Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 746: Draw a line

The next day, a complaint of blood and tears appeared on the major TV stations and newspapers of Korea.

Only this time the protagonist has become the Minister of Finance who has not been taken seriously by everyone before.

All the people are talking about something, which is the key evidence that really appeared this time.

A photo of a document clearly showing the agreement reached between Double Star and the Minister of Finance.

This happened suddenly. The people of Goryeo, who didn't think it was a big deal, all went to the bank to run on the National Fund.

At this time, the entire Ministry of Finance was busy and messed up. The Chancellor of the Exchequer was even more indifferent, and was called away by the Independent Commission Against Corruption several times a day to investigate.

Even the house has been searched.

It was really a tree that fell and scattered, and all the people before the Chancellor of the Exchequer stayed away.

Yan'er looked at her father who was staying at home with an uncomfortable face. She suddenly felt that what she was doing was really correct.

No, the effect has already appeared so soon. Now the Chancellor of the Exchequer is staying at home without going anywhere, and even helping Yan'er's mother with the housework or something.

In the capital market, the reaction was much fierce. The money Wu Tian borrowed began to be thrown out again.

The rate of price decline this time can be said to be unprecedentedly rapid, which no one has expected.

The public instantly connected to the various manifestations of the previous storm. From the beginning of the National Fund storm, it was later related to the candidates, and then later the Ministry of Finance clarified that the National Fund was not passive. Until now, such a situation suddenly appeared. The key evidence.

All things seem to be linked together, and there seems to be a problem in the origin of this incident.

Seeing such a situation in the current public opinion field, Wu Tian really wakes up with a smile when he sleeps.

Early in the morning, Wu Zaibin found Wu Tian excitedly, dancing with his excitement, and it was difficult to conceal the excitement in his heart.

"Mr. Wu, we are really going to succeed this time. Now the Korean currency is about to fall."

"I knew it a long time ago. I didn't see me telling you to have confidence. I, Mr. Wu, never fight unprepared battles."

Wu Tian has a hippy smile, and the expression on his face is even more exaggerated than Wu Zaibin.

It seems to be like that, but if he has always been so confident, it is estimated that Wu Tian knows it himself.

The strange thing is that when such a big incident happened this time, Double Star Company did not conduct public relations at all, and allowed the society to continue to ferment the matter.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Ministry of Finance to which they belonged instantly became public targets, and officials from top to bottom were almost all investigated.

It may be that none of the Koreans would have thought that such a big change would have taken place in such a short period of one month.

It's just that those people who foresee in advance are well prepared, and even in this turmoil, fishing in troubled waters has gained a lot of benefits.

There is nothing happening at Double Star, but the people at Double Star are not so calm.

In the morning, a group of directors and the vice chairman had already arrived at the Double Star Building and blocked the door of the chairman's office.

A few small secretaries desperately stopped them, otherwise, these people would immediately rush in like a mob.

"Let Jin Xianyu come out and explain to us what is going on now!"

"That's right, now so many media are waiting to see our jokes, he, as the chairman, doesn't even show his attitude."

It seemed that he couldn't stand the clamor of the crowd outside. Jin Xianyu yawned and walked out in pajamas.

He rubbed his hazy eyes and looked at these menacing people.

"What do you want to do so early in the morning?"

As he said, he yawned a few more times, and it seemed that he was very sleepy.

"You still have time to sleep? You don't know about the Ministry of Finance, right? They even exposed our contract with them!"

"At this time, your eyebrows are on fire, you still look so indifferent!"

The more they looked at Jin Xianyu like this, these people became more angry.

"What are you anxious about? What does this matter have to do with us? We didn't pay back the trillion yuan long ago, and we didn't borrow this money on our own initiative. The Ministry of Finance forced us to take it. They can collect interest. Take 10,000 steps and say, this thing is not my Jin Xianyu."

At this remark, all the people present were speechless.

Indeed, speaking on this level, it seems that there is really nothing to do with Jin Xianyu himself.

"But this is also a very terrible scandal for our company!"

The vice-chairmen are still a bit reluctant.

"The scandal? This is a very easy solution. You go out for a press conference, propose an apology, and apologize before the Ministry of Finance has said anything. Then the people will forgive us." Jin Xianyu was very relaxed. He said the solution, as if he had never worried about this matter.

Several vice-chairmen wanted to say something. Originally, they wanted to use this matter to get Jin Xianyu down, but they didn't expect that he would have been prepared.

Now I don’t use any of the excuses I wanted to use before. Seeing the group of people walking away, Jin Xianyu sneered, and closed the door and went back to sleep.

Soon, Double Star Company held a press conference in accordance with Jin Xianyu's request. All the leaders at the top were blatantly bitter, and basically blamed all the responsibilities on the requirements of the Ministry of Finance and the requirements of the previous chairman Li Zerong.

Anyway, the time this contract was signed was basically a year ago, and the current position is Jin Hyun Woo who has just been on the job, and indeed has nothing to do with him.

The people from the Ministry of Finance who had always been tough and didn't change their words suddenly heard the news, but never thought that Double Star had not concealed it at all, and recruited everything.

At this time, they have nothing to push back.

Starting with the Chancellor of Finance, almost all the leaders of the Ministry of Finance resigned.

In this way, in exchange for them not to be prosecuted, to some extent it is more profitable.

At the beginning of all this, Yan'er could finally watch her father stay at home at this time.

Everything in life returned to the way it was before.