Mini-Games to Save the World

v2 Chapter 154: Scramble

Lu Fan almost thought he had come to the story of the rise of Gorilla.

Did he choose the wrong script? Isn't this an abnormal recovery stream?

The old monkey continued: "We are uniting all forces, and gorillas are also mobilizing forces. It is not known what they will do, but it will definitely have a huge negative impact."

"What about gorillas? Very clever? Just like a biped?"

The old monkey looked at him deeply: "Yes, its wisdom is no different from that of the two-legged beast, and it has also promoted the wisdom of other animals."

"How did it happen?" Lu Fan wondered.

"That's what we don't understand and why we can't match them now."

The old monkey bowed his head and remained silent for a moment, then regained his spirit: "How would you choose? Would you like to live leisurely, or contribute to our current home, or join the gorilla team?"

Lu Fan thought for a while: "I saw a lot of other animals here before, and they all decided to fight gorillas with you?"

"Yes, they all decided to join the rebel team."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Of course it is investigating the source of the gorillas' wisdom and stopping them from disrupting here at critical moments."

Lu Fan looked at the old monkey, he knew the truth.

The reason for this and the circumstances that will happen are not difficult to understand according to the common routine, but once there is an abnormal mix in it, things will change.

Also, what is the exception?

Excluding that some animals are anthropomorphized by mini-games, there are really animals that have wisdom here.

One reason why demons and ghosts can be enemies is because they both possess wisdom.

So the anomaly here is these intelligent animals?

In this way, all the animals here may be abnormal and need him to solve.

The old monkey in front of me, the gorilla who has not yet seen ...

Or the goal of the level is the source of wisdom of the animals!

In short, before identifying the specific anomaly, everything in front of him needs to be explored by himself.

What the old monkey said can only be used as a reference, after all, it is not human, and Lu Fan cannot determine what the specific purpose is.

He asked again, "Do you divide the sphere of influence?"

"Well, with the lake in the middle as the boundary, that area is even the area controlled by the gorilla."

Lu Fan looked from the top of the tree, his gaze crossed the layers of forest, and in the rippling lake, several swans were swimming slowly.

In the distant forest, all kinds of animals emerge endlessly.

Zebra, giraffe ...

Lu Fan imagined the scene of animal riots in the city.

The impact of ordinary animals will not be very serious, so they are worried about the abnormal appearance.

"Did you decide?" The old monkey looked forward.

"How can I help you?"

"Your wisdom is the greatest help." The old monkey may have noticed his hesitation and said, "We will have a party at night. If you think about it, you can come here directly."


At this moment, he heard a shout.

The breeder was feeding the animals again, causing a moment of confusion.

The old monkey in front of him caught a tree branch and leapt down, disappearing directly in front of him.

Lu Fan looked at their sprinting figures and shook his head helplessly.

Even with wisdom, food is something they cannot resist.

look around.

Lu Fan glanced at the sky.

The speed of time is still different from reality.

He looked at the opposite lake again, and Lu Fan planned to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment first.


"Well, isn't this a little panda? Why are you free to come here today?"

Roadside, corners.

Lu Fan was standing on the railing and looking at the map on the bulletin board. He judged that it was indeed a zoo in Lieyang City through the map.

I just noted the location of all the animals in the area, and a squeaking sound came from my ear.

Glancing around, he saw the yellow mouse in the dark under the tree, licking his paw, and watching him with a smile.

After anthropomorphization, the expressions of the animals are particularly obvious.

Lu Fan glanced at it, and was about to leave. He suddenly stopped and asked:

"Do you know that there are two forces here?"

There are definitely no rats in the zoo.

These shouting creatures are scurrying around, have a large range of activities, move quickly, and are good at hiding. They should know a lot.

"Is this asking me?" Asked the mouse, "I don't have free information here."

"what would you like?"

"Apple! Fresh apple!" The mouse immediately replied.

"Now, or you come to me at night, I will bring you."

"Yes, your little panda's name is still worthy of my trust." The mouse was very happy. "This is the first time other animals are willing to communicate with me."

Lu Fan smiled slightly.

The treatment of sitting and wearing beasts is really different.

"Then tell me."

Lu Fan crossed the railing and walked under the tree.


The mouse hid in a tree hole and cleared his throat.

It stood up, put on a very clever posture of Lao Tzu, lowered his voice, and sold miserably: "I tell you, I have lived here for two months. In order to survive, I have eaten rotten apples. I ’ve slept in a dark and humid burrow, rained, and crossed mountains, and I do n’t know the environment better than I do. "

Lu Fan agreed with his tone: "Uh-huh."

"It used to be okay, the bipeds would feed other animals. I picked up some debris, and my life was quite acceptable, but recently I do n’t know when it will start, and I ca n’t live there by the lake-no, it should be the past I will be driven away ~ ~ That gorilla is so good, I can be found hiding in the hole, and it also allows me to join them. I wonder if that is not life? I am so free and want to Why not be bound when you leave? "

Lu Fan interrupted it: "Wait, it can see you in the cave?"

"Yes, they have good eyes and don't know what they grew up with."

perspective? Or perception?

"Go on."

"Then, I came to this side. Although there was a monkey here, at least I was not forced to do anything, but sometimes the animals from the orangutan came over."

"None of the two-footed animals here have noticed any abnormal changes?"

"The two-legged beast has known to play with one thing all day.

"What about food?"

"None of them. They are very secretive. What else do you want to know?"

"How does the orangutan get smarter?"

"I know a little about this. This is what my distant cousin told me. At the center of their influence, it seems that there is something to eat to become smarter, but I have never been able to find out what it is."

Lu Fan frowned slightly, and there was a treasure in the zoo?

I asked a few other things briefly, and Lu Fan agreed to its apple at night.

"Yes, what's your name?"


Lu Fan watched it dumbly, did he enter the cat and mouse crew again?

and many more!

It just said distant cousin? Wouldn't it be the Hercules rat?

Lu Fan instantly changed his strategy: "Do you want to eat something better?"

The windmill's eyes light up: "What else do you want to know?"

"You help me find the news."

"Is it dangerous?"

"Rest assured, it won't, you can quit at any time if there is danger."

"it is good."