a dozen large and small mountains, forming the special landform of Mount Lu, Bagua Mountain is in the middle of the valley.

This is the only uninhabited area in the entire Lushan City. The entire Bagua Mountain is barren and crowded, and it looks blurred from a distance.

Wu Tian hurriedly found the high-powered telescope, adjusted the telescope and looked down, and found that the Bagua Mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, and the entire valley was covered by clouds and mist.

These clouds are like a piece of mysterious gauze, covering the entire Bagua Mountain.

After looking through the binoculars for a long time and seeing nothing, Wu Tian simply gestured to the pilot and motioned him to lower the plane close to Bagua Mountain.

The pilot made a gesture to express rejection. Now this altitude is safer. If it is lower, it will affect flight safety.

Wu Tian didn't embarrass the driver anymore. He also knew that there were too many mountains nearby, and flying too low would affect safety.

He didn't want to make a joke about his own life, nor did he make a joke about the lives of Blanche and the others.

There is no choice but to launch drones.