Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 230: big card hunter

  Chapter 230 Ace Hunter

  Actually, An Feng's discomfort is caused by physiology, not psychology. It's like going to a slaughterhouse, it will cause some physical discomfort. In terms of psychology, he has almost no burden. If there is a threat to her next time, he will still take up arms and fight back without hesitation.

   It may also be machismo at work, but he thinks that if he can't even protect the woman in his arms, then life is meaningless. The psychological impact is long-term, but the physical impact... After a hungry meal, it tastes good. The next day An Feng reappeared in good spirits.

  Bazel called everyone together in the hall. He said: "The government is sending people to inspect the surrounding area and hunt down poachers, so our hunting activities are temporarily canceled. In addition to hunting, the natural and cultural landscape is also worth seeing. Serengeti is a sacred place for watching wild animals."

  “We plan to drive to visit the Serengeti National Park in the morning, and then go to the Maasai village in the afternoon to watch a rare hunting activity.”

  After everyone prepares their equipment, the convoy starts.

   There are still four cars for this trip, but Anfeng’s car has been replaced yesterday, and it is also a modified Wrangler, which is always good for off-roading. There are a total of five Wranglers and three pickups in the reserve, which is just enough for now. We headed north along the road, all the way to the Serengeti.

  National parks in Africa are actually a large area where wild animals live. Serengeti is one of them, and it is extremely rich in species.

   During the visit, An Feng felt that they did not go to see the animals, but showed them to them. You see, in civilized countries, everyone is free to go to the zoo to see animals in cages, but in Africa, animals are free to look at people locked in cars.

   Isn’t this for animals?

  There are many tourists on the road, most of them are from Europe and America, and most of them are Americans. Everyone drives slowly on the road, as long as you are careful enough, there are animals everywhere, such as leisurely zebras, lurking cheetahs, and playful monkeys. The animal kingdom is by no means in vain.

Following the other tourists' convoy, they walked for a while. Soon, someone on the radio found the lion. An Feng and Joanna stood up and observed with a telescope. In the distance, there was a male lion with a thick mane. The four or five lionesses approached and used the cover of the car to move forward.

  The lion may have gotten used to this group of strange creatures that can be seen but not eaten in a cage, so they are not surprised by them and just ignore them. The car was parked on the side of the road, and the male lion led his lioness by the side arrogantly, almost touching them with his hands.

   "Their target is the buffalo herd over there!" An Feng pointed in another direction. If they attacked from the front, the lions would definitely be exposed.

  But the lions cleverly used the cover of the car. The tourists all raised their cameras and clicked. The mighty lion passed by them, and then lay down lazily. It was observing the herd of cattle having fun, there were at least thirty or forty of them, scattered around drinking water, and there were guards.

After spending a few minutes patiently, the male lion climbed up. He had already found several cows that had fallen behind. Almost instantly, he launched a charge, and the lioness followed him very cooperatively. The group of lions rushed to the buffalo. In front of the group, this group of dark, grumpy creatures also found a natural enemy.

But buffaloes are not vulnerable. They are not even afraid of lions. A dozen or so buffaloes gathered together and charged towards the lions under the leadership of a bull. Everyone did not blink their eyes. Just when they were expecting a strong confrontation At that time, the lion was the first to turn around and run away!

The lioness who rushed up was scattered by the frenzied herd of cows in two or three strokes, and helplessly avoided the herd, while the fastest male lion looked back at its harem, unable to tell what expression it was... Anyway, the tourists watching were either stunned or burst into laughter, An Feng said speechlessly: "Lion King, what about your integrity?"

Joanna is also very happy, this is more funny than a family... The following situation proves this even more. The hunting led by the lion is always powerless. The two gangs are arguing non-stop. Cooling off in the shade, the lioness had no choice but to pant.

   It is estimated that the lions will not gain anything in the morning, so everyone left.

The animals on the road are so complex that any zoo is less than one-tenth of the level, and they are all natural and wild. There are countless wildebeest, zebra, wildebeest or elephant herds, which are dazzling to see. Besides the wild, There are also some very dumbfounding things.

For example, when passing through the woods, everyone observed the group of baboons above their heads, and the long-faced baboons also had a lot of trouble. One of the male baboon actually faced the camera, masturbating as if no one else was there—and even harassed a female baboon next to him. The baboons took the baby and tried to prevent it from succeeding.

   "This little pervert!" Joanna laughed.

  An Feng clicked a picture of it playing with Ding Ding. There are many creatures in the prairie, and it takes experience and carefulness to discover the wonderful ones. For example, a leopard sleeping on a sausage tree. If it weren’t for the sharp-eyed guide who spotted its drooping tail, I really couldn’t see the trace of this guy. .

  The convoy quietly stopped below, and everyone looked at the leopard sleeping soundly in a tree more than ten meters high. An Feng saw that there were not many branches at the bottom of the tree, and it was really great to be able to climb up. So it is not safe to hide in trees in Africa, and super-climbing leopards can easily poke your back door.

The weather was very hot, the car hid in the shade of the trees to enjoy the cool, watched the leopards sleeping late, passed by some gazelles and wildebeests nearby, and the leopards didn't even hear about it, and some even passed under the trees. With the characteristics of leopards, it was completely It is possible to jump down to raid, but again the chance to feast is lost.

A group of Pumbaa (warthogs) strolled over, dark, with long faces, sharp and curved tusks raised, passing lazily below, hiding from the sun for a while, and then one of them was happy After farting, the sound caught the leopard's attention, and it woke up.

   Seeing the lazy guy wake up, everyone's spirits also came.

  The leopard hunting Peng Peng is quite interesting. Unlike lions that directly kill Peng Peng, leopards have to be very careful about Peng Peng's fangs, and they focus on outsmarting, and they may suffer losses when facing the enemy head-on—this may be a young leopard that fell from the tree. Just follow up.

  The Peng Peng family found the natural enemy, and immediately stood up, facing the leopard with a big ugly face and sharp fangs, with an arrogant expression and an attitude of "you can do it if you want it". However, the leopard also made troubles. It failed to succeed in several attacks, and was almost stabbed by the sharp fangs. The fight with Peng Pengdu caused injuries all over his body.

   "This is the price of being young and vigorous." An Feng looked at the leaving Hua Bao and said, Peng Peng won the victory, but he also ran away timidly.

   "With this experience, it will be smart next time." Joanna has great confidence in the leopard.

After a round of sightseeing, everyone came to the Engelo Crater, which is a huge crater with a diameter of about 20 kilometers. There are more than two million wild animals living under the crater. It is an excellent viewing area, and There are inns and hotels nearby, so you can rest and adjust comfortably.

   After watching the animals all morning, they returned to the camp to rest.

  In the afternoon, they drove to the Arusha area in the east. Their second purpose today was to experience humanities.

   When it comes to hunters on the African grasslands, lions and leopards are the easiest to think of, but there is also a saying: When lions smell the smell of Masai, they will choose to back down. This time everyone is going to visit the Maasai village, the legendary ace hunter on the African savannah.

On the way to drive, Bazel talked about the Maasai: "They have a rule that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Every Maasai needs to hunt a male lion for the coming-of-age ceremony. The tool is only a spear, a pair of In a fight, life and death are at the moment of thought, and he can be called the most stalwart hunter."

   After hearing this, An Feng felt that the coming-of-age ceremony of the Maasai people did not follow the attitude of "the lion will not die, but I will die"?

Then Bazel went on to say: "But as the government has stepped up efforts to protect wild animals, this custom of the Maasai people has slowly changed. The glory days of hunting lions alone have passed, and some of them even joined anti-poaching organizations. They go to guard every year. Today we are lucky to have the permission of the local government, and the Maasai are going to hold a collective hunting ceremony, and the target may be hippopotamus.”

From Bazel’s words, the hunting tools of the Maasai are very simple, such as spears or stones, and the objects they hunt are not only lions, but also leopards, zebras, bison, elephants, hippos... almost nothing they can’t conquer beasts of prey, and the tools are primitive spears.

   This made them look forward to meeting this group of "black death".


   More than an hour later, they came to the Maasai village.

   Looking out of the window, the Maasai are not strong and burly as Spartans, but thin and tall with long legs. Most of them are wearing red robes, some with a little blue in the red robes. The men wear their hair with earrings, while the women have their heads shaved. The senior old men walk leisurely with dog sticks in their hands.

The living environment of the Maasai people gave them the feeling of being backward and dilapidated, but they were very enthusiastic. When they came over, there was a row of welcoming Maasai people outside the village. As soon as the tourist team approached, they kept jumping and jumping in place—Masai A welcome custom of jumping in place.

   Bazel waved to everyone: "Join the team quickly, and compare with them who can jump higher."

  Although it is a bit weird, but respecting the customs, everyone still joins the team of bouncing and bouncing. Africans are more talented in rhythm. This side takes off and sings. If you let outsiders see it, it's just a group of tourists and a bunch of strange people in red robes jumping around and going crazy.

  Finally everyone was tired from jumping and started to enter the village.

   "Look at their ears!" Catherine looked curiously at the ears of the Maasai men around them. All of them were exaggeratedly big ear holes that could pass through fists.

   Indeed, without exaggeration, the Maasai are said to measure status and beauty by the size of their pierced ears.

   "Can I take a photo?" Joanna asked Bazel.

   "It's okay, the visit fee and activity fee have been paid just now." Bazel said. An Feng saw that he gave a lot of money just now. The Maasai people didn't take pictures at first, but after connecting with civilized society, they began to understand that making money is much easier than hunting wild animals.

  The village leader gathered the villagers to perform a stunt of drilling wood and using donkey dung to make fire for the guests. Everyone watched patiently under the sun. In fact, animal dung is a treasure in the eyes of Maasai people. Donkey dung can be used to make fire, elephant dung is used to repel mosquitoes, and cow dung...is used to build houses.

  An Feng took a look at their dark house, and it was really awesome.

   But according to Bazel, these are the parts that ordinary tourists can visit, and the following group hunting scene, you have to spend some money and have some connections to be allowed to watch. It is also the most exciting, and you will experience how the ace hunter in Africa uses javelins to hunt and kill wild animals.

  (end of this chapter)