Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 277: Apocalypse shoots the vassal king, don't

  Chapter 277 Apocalypse shoots the prince, don't think I don't know what you are thinking!

  As soon as Zhang Gui spoke, he ordered: "The guard of the imperial guards, the chief Qi Panzong!"

   Qi Panzong, who has been on duty in the Hall of Qinzheng, walked over with a knife: "The humble job is here!"

Zhang Gui ordered: "There is a traitor Zhu Yifu (King Qin) who took advantage of the emperor's health and conspired against him. He even outrageously wanted to murder the Duke of Sui, who was in charge of the imperial guards in the capital. It’s so easy to reserve a place! Immediately detain him!”


   After Qi Panzong finished speaking, he kicked the King of Qin flying, and then the King of Qin fell firmly to the ground, falling out of two teeth on the spot, and his mouth was full of blood.

  The King of Qin was furious, and said: "Zhang Gui, you are talking nonsense. Gu just hit you by mistake, not to kill you, and not to plot to save you after you are killed!"

  King De also saw this and couldn't help saying: "Yes! Uncle Guo, isn't this a bit too much?"


Zhang Gui pulled out Qi Panzong's long saber, and said, "My lord did not make a big deal out of a molehill! At this extraordinary time, any extraordinary behavior is worthy of vigilance! My lord will never allow anyone to have the idea of ​​disrupting the court at this time! Nor can the vassal king! Besides, the vassal king's discussion of politics is already a transgression, and it is suspected of conspiracy!"

   "So, how can the country's public allow this to happen?!"


  As Zhang Gui said, he raised the long knife in his hand and directly stabbed King Qin's back.


   King Qin screamed, and said: "Zhang Gui! Gu just slapped you, but you planted Gu in this way. If you do this, you won't be afraid that your Zhang family will be wiped out in the future?!"

Zhang Guidao: "Your Majesty is the number one sage king of all time, and the queen is the number one virtuous queen of all time. If there is really a foolish king in future generations who really wants to destroy my Zhang family because of the king who killed you as a rebellious minister, then this king will be punished by heaven! Unless, don't you think Your Majesty is the number one sage, and the queen is the number one empress, so they should not be the protection of the heavens!"

  The king of Qin did not expect that Zhang Gui would directly threaten the king of future generations.

  For a while, he had no choice but to say: "No matter what, Gu is also a nobleman, you are just a servant of my Zhu family, you can't kill Gu at will!"

Zhang Gui directly stabbed at him again, causing King Qin's back to bleed on the spot, and said: "Your Majesty has a decree, Tianhuang nobles who commit treason will also be killed without pardon! You attack the emperor's close ministers, especially at this time, Undoubtedly complicit."

   As he said that, Zhang Gui said, "Should be stabbed again by the Lord of the country, traitor!"

   "Don't, spare me!"

   "I'm alone, Uncle Guo!"


   Zhang Gui immediately stabbed King Qin's back again.

   Immediately, another knife.

   Then, it came again.

  Finally, King Qin lost his breath.

   King De and others were shocked, angry, and afraid when they saw this.

  They didn't expect Zhang Gui to be so ruthless.

  Chen Zizhuang and other ministers were also very surprised because of this, they all thought that Zhang Gui would bear it.

  So, Chen Zizhuang couldn't help asking Han Yan and Yuan Keli: "Why did Uncle Guo do this?"

   "Naturally, it is because the great position can be successfully passed on to the East Palace. Let the world see his uncle Zhang Guo's attitude. Because at this time, a little bit of soft-heartedness may lead to the failure of the great apocalypse reform that was finally launched!"

  Yuan Keli replied.

Han Yu said: "That's right. Uncle Guo is also doing this for you and me, saying that he would rather not have a prince than make a wrong choice that would cause his nephew to lose his position. At the same time, he would not make a A relative that the clan likes! Whether it is your majesty today or your future majesty, in fact, a domineering relative is better than a respectful and benevolent relative, especially when this relative is still powerful."

  Chen Zizhuang nodded after hearing this: "I see."


"This Zhang Gui is simply too deceitful! Although King Qin took the initiative to persuade him to support King Xin's ascension to the throne, in fact, this is what we all meant. He even gave him the king of the county, and promised not to abolish the New Deal and retain his current power. Use Everyone wants to be more powerful, and even calls him lonely and outnumbered to make him submit, and only wait for the new king to ascend the throne in the future, and the raw rice is cooked for cooking, and then slowly clean up him and his accomplices."

"But who knows, this Zhang Gui is unmoved at all. The king doesn't even want it. He insists on ensuring that his nephew will succeed to the throne! He even killed the king of Qin arrogantly. People from my Zhu family, he kills like this at will, and if things go on like this, Are our Zhu family still the masters of this world?!"

  After returning to the Shiwang Mansion, where the vassal king lived in Beijing, King Heng immediately slapped the table and complained because of Zhang Gui's killing of King Qin.

"That's right! Uncle Zhang Guo is really confusing. Even if Wang Mang is reborn, before usurping the throne, he should treat the clan courteously, let alone slap him, or break his leg. He should also Forbearance. After all, this world still belongs to the Zhu family, as a servant of the Zhu family, he is a dog of my Zhu family, so he should have the consciousness to be a dog!"

   King Jing also followed suit.

King De also said at this time: "That's true. However, if you really have to wait for the crown prince to ascend the throne, he is the uncle of the prince and his family is the mother of the prince. The prince and the future kings must not destroy the Zhang family. What's more, Zhang Gui himself has already made a conclusion that the king of future generations who dare to destroy the Zhang family is a foolish king and will be punished by heaven. Thinking about Zhang Gui's scourge, he will end well in the future, it is really hard to swallow this breath!"

   "So the crown prince cannot be allowed to ascend the throne!"

   King Jin also said something at this time, and suggested: "It is better to use another method we thought of before to change this result."

  King Heng also nodded and said: "That's the only way. Fortunately, we have made preparations about what to do if Zhang Gui does not agree to do so. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do now."

   King Jing said after hearing this: "It is not appropriate to procrastinate for a long time. Why don't we use the excuse of inquiring about the Eucharist tomorrow to see His Majesty!"

  So, early the next morning, these four kings went to the palace again to ask Tianqi.

   Tianqi agreed.

  Because Tianqi is currently sick and needs to be quiet, no one is left beside the couch. The waiters only come to serve at regular intervals, and only those who visit will have the opportunity to stay with Tianqi for a certain period of time.

  These four vassals intend to take this opportunity to threaten Zhu Youxiao.

  At this time, as soon as King Heng and the other four kings saw the apocalypse, King Heng first bowed to the ground and said: "Your Majesty! I ask you to issue an edict to King Xin!"

  After hearing this, Tian Qi was stunned for a while, then shook his head and said, "I have a prince, how can I pass it on to my younger brother!"

   King Jing said: "Your Majesty, this is the meaning of all the clan and subjects in the world, you must agree!"

  Tian Qi stretched out his hand, pointing at these princes: "Are you threatening me?"

At this time, King Jin even rushed up while there was no one around, grabbed Tianqi, forbade Tianqi to call out, and gritted his teeth: "Your Majesty! If you don't agree, we can only strangle you to death, and then say that you have already come down!" Speak to King Lixin!"

   Tian Qi coughed, and then took out the imperial decree prepared earlier from under the pillow: "You have won, see for yourself."

  King Heng was overjoyed to see it, and hurriedly picked up the imperial decree on the ground.

   King Jing also looked over and asked, "But the established King Xin?"

   "No! It's an edict left to the prince! It is said that the prince is smart and wise, and can inherit the great rule!"

  King Heng looked at Tian Qi while speaking: "This tyrant lied to us!"

   King Jin was also furious when he heard this, and gritted his teeth again, looking at Tian Qi: "How dare you lie to us!"



   King Jin suddenly screamed, holding his loosened right arm.

At this moment, Tian Qi sat up with a pistol, peeled off the white skin that was as thin as a cicada's wing, and said with a sneer: "I know that you have repeatedly asked me if the Holy Body is safe, and you have no good intentions! Don't think that, I don't know what's behind your solicitous inquiries about my health!"

  (end of this chapter)