Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 184: fire up the hill

  Chapter 184 Fired on the mountain

  When An Feng was working in San Jose, the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis was also looking for high-quality and cheap equipment according to his advice. An Feng's request is very simple - enjoyable. He doesn't care how advanced or powerful the weapon is, the only thing is that the US dollars are thrown in, and the shells sound loud when they are fired.

Finally, after negotiation, the seller chose China. China’s foreign trade equipment is famous for its high quality and low price, such as tanks. The foreign trade type 85 tanks can be compared with the third generation tanks, but the price is only half of them or even lower; the tungsten alloy for filling The Type 96 tank with armor-piercing bombs can penetrate the depleted uranium armor of M1A1, except that its own protection ability is a bit weak...but even the so-called "impenetrable" M1A2 was abused by landmines and anti-tank missiles in Iraq. So thick armor is sometimes not necessarily better than running fast.

  The two countries have just established diplomatic relations, and it is easy to discuss some things. St. is also refreshing. In recent years, international arms sales, especially to Asian and African countries, have been particularly difficult to pay. The most classic is Russia. It is estimated that the more than 100 billion bad debts sold to Iraq in the former Soviet Union era cannot be recovered. came back.

China also has this kind of thing. African countries are poor. If you sell it to him, he may not be able to pay it back when he sells it. But now it is different. Sheng has the support of local tyrants. There is no need for credit or cash on delivery. Ten million U.S. dollars will be given to you first, and your country can decide what to give.

  An Feng is very aware of this point. Although 10 million yuan is not much, it is definitely not much at the exchange rate of 60 million yuan. Norinco sold hundreds of millions of arms to Africa, and it may not be able to recover the money within a year or two. So cash payment is very popular, and because of Sheng's big belly, they also showed the demeanor of a big country.

   That is, the issue of price is second, and the main thing is to make friends.

   What An Feng pays attention to is ammunition. A hundred guns only have a hundred bullets, which is definitely not as good as a gun with a hundred bullets. This is the reason why China sold them two Type 85-3 tanks, which are a small amount of foreign trade stocks. There is also a Type 96 tank that is the same as the Type 85. The Type 96 is more advanced and is known as the "quasi third generation". There are two WMZ551B wheeled armored transport vehicles, which are amphibious, and they can also play cross-sea landing operations on islands in the future... An Feng said that he plans to use St. Kitts Island as a gathering place for "WarGames".

   These five armored vehicles cost only 3.5 million US dollars. In the United States, I am afraid that they can barely buy an M1A1. If the five armored vehicles are lined up in a row to bombard the M1A1, the winner must be the one with the largest number. In the other account, 4 million is used to buy ammunition, and the rest is used as transportation costs or... site fees.

  An Feng pretended not to see it. After all, if he wanted to have fun, he couldn’t do without a venue. He feels that ammunition is the most affordable. There has been no war in China for a long time, and the backlog of ammunition is very serious. A lot of ammunition is destroyed every year. Destruction refers to detonation, not shooting.

   It can be seen that An Feng bought ammunition here to help them clean up their inventory.

  However, due to the long distance, the goods cannot be transported by transport plane, and only freight ships can be arranged, which still needs to wait for some time. During this period, Sang Qi marked out a part of the island as a military shooting area. In fact, there are people living along the coast, and there are no ghosts in the interior.

When An Feng was researching and developing exoskeletons, and being romantic with his wife, the freighter slowly set off. It had to go around a long distance to reach Central America, so it had more ammunition than equipment, and it saved half a year of playing with it. It is too inconvenient to wait foolishly for delivery without stock.


  After more than a month, in early April, An Feng was notified that the goods had arrived.

  NORINCO also sent a few technicians, of course, by plane, and all the expenses for the whole process were borne by the official—in fact, An Feng, the official’s largest donor at present, was responsible. Considering Aegis Security's PMC plan, An Feng also sent a study group.

  If the business goes to South America and Africa in the future, how can PMC not be familiar with Soviet-style and Chinese-style equipment!

  Gurit brought a team of elites there to learn from the comrades who came from far away in China... Before An Feng left, he just wanted to have fun, not to be a soldier, and GP company had something to deal with recently. After the North American Electronics Show, GP has detonated the technology world.

Just relying on graphene chips to make computers jump a hundred times into the ultra-high-speed era, this sensational effect is unimaginable. All advanced countries are doing everything possible to obtain technology or samples, even if they pay high prices. Even the US government They are all staring at it.

However, even if the samples are given to them, it will be difficult to develop them without the support of the next-generation theory; even if they are developed, the cost will remain high-this aspect is far inferior to GP, which is about to mass-produce and push graphene technology to the world. company, and GP Electronics under construction.

According to the recent situation reported by Eve, just like the stock market has experienced a sharp rise, the current original stock can at least increase by more than 45 times, and it has become a sweet bun that many giants in the electronics industry are vying for. However, the company's top management is still planning to engage in marketing. Not the end result they wanted.

  An Feng knows exactly where the next breaking point is - a new architecture with strong compatibility. As long as it comes out, it can be backward compatible with other architectures and is more flexible, whether it is a microcomputer or other types, it will not be able to stop the torrent of next-generation technology.

  After reviewing the matter, An Feng finally had time to fly to St. Kitts Island by special plane.

  Landing at the only airport on the island, with the sunglasses on the nose, combined with the uniform of the army, it seems that he is about to become an African warlord. It is not surprising that there are too many black people present, which can easily cause this feeling. It was Gu Li who drove to pick him up. He didn't plan to go to the hotel, so he went to see the venue first.

Gu Li was driving an old Toyota pickup. Not only did this guy frequently appear as an armed pickup in the Middle East and Africa, but he also followed him everywhere in the Eastern Caribbean. Let’s go, the learning ability of black people is very bad, but the elites I brought mastered it easily, mainly because Chinese is too difficult to understand, otherwise it would be faster.”

  An Feng thinks that in the 21st century, for at least 30 to 40 years, the most suitable weapon for blacks is a two-piece set of golden partners: AK-47 with a smooth bore and RPG-7 with smooth paint. Other more complex weapons... I'm afraid they won't work well. For the blacks who shoot for the sake of making a sound, if you are serious, you will lose.

  So An Feng was able to experience Guli's anger during this period.

However, there is something he is satisfied with: "In addition to the local army, I have changed three batches of training teams to let them adapt to armored vehicles and a more realistic battlefield environment. Most of them are veterans. Their skills have not been dropped, and their performance is perfect. If PMCs are to be developed, they are elites."

An Feng said: "Recently, the Arab region is very unstable, and the U.S. military is playing the trick of wearing pants and leaving, so the foreign companies there must need a security team. It is said that those who have done PMC are now undertaking Once the foreign company has signed a contract, we can do it as soon as possible.”

Guli nodded, but he had concerns: "In simple ground military contracting, casualties are inevitable. If one person dies, he will pay a lot of money. Therefore, I suggest strengthening the protection of personnel and making great efforts in this area, so as to save costs in the future. Otherwise, like Like black water, it will be miserable for the company to be fined continuously.”

   "It makes sense." An Feng said, "It's better to temporarily contract security work in some areas with a relatively high stability factor, and then face the world when there is a more suitable plan."

  Guri glanced at him: "It feels like you have a good plan?"

An Feng said: "It's not a plan, it's just an idea, because...you know I recently got a set of exoskeletons, I think it can be equipped on security employees, but the current cost is still high, and it needs to be put into battle If so, stronger bulletproof equipment is needed."

Guri said cautiously: "Although I have never seen an exoskeleton, I have seen your powerful brain. I suggest that you keep a low profile in this regard. The NSA (National Security Agency) will be very happy to come to you with an exoskeleton that can be used by the military. Those who talk, put some restrictions on you, so that you have no place to do business."

The crisis activist said again: "In addition, if you are too high-profile, be careful of being monitored 24 hours a day and followed around the clock. Don't think that the Americans will not, once it involves national defense and military issues, they can do anything. I will give you later Get a wiretapping-proof phone."

  An Feng shrugged: "I know, so I didn't plan to push it to the market at all. I just used it in small batches for my own use. My final idea of ​​​​developing an exoskeleton is a robot."

  Guri shook his head: "I can't understand the world of scientists at all."

  An Feng smiled: "But I may need a group of volunteers to test the exoskeleton. Battlefield experience is also a good solution, what do you think?"

  Guri said: "Including me, I also want to try a machine that can strengthen people several times. In addition, I will help you select some honest volunteers who can keep secret."

   "That's the reason, thank you, buddy!"

After driving for about ten minutes, I swayed along the dilapidated dirt road to the military area. There were dense forests along the way. After a few minutes, it suddenly became clear: a large flat area, pressed out by armored vehicles The land, surrounded by green trees, is very secluded.

   This is actually the army base of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. The current number of the army is estimated to be around... 90 people, a platoon level.

  There are two machine guns at the gate of the camp, condescending, with a wide field of fire. It is estimated that these plans were brought by Gu Li, and the blacks could not have thought of so much. When passing through the gate, Gu Li's face was the best pass. He rolled down the window, and the black man with the AK47 saluted An Feng before letting him pass.

  An Feng asked: "Why do you salute me?"

  Guri smiled: "Because we recently signed a military and police training agreement with the local military for 500,000 US dollars, so in principle we are all officers."

  An Feng admired: "I really didn't expect you to be able to do business here."

  After getting out of the car, the military boots were stepping on yellow mud. After walking a few steps, the shoes and pants were killed. Fortunately, I was wise on the plane and didn’t wear a suit.

  Walking to a wooden house in the camp, surrounded by several white men in uniforms who were resting, smoking and chatting, when they saw Gu Li walking, they all greeted with smiles, and the relationship seemed to be very good. Gu Li introduced: "This is our boss Ann, the person and sponsor of the project!"

An Feng greeted the soldiers, and then looked at the equipment on the field, three green and yellow painted tanks and two jungle green wheeled transport vehicles, this time they were genuine, capable of rushing up slopes and firing cannons... An Feng With a big wave of his hand: "Gentlemen! Let's fire a few shots at the top of the mountain first!"

  Guri Khan: "That's a volcano, BOSS!"


  PS: This chapter was uploaded with a mobile phone, which means that the author is disconnected from the Internet, and the bird is over...

  (end of this chapter)