Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 192: come to light

  Chapter 192 The truth comes out

  With the most suspicious Larry ruled out, things are at an impasse again.

The investigation team has completed the investigation of the employees, and almost everyone is suspected, but the suspicions are big or small... Jeff filters the appearance of each person in his mind, years of memory training, he can remember in a very short time A person's characteristics and set a preliminary judgment.

   It has been two days since they took over the case, the longer it drags on, the easier it is for things to change hands, I am afraid that next time it will not be in the United States, but around the world. Jeff has dealt with this kind of people for many years, and he is very clear about their psychology. Even if they have to go around the world and return to the United States, they will do it just to falsify the source.

  Larry's suspicion cost them a lot of time. Jeff had an intuition that this was the opponent's smoke bomb, which successfully made them wander in the fog.

  When he had an inference in his mind, there was also news from the secret service team.

The police use an advanced recognition system that can accurately recognize license plates and faces. Of course, it is worth a lot of money every time it is used, but it depends on the target. The super rich have spoken. Money is just a string of numbers. He can even Let the police in Santa Clara serve him.

Near the outer wall of the robot company, cameras from other companies were installed, and according to the hours before and after the time of the incident, they focused on screening and finally identified a few suspects, most of whom were minivans, because they had to carry Tools, sedans are clearly inconvenient.

   Among them, a small truck with a common style that appears frequently but does not have a license plate is worth noting. It's one of those street ice cream and donut trucks, very common, but the fact that it doesn't have a license plate is suspicious. It's a pity that there are not enough images, only the back view is captured.

Although Mars of the special service team is good at force, it doesn't mean he has no brains. If you can't see this section of the road, you will spread it around and screen the same model...After comparing the computer database, you finally screened out a car with a license plate The minivan, the color is more or less the same.

  The police immediately checked the license plate number and concluded: "It has stolen the license plate. If there is a car with the same license plate as him, the car is the real one."

  Mars stared at the screen and asked, "Is there a frontal photo of it?"

   "I'll look for it again." The policeman said.

After repeated inquiries, I finally photographed a small section of the front of the car on a turning road section. Through image enlargement, face data was collected and compared with the police database, three people who matched the characteristics were obtained, and then according to their age, work, etc. Information, leaving a Mexican.

   "He is in the downtown area of ​​San Francisco. He usually operates fishery transportation. He has a lot of trucks under his name. The address is here..." The police clicked on a few lines of data on the screen.

  Mars mobile phone received the data, and said to his team members: "Get ready to act."


   After An Feng learned that the secret service team had made a breakthrough, he applauded their efficiency.

  If the police are allowed to do it, this kind of thing may be delayed for a long time. The police in reality in the United States are not like those in the movies. They are all tough agents in suits. Those police officers who are super fat and eat donuts and fast food all day long are very corrupt and bribery, but they have little investigative skills.

  While fast also has unruly reasons, the actions of the two groups crossed the line in many ways, including their illegal monitoring, accessing the police database, carrying rifles with large magazines, etc., but so what? Aegis Security contributes a lot of money, and they have private cooperation with the police-information sharing.

  Security companies work with money, so they are highly efficient, and every time they find a lot of irrelevant crime information—some of which are very important to the police. This relationship has been in the security industry since the beginning, and the police and security companies have always been partners on the surface or in secret.

  After obtaining the other party's information, the secret service team prepared to conduct non-lethal means of arrest. San Francisco is a downtown area, so of course it is not allowed to carry a rifle in and shoot. They generally use stun guns, net guns, or non-lethal weapons such as smoke bombs and tear gas bombs, which are legal and will not harm innocent people.

   While An Feng was waiting for the result, Jeff called.

  Jeff said: "Mr. An, I think we can continue to look for breakthroughs from internal employees. I already have key suspects."

  An Feng said: "Mars' special service team has already acted."

  What he implied was that he found another clue, so that the original trouble would be unnecessary.

   But Jeff disagreed: "Sir, you can't guarantee that everything will go to the end along one line, the opportunity is fleeting."

   "Okay, tell me your inference."

   "I feel that the researcher Jason, who has access to all the codes, is a suspect."

   "Didn't you rule him out last time?" An Feng said, Jason and Donald are both technicians with Hoffman, although they are helpers, they have access to the code.

"I feel that the matter is a smoke bomb. He deliberately pointed the clues to Larry, wasting a lot of our time, and according to my professional judgment, my intuition tells me that there is a difference between his surface and his heart. It is a pity that the tools are not available now, otherwise I will There could be a surprise interrogation of him."

   "Are you sure? There won't be a misunderstanding?" An Feng said cautiously. It would be expensive to doubt people casually, and it would eventually lead to a deadlock in the relationship, let alone cooperation.

  Jeff said: "I can't be sure, but I have a very strong hunch that this time I was almost devolved into a maze."

   "Okay, do it according to your idea, I will let others bear the consequences, be careful not to make too much noise-in the end, don't tell me this is a misunderstanding!"

   "Don't worry, I have a measure." Jeff assured.

  After getting An Feng's permission, Jeff began to concentrate his efforts on Jason. He felt that this guy was really calm, and he played a very good trick. But this is only Jeff's subjective judgment. No one can guarantee what will happen. He just increases the possibility.


  Mars' operation team surrounded the apartment building where the target was located.

There are many Chinese people in this area, and the buildings are all apartment-style buildings next to each other. There is a parking lot below, and the residents upstairs are more complicated. Pistols to avoid conflicts between gangs and them due to misunderstandings.

  They came to the corridor on the fifth floor, and a middle-aged Mexican with a beer belly walked towards him. Seeing a group of black suits approaching, the two mustaches on his lips curled up, and he turned and ran.

  Mars was taken aback, and shouted: "Chase!"

   "Second group, he ran over, stop him!"

A group of people were chasing after him, and Lao Mo was running in front. He knew the terrain very well, and turned left and right to the other side. This guy was about to go down the stairs, but another group of black suits rushed up, all with guys in their hands ! He turned around and ran in another direction, smashed the corridor window with his head in his arms, and jumped to the top of the fourth floor outside.

  Mars rushed to the window, stepped on the window sill, and jumped out. The people in the other teams had a clear division of labor, some kept up, and some went downstairs to block...Old Mo couldn't last long, and with a beer belly, he was obviously not as good as these energetic guys who trained all day long.

Mars chased after him, estimated the distance, and rushed, put his arms around Lao Mo's neck and threw him to the ground. When Lao Mo tried to resist, the cold muzzle of the stun gun was aimed at his neck. Stein shouted: "Want to taste the taste of high-voltage electric shock? Shit!"


  The news of Lao Mo's arrest came back.

  Jeff took advantage of the opportunity to attack Jensen. During the second round of investigation, Jensen remained calm, but Jeff, who was good at collecting expressions, found that he could not sit still. No wonder, after all, Lao Mo's part should be perfect. The license plate was taken off, and after leaving, the vehicle was repackaged and a new license plate was installed.

  But I never thought that the police's face recognition technology had been upgraded.

  This time technology has the upper hand.

When Mars conducted a surprise interrogation of Lao Mo, Jeff also properly revealed some information to attack the other party's psychological defense—if he really did it, then under the frequent and disorderly questioning, he would show his feet sooner or later... Jensen protested: "I'm leaving and getting back to work!"

  Jeff smiled: "Please suspend work."

   "You are not a policeman, so you have no right to ask me to do that!" Jason said dissatisfied.

Jeff still smiled indifferently: "I have no right, but your boss does. He asked you to stop working first, chat with me in the office, and have a few cups of coffee. It's okay? Do you still want to go to work? Skip work and go out to pick up girls? I don't think your boss will be happy!"

  Jensen was not convinced: "Even the boss, he can't trap me here in this disguised form of detention, which violates human rights!"

Jeff shrugged and pushed his mobile phone to him: "Then call the police! You should know the influence of Mr. An. The police is just to let you talk to me in another place. The police station is not more comfortable than here, Look, how big the office is, and the central air conditioner!"

Jason was angry: "What the **** do you want to know? I didn't do anything, and I was treated as a suspect for no reason? Or Mr. An thinks that he can really influence all law enforcement agencies and make everyone shroud Under the shadow of the capitalists? These words have been published in the newspapers, I am afraid it is very interesting?"

"Please calm down!" Jeff still smiled, "It's okay, you have your rights, but you should also know that Mr. An is very angry about this matter, and you should understand his feelings. To tell you the truth, now not only It's the security company, and even the police, and the local gangs are starting to help."

  Jensen's chest heaved violently: "Are you threatening?"

"I'm not threatening, just a kind reminder. I'm a citizen, and I have freedom of speech." Jeff said with a smile, "As long as you tell me what you know, Mr. An will stop those who are not very smart, such as The local gangs, they don't have that much scruples about what they do."

  Jensen resisted: "I am innocent, you are framed! The place was bought by you, but the state will not, nor will the federal government. I will make the matter public!"

  Jeff put away his smile: "I will never repent!"

He took out a few photos of his body and threw them on the table, "Look for yourself, you appeared around the company's outer wall for a certain period of time, and there are surveillance videos showing that you had several contacts with a Mexican , combined with your 'friend' who has now been captured by us."

  Jensen finally saw a trace of panic in his eyes when he saw these surveillance photos.

Jeff continued the offensive: "The guy who took the lead to catch him was a guy who served in Iraq. They have a lot of methods on how to torture prisoners of war! I can guarantee that there is a book on how to get Mexicans to talk. , so how do you think things will end up?"

  Jason swallowed, his brow sweating.

Jeff looked up at his watch and continued, "It's still half an hour before Mr. Ann's plane arrives, and I believe he wants the result now. So I'll give you a chance, and I'll intercede with him for you, and let the responsibility just be The burden is on you alone, and there is no need to involve other innocent people."

  Jason sat down slumped, leaned on the back of the chair, rubbed his face with his hands, and said, "Can you guarantee it?"

   "Of course, as long as things go well," Jeff said.

Jason said frankly: "I caused the incident. After I accidentally released the video of the exoskeleton test, I heard that an intermediary was very interested in it and offered 20 million yuan to get the prototype, so I thought carefully. Vote with my brother and a Mexican he knows, and some fellows we've got."

Jeff said: "Your brother is really capable. Do you know what the intermediary you are talking about is an international procurement intermediary. They do all kinds of goods, stolen goods, and business including human life, and those who know this kind of person are nothing more than international procurement intermediaries. Criminals. But it doesn’t matter who you steal from, but Mr. An.”

  Jason smiled bitterly: "It's all my fault for trusting them!"

  (end of this chapter)