Mini-Games to Save the World

v1 Chapter 94: Worldless

"Turn Your Knife: The enemy is behind you, quickly attack the parry, and adjust your posture to face the enemy."

"Cut next to yourselves: Keep close to your enemies, wave your sword quickly, and go around behind you, unexpectedly."

Two skills, one attack directly, the key is to go around. One trick is to defend against attack techniques and deal with enemies in blind spots.

When Lu Fan saw these two skills, he just flipped through them briefly, and he came up with learning tips.

The ability acquired is only elementary, and he needs to keep practicing, that is, he needs to master his skills.

This kind of ability is different from the technique. It is only a method of controlling the body and weapons. It does not require much understanding, and more importantly, practice makes perfect.

I put down the book and Lu Fan said, "Okay, let's go."

Liu De comforted: "It doesn't matter if you can't learn. People who come here start from the beginning, don't be discouraged."

"No, I will."

"It's okay--" Liu De said, "Will you?"

"Yes, when will we have a mission?"

"You really do?" Liu De wondered.

"Do you want me to do two tricks?"

Liu De stared at him, then smiled: "No, let's report to the supervisor now."

Along the way, Lu Fan didn't see many people.

Whether day or night, most people perform tasks outside.

有人 Only when supplies need to be repaired, will someone come back here.

两个 The two newcomers have no leisure time, and there are no idlers in the patrol.

The first night.

Brand New Weapons * 1, Strong Costume * 1, Token * 1, Gunpowder Flare * 1.

Lu Fan and Liu De are preparing to take over the previous team and patrol the county.

Game time went into the night, Lu Fan looked down at the window, and the sky outside was completely dark.

Ancient nights are not as lively as they are now, and basically no one is walking in the county seat.

Nightlife in Lieyang is also reduced now, and people still like to stay in the house at night.

"Responsible for the south of the city today, the cooperation between us is not close, we need to be careful today."

"Are there accidents?"

"Unsafe in the county recently-no, it's not safe in this area recently, demons appear more often than ever."


Liu De looked up, looked at him for a while, and asked earnestly: "Do you think there is a **** in this world?"

"Don't you say no?"

"No, at least the saints said that there are no gods in the world, and some are just powerful demons. Some of them are wise and call themselves gods. There are all kinds of beautiful myths and stories in the world. It is just our fantasy. The existence of such a group of gods can help us, but it also gives people hope and encourages people not to give up resistance. "

"and so?"

"I said, some demons are wise, very smart, so smart that we can't easily destroy them. Yangxian is next to the river. There is a demon in the river. We call it the Qinglong King. It is the **** of water in this area. You have to You know, the demon can sometimes cooperate. In the past, neither of us has resolved the other ’s power, so we have always cooperated with it. We give it livestock as food, and it does not actively harm the soil and water on this side. "

Wu Lufan asked, "Then it violates cooperation?"

"Well, maybe talent is the most delicious food for demons."

"There is only one, how often?"

这 "This is the problem. The nearby demons have a tendency to unite. They are forming a group and are now slowly penetrating into us. The purpose is self-evident."

I am not afraid that the hooligan will fight, I am afraid that the hooligan has culture.

Lu Fan thought that the demon and the ghost were all acting alone, and could even cooperate.

I think about it carefully, his view on the demon has not been determined.

The ghost is changed by the death of the creature, and the demon is also a creature.

Both of them can be counted as another intelligent race.

同时 At the same time, they have a common enemy-human beings.

Human civilization exists for a limited time, but the number of years that monsters exist is unknown.

What happens when two civilizations that absolutely cannot live in harmony find each other.

Liu De continued: "Upstream flooding, that is the signal that it officially declared war on us, and other demons also took the opportunity to attack here."

"Are we strong enough?"

德 Liu De looked up at the tall buildings in the distance: "It's almost enough. Now we just need to protect the town."

At this moment he turned to look at the door, his face doubting: "Why haven't they come back yet? It's time to transfer."

"What happened?"

德 Liu De frowned: "We should also fire a signal flare in case of an accident. We are not waiting. Let's go over and see first."

"it is good."

Uh ...

Tancheng South.

The fire light from the lanterns on the roadside illuminated every corner of the street.

Lu Fan rushed here, and still didn't see anyone from the last patrol along the way.

德 Liu De's face gradually became gloomy, this is probably an accident.

He cautiously said: "If they also have an accident, the things they encounter must be very troublesome. It is not something we can deal with. First determine the whereabouts and then tell the other—"

His words were not finished, Lu Fan had already ran away from the alley.

When he finished this operation, daylily was cold.

I wonder if it is because of the passive reason that Lu Fan can see the despair in the air.

The kind of dying, strong desire to survive.

他 When he came here, he saw a similar smell stained on the walls of surrounding houses, like arrow signs, and led him all the way to an abandoned courtyard.

The cypress wooden door was hidden, and through the fine slits, you could see the wooden furniture and the dried flowers and plants that were scattered on the ground.


Gently pushed away, the eyes were confused.

The red blood dripped from the ground, all the way to the dark room.

There was silence all around, and the nearby residents had gone to sleep.

Lu Lufan glanced around and found nothing, including human bodies.

The desperate breath is diminishing and disappearing, indicating that the other party is dead, and the dead will not be desperate.

I walked straight in, and Lu Fan looked around. This must be here.

The blood on the ground suddenly disappeared in the back room, as if the injured target suddenly stopped bleeding.

Lu Fan looked at the dim space inside the room and suddenly looked up.

As soon as he stared, the blade had already shot.


A sharp blade screamed and echoed, and saw a pair of sharp sharp claws slamming out, the long sword struck across his chest, and quickly parried.

Juli let the body move for a while, and then took two steps back.

At this time, the monster fell to the ground, and its black body was integrated with the environment. Only the sharp claws that ticked the blood reflected the silver light, which was very obvious.

It hurts!

Lu Fan saw that his footsteps were a bit unstable, sprinting, and then made a close cut that he had just learned.

The sword light flickered, and the sound of collision echoed in the silent abandoned house ~ ~ The monster was so powerful that Lu Fan saw that the character was constantly retreating. If it was not for the blade to block the attack, he would have been defeated.

"Step aside!"

Liu De's voice suddenly sounded, Lu Fan decisively stopped attacking, and ran to the side instantly.


At the moment when he blinked, a bright fire blew inside the room.

As I glanced at it, a fire snake flickered through the air, struck a dozen meters away in an instant, and bombarded the monster.

With a single blow, Liu De paused slightly.

Lu Fan saw the demon appear stiff, seized the opportunity and rushed forward, waving his sword sharply at its head.


The sharp blade fell into its flesh, and a skull rolled on the ground twice, leaving a pair of startled eyes.


德 Liu De was panting, his chest was constantly undulating, it seems that the fire snake just consumed is not low.

Lu Lufan said, "I'm not sure if there are any other monsters around."

"No, only this one."



"Just do it."

Lu Fan didn't ask any more. He looked at Fang Liang and saw a broken human body.

"Only one person, the other may have been eaten."

Liu De wondered: "How do you know it is here?"

"See, shouldn't you report it now?"

"I'll go now."

外 Outside the house.

"咻!" The long beep of the flare echoed in the yard.

Lu Fan looked at the corpse of the demon on the ground, a weak demon, he did not get the reward of blood crystals.

"Because it died in ancient times? Or just give it to me when this level is settled?"