Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 206: super tall building budget

  Chapter 206 Super tall building budget

  After the matter was settled, An Feng said goodbye to Howard, and returned to the research center with a stack of car purchase contracts. Seeing that it was still early, he glanced at the progress of the research center. Director Hart reported that the current appointment list for cancer treatment has been scheduled until March next year, but the growth trend has slowed down.

It is also reflected from the side that Anfeng's five million cases of cheating the rich can almost be completed. After all, the probability of rich and sick rich people is very small. In the past few months, more than 30 cases have been cured, and the remaining customers are probably still There are more than 20 people, and the income from quick treatment alone is more than 300 million.

  An Feng is very satisfied. Of course, some people are waiting and watching. Not everyone is eager to become a guinea pig in the research center... These are not within his consideration. I glanced at the work progress of Case's team, and it's going smoothly. According to the progress, it may break through at the end of the year.

   An Feng, who had nothing to do, returned to SLO by helicopter.

  Two days later, he participated in a charity fundraising reception held in San Francisco, initiated by the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Overseas, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce has a huge influence and covers a wide range. Basically, it is an all-round non-profit organization that provides information exchange for overseas Chinese businessmen.

   After all, to do business overseas, you must have a network of contacts, but the circle of white people is not easy to enter, and some people always think they are superior to others.

   Chambers of Commerce also do some charitable activities, and often donate to all walks of life. During the earthquake in China, Chinese chambers of commerce around the world provided a lot of financial assistance. As a wealthy overseas businessman, An Feng was invited to join a long time ago, but he has not been very active, appearing occasionally a few times.

  This fundraising event is one of several occasional ones. It is said that it is prepared for the country. Recently, heavy rains in some areas of the country have affected some schools in remote areas with poor conditions. Therefore, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce intends to support education in these areas. An Feng looked through their history and felt that they were more reliable than the Red Cross Society of China. At least there should be no Meimei here, right? So he brought Joanna with him.

  The location is in a hotel in San Francisco, and all the rich businessmen and politicians are present.

The fundraising activities are very simple, completely voluntary, and there is no quantity requirement. Most of them are hundreds or even thousands. An Feng thinks that he has a lot of money, and the donation can be deducted from taxes, and it is a charity for domestic children, so he signed one proudly. A check of 100,000 was cast in a low-key way, unfortunately it became the focus.

An Feng wanted to say that he didn't do it on purpose, but the amount was a bit too big. His donation alone was comparable to the sum of all the people... No way, he dealt with some enthusiasm and praise, and went around talking to the Chinese councilors. Liu Yaowei stood together. This guy has frequent activities in the San Francisco area, and his behavior has brought a high-profile American publicity, so he is often seen in newspapers or on the Internet. His confident face.

   Liu Yaowei said in Chinese: "Mr. An's kindness is really admirable!"

   "Where is there!" An Feng said modestly, if he donated to the Yankees, he would not be so enthusiastic. He deducted so much tax from himself, and still donated?

   Liu Yaowei is ABC after all, it took a few seconds to understand what An Feng meant, and smiled: "No matter what, this kind of behavior is commendable."

  An Feng smiled: "How are you doing recently? The party is very busy, right?"

  Liu Yaowei also smiled: "It is indeed very busy. Basically, the party congresses are selecting candidates for president and vice president. There are constant meetings and voting."

  An Feng half-jokingly said: "I'm sorry I'm a foreigner, and I don't have many opportunities to pay attention. How is the situation?"

Liu Yaowei said simply: "There are basically no surprises in the presidential candidate, and he is definitely His Excellency Anderson. However, there are some differences in the vice presidential candidate. It is expected to be at the end of August. After the party congress is over, Anderson should devote himself to canvassing speeches across the United States." It's active."

  An Feng was surprised: "It's still so long? Recently, I have seen advertisements and supportive words from all parties flying all over the sky!"

Liu Yaowei smiled: "Before the election starts, it is advisable to selectively publicize through the media. After the candidate with the support of the party takes the stage, we need to pay attention to the funds in this area, because it is open and accepts personal information. Or the money of interest groups must be limited..."

Liu Yaowei popularized some of the principles of the presidential campaign for him. It doesn’t mean that a consortium can directly donate tens of millions if it is powerful. 5,000 US dollars, and cannot exceed 20,000 US dollars per year to political parties.

   Can you really be so disciplined? An Feng felt that he was not in his place, so it was difficult to say.

   Let’s just talk about the most recent one. When President Trump was running for office, he received more than $300 million in small donations, accounting for about half of the total fundraising. What is a small donation? It specifically refers to payments under $200 that can be transferred through an online bank account and can choose not to disclose the details. This means that the source of this part of the money can go without saying very clearly.

  An Feng and Liu Yaowei clinked a glass, and said with a half-smile: "Is there any more 'hot' ingredients?"

  Liu Yaowei also told him with a smile.

According to him, in addition to small-amount donations, there is also a "package" method. How should I put it... For example, at the time of the canvassing campaign in September, Anderson can offer to have dinner with him as a condition for campaign fundraising. . Then, His Excellency Bazel led 2,000 accomplices to participate, and each person gave a maximum check of 2,000 U.S. dollars after the event. This night, Anderson was able to raise 4 million U.S. dollars in presidential campaign donations.

  With Bazel's influence, it is difficult to drive 2,000 people? With his financial resources, it is very difficult to write two thousand checks?

  So I can get 4 million for a night of picking up customers, and if I come a few more times, the cost of the campaign and advertising will roll in, plus some enthusiastic small-amount donors, it will be several hundred million. No need to worry about the cost, coupled with a good eloquence, a natural image of an American hero...

  An Feng listened, and nodded knowingly: "I also... mention something interesting."


  After the charity fundraising ended, An Feng's life was back on track.

Who makes him not a citizen? Otherwise, in September and October, Bazel or other representatives can be "packed" to send money... If he wants to go, no one will refuse, but That is, non-US citizens cannot send money, so it doesn't make much sense to go empty-handed.

   When he still thinks there is too much money, the time to spend money has come.

  The designer's final plan for the mansion was released.

  The 302-acre land located in Santa Barbara, after several months of busy work by the designer team, took away 3.5 million design fees, and finally brought a set of very creative architectural drawings. An Feng and Joanna were full of praise after seeing it, and put the renderings on the computer, the two-story baroque building, lush green garden, lake garden... This is clearly a palace, if the main building is not shrunk.

An Feng considered that he and Joanna had at most three or four children, plus servants, chefs, gardeners, bodyguards, etc., the total number was about thirty, and they did not live in the main building, so the main building Compared with the Ekaterina Palace, it is much smaller and more private residences.

  The main building has shrunk, but the garden pools and pavilions in the front and back yards have not shrunk in the slightest. They are completely in accordance with the highest standards, pursuing the ultimate in every aspect while taking into account the speed. An Feng said before that he can wait up to four years, and he doesn't want the children to be able to play soy sauce, and he hasn't lived in it yet.

  The construction of ancient palaces was time-consuming. To a certain extent, the industry was underdeveloped and there were no large-scale machinery. The advantages of modern society are great, and if you are willing to spend money, the speed will naturally be faster. According to the various requirements of An Feng and Joanna, the construction budget company concluded that it might cost 500 to 600 million US dollars.

  An Feng heard that, after the relationship, the property tax will have to pay several million.

However, his personal lawyer Hardy Locke told him that the price estimated by the government often fluctuates greatly, and there is no reference standard for his kind of luxurious buildings. But he said it was an ordinary stone, worth five yuan, and then he could calculate the tax as much as he wanted.

  An Fenghan is one, it turns out that there is a reason why the low-key luxury of the rich has connotations.

Hardy also reminded: "Even if you pay a high property tax, it can still make reasonable adjustments in the individual tax, so according to Mr. An's living consumption, this aspect will not cause too much damage. However, it is conducive to the development of reasonable tax avoidance activities.”

   Naturally, An Feng would not shrink back because of this little tax. After all, this is the dream of the two of them. Together, they walked around the construction site and compared the drawings to see the surrounding layout. Anyway, there is no shortage of money, so I signed a contract with the most professional construction company according to the design drawings.

  They now need to sign two contracts, estimated at 500 million, and 10% must be paid first. After the completion of the project, re-settlement will be made according to the bills and expenses of all aspects, which is the so-called "pay more for less". In order to ensure the quality of construction, Anfeng also hired a supervision team.

  Joanna took his hand and stood on tiptoe on a rock to look out: "If there is a lawn here, you can ride a horse in the future!"

   "Of course no problem." An Feng supported her. The racecourse is only about 100 acres, and the garden alone is more than 200 acres. Of course, there is no problem with riding a horse. It is necessary to treat it as a horse farm. But this will destroy the overall harmonious beauty. After thinking about it, An Feng decided to take this This idea drives away.

After turning around, I met with the person in charge of the construction company. Naturally, they must pay attention to large projects. The manager said to An Feng: "If you have no other requirements, the construction team will be able to move in on July 15th. The construction time is expected to be completed in July next year."

  An Feng knew that this group of people was at the front, and they were only responsible for flattening the land, shaping it, and then building the building, so the time was not very long, one year was enough. Then the professional team needs to beautify the gardens, lakes and buildings, and carry out interior decoration work... This aspect may take more than two years.

  In short, this is a time-consuming and extremely high-budget building.

  Before leaving, An Feng looked back at the barren land, 302 acres, 1.22 million square meters, hoping to surprise himself in a few years.

  (end of this chapter)