Mini-Games to Save the World

v2 Chapter 245: Before the sun rises

, The fastest updated mini game to save the world's latest chapter!

"Jinwu" is doomed to rise, and no one can stop it from starting.

Elites from all over the place are gathered here, and senior talents are busy working everywhere.

The specific planning process has already been formulated, so wait for a suitable time to let this big guy fly to the sky.

They expected that within these three or five days, and no later than a week, they would start the instrument at the hottest time of the year.

Close to the rocket, you can clearly feel that the surrounding temperature has increased significantly, and it is completely different from the recent cool weather, as if you are back to the familiar summer.

The closer this feeling is, the stronger it is, because there is a hot core inside the rocket. It is one foot in size, made of materials like bones, looks like a big bird, and spreads its wings, but because it is wrapped by a rocket shell made of special materials from the outside. Live, limiting its effectiveness.

Ancient foreign objects excavated by Xia Guo from a site.

Because of its existence here, coupled with the principle of non-interference of anomalies, there will be no other anomalous events within dozens of miles, and they can safely focus on their eyes.

At this time, a patrol around the base stopped in front of a decaying ancient tree.

The trees are dark like coke, but there is no trace of flame burning. From the bottom to the top, the color is slightly faded. At the top, one or two green leaves that are not to wither can be seen. It feels like the vitality of the tree is being slowly deprived. Until death.

Except for this tree, everything around is normal, and the patrol here has shown that this is an anomaly.

Combined with the principle of abnormal independence, its decay can only be related to the base itself.

The captain moved his hands away from the trunk, his brows became more and more compact.

"Report to your superior."

The accident happened unsurprisingly, but their tense mood finally relieved.

You are not afraid of accidents, you are afraid to avoid accidents, and problems occur early, so you can find solutions earlier.

The report quickly passed to the headquarters. Upon hearing the news, everyone basically did not show more emotions. According to the long-established plan, they proceeded in an orderly manner.

The trees were cut and brought back to the laboratory, and patrols intensified their patrols.

When he heard the news, Zhou Guosheng was taking the representatives of various countries to check the preparations of the rocket, and he said to others, he also hurried to the laboratory.

Upon arrival, the researchers had analyzed the trees for a while and obtained some information.

"It looks like a trace of burning, but the attributes are cold and cold. Now the ground here is higher because of 'Jinwu', and this phenomenon is similar to the original discovery of Jinwu."

Researchers looked at two similar "charcoals", one from a tree just before, and one from a darker site from a previous site. The two are essentially similar. The difference is that the first one is more "fresh" and has more observables. Attributes.

"Jinwu should have been in the sky. Landing will cause the destruction of life. The time of the rocket launch can be further determined."

For whatever reason, this foreign body should be sent to heaven, the difference is whether it has played a beneficial role to humanity.

At this time, the researcher was silent for a moment, as if sorting out ideas.

"This is not a big problem. At present, Jinwu's ability is limited by the metal shell of the rocket, and its impact on the surrounding environment is limited. Otherwise, the first accident will not happen until now. But judging by the attributes of this new charcoal, we are almost Everyone agrees that there will be a second anomaly. "

The previous site ... Zhou Guosheng was not directly involved in the handling of the anomaly, but his deputy director must review all the anomalous events and understand as much as he experienced.

Jinwu fell to the ground, which is a trace of ancient people to pit alien monsters. But even if he has died, Jinwu will still cause a series of disasters.

First, the high temperature of the flames, and then the barren land, these phenomena can be intuitively understood through the environment. The only thing worth paying attention to is the shadow that may be hidden behind the hot fire.

The fiercer it burns, the colder it goes.

Before the sun rises, darkness will envelope the earth.

When Jinwu was dug before, they were still doubtful about the potential coldness, but at this moment, Zhou Guosheng's mind flashed a thought.

An extremely coincidental event.


The butterfly fluttered its wings and could even cause a severe storm.

The connection is universal, and now that the conditions are in place, the connection between the two things is closer.

Even if the relationship between the two cannot be fully determined, this is not the time to relax.

The capital's order soon went to various provinces and cities, so that the Pudu incident had a tendency to become a "big incident."

The previous major incidents have had a considerable impact, and the mortality rate is also extremely high. This is a type of event that ordinary people are less affected but those who are capable are particularly worried.

Just the other way around today, many people have been directly affected by the incidents of the Yin soldiers in various places. The temporary resettlement offices are almost full, and all kinds of mental ability who are responsible for hypnosis are the busiest.

And many people have found a strange place at this time, that is, according to the current statistics, no one has been found dead.

Unusually immortal, that ’s really a rare event. I ’m afraid it ’s approaching before the storm. When a big wave comes afterwards, all of them will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Beijing's order made their heart strings more tense, and all details were repeatedly observed to try to be meticulous.

"Have you found the trace of that unknown ability?"

"No, I asked that girl many times, and there wasn't enough information."

On the Shu Road, the dense fog filled the entire mountain forest into a haze.

In the past ~ ~ This can be said to be immortal and desirable. But at this moment they looked at the blockade, only nervous and scared in their hearts.

No one is not afraid of anomalies, especially those who are capable of going through many incidents, and they know how sudden death is.

"Don't you find it strange?" Someone said.

"what happened?"

"The bureau said that these are the same anomalies. They occur in different places. Why are the people with abilities related to the ancients? The mental patient of Chang'an is" the emperor "," Li Bai "of Shu land, and" walking monk "of Dongting Lake Spring City doesn't know who it is, but it's the same if you can't think of it, and the symbol thirty-five, does anyone understand what it means? "

"You have so many questions, don't you want to analyze the department? We can just wait for the news when we go out."

"That's not right. Thinking more will always live longer."

"Probably ... it's all dead."

They were all dead, and what appeared now was only the remnants of power.