Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 283: dual citizenship

  Chapter 283 Dual Citizenship

   After An Feng got rid of these troubles, it was already July.

  Considering the ways of the world, he first thanked all the friends who helped him on the phone, and promised to attend the private party the night after tomorrow to discuss follow-up issues. Followed by dinner in Los Angeles before taking Joanna home. When she got home, she finally unloaded the burden, but the fatigue was still on her face.

  An Feng held her in his arms, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her: "It's all right now."

   "I know." She buried her head in An Feng's chest and closed her eyes.

Although during the past ten days, An Feng was able to meet her except for a few times when he needed to stay up late in the small black room, but due to the surveillance, he was unable to take care of many things, could not ask questions, and could not give her advice. For comfort, I can only encourage her with my eyes and give her confidence.

Joanna contributed a lot to this matter. During the time when An Feng lost his freedom, she shouldered the burden and did a very critical job as the hostess. She acted as An Feng's solid backing, contacting friends from all walks of life for him, and solving the problem. Trouble, there is no complaint in the whole process.

   Now that the matter is over, the sky is not falling, and people are still intact... An Feng hugs her quietly, he is very glad that he can have this woman.

   "It won't happen next time." An Feng promised.

   "I hope so," she said, holding him tight. "You don't know how much I worry about you. I'm afraid."

"I know."


the next day.

  A distinguished guest came to the vineyard—Bazel.

  An Feng has known everyone for so long, and they often visit other people's homes as guests, and rarely invite them. Bazel, who took the initiative to come to the door this time, criticized: "I can come to your place once, and it is a kind of capital to show off when I go back! It is very good, with a strong atmosphere of the winery!"

   "Please!" An Feng smiled, invited Bazel in, and looked at the bodyguard he brought.

   Bazel said, "Leave them alone."

  An Feng took him away, and at the same time explained: "There is no invitation, because everyone is very busy, and I am sorry to make you come all the way."

  “People always live in the spare time squeezed out from being busy.” Bazel said, “It’s not that they don’t have time, but whether they take it seriously.”

   "My fault!" An Feng said.

  Bazel was satisfied with his attitude, and sat down at the wooden table in the backyard. Joanna served them a fruit platter: "Please enjoy it as you like."

   "Thank you." Bazel smiled.

  An Feng knew that something must be wrong with Bazel coming to find him, so he asked, "What is it?"

   "About your identity," Bazel said.

   "Identity... do you mean nationality?" An Feng said that in this investigation, one of the main points of the other party's suspicion of him was inferred from his nationality.

"Yes, if you are a financier or a simple investor, it doesn't matter much, but you are now an industrialist, and you are also engaged in very important industries and technologies. Whether it is batteries, chips or medicine, there will be people looking for flaws, It doesn’t have to be an individual breaking the law, but it can also be a corporate monopoly, abuse of market dominance, etc. In many aspects, we must be cautious, make fewer mistakes, and make mistakes in time.”

  An Feng asked: "Is it the same as this time?"

Bazel nodded: "Since the advent of super batteries, we have been challenging the traditional oil field. You may have heard that the Sinclair family has paved the way for new energy, and has already had a tough fight with their peers. If we intervene in other fields The non-cooperative behavior has made many enemies at present."

  An Feng was very puzzled: "I still don't know who the opponent is and where it is."

  Bazel smiled: "If you want me to answer, I can only say too much, and I can't count."

   "I have the feeling that those politicians are only on the surface, although they have always been fighting each other." An Feng said the guess buried in his heart.

Bazel nodded: "Politicians are at best a high-level **** in the incident. Without the support of people behind the scenes, they would not dare to take such a decisive action against us anyway. The politicians who seem to dominate the whole process are actually supported by capitalists. Just pets."

   "Who is behind the scenes?" An Feng became even more curious about the whole situation.

"All those that have overlapping interests with us." Bazel said seriously, "Let's talk about gasoline companies first, they are our most tense opponents at present. We use cheaper batteries to influence the traditional gasoline market, which will at least make Some automakers and gasoline dealers went bankrupt."

   "Is the conflict with the gasoline field so acute?" An Feng asked.

"The current oil price is three times higher than ten years ago, and the world's oil reserves can still last for a period of time. Before the battery technology of new energy vehicles had a breakthrough, it developed slowly and had nothing to do with the overall situation, but now the new energy vehicles have completely Lose the advantage of gasoline."

  An Feng knows that gasoline prices in various places remain high, and global automakers are developing new energy vehicles. GP has unprecedented advantages. In terms of battery supply, it affects the performance and future of many manufacturers. If there are more electric vehicles and they are cheap, who will use gasoline?

"Do you know how nervous other people will be when the energy technology that should belong to the future is now under our control, and we don't back down at all? It's like holding a knife across the neck. Whatever we say, the other party can only obey obediently .In this case, many people are in a hurry."

Bazel also revealed that they are not only rapidly developing the new energy field, but also taking advantage of the fire on the oil issue. With the assistance of politicians, the new president has signed many bills that are beneficial to their consortium after taking office. Against many large consortiums.

  An Feng understood a little bit: "So our opponent is the very small number of interest groups in the United States, the big financial groups?"

  Bazel nodded: "In theory, yes."

   Knowing the truth, An Feng admired it. This situation is a proper way to single out a group of people! No wonder so many politicians came out to sell this time. They are all the spokespersons of the interest class, backed by financial groups, and no one is afraid of anyone. The Sinclair family is just stronger, but they are not invincible.

  An Feng asked seriously: "With so many enemies, are you sure we can go on?"

   "So we compromised." Bazel shrugged, "We've pushed them into a corner, and if they go any further, it's time for an explosion, so it's appropriate to stop."

   "But this time it's not over." Bazel emphasized.

An Feng looked at him, and he pointed his finger at the table: "We backed down this time and suffered losses, but we don't show that we are afraid! The pawns involved in this matter will clean them up sooner or later, the consortium behind the scenes...as long as we maintain internal stability , step by step, they will be finished in a few years!"

  An Feng was infected by him: "I will provide more help."

  His personality has always been very kind, but this time he was annoyed, so he decided to bring out more technology. Since it is a struggle of capitalists, he must have strong funds!

Bazel said the main point: "Attacking the opponent, working **** the surface cannot hurt the core. If the lackey is killed, the dog owner will bring more lackeys next time! Only by directly defeating the dog owner can they really be scared. Politicians They are running dogs, and the supporters behind the scenes are the key."

  An Feng understood: "We maintain our current advantage. They don't have core competitiveness. Sooner or later, it will be over?"

  Bazel nodded: "That's why I said internal stability. In three to five years, they will wag their tails and surrender without us doing anything."

  An Feng said: "I understand the key."

  Bazel looked at the high-spirited An Feng, and smiled: "Things won't be so fast. We developed too fast before, and we exposed our weaknesses."

   "I know." An Feng said, he himself can't be in a hurry, too impatient.

   "Things have not yet developed into a sharp confrontation. This time our concession is only to create an illusion, and then we will slowly dismember the opponent."

   "I agree." An Feng said.

  An Feng has realized that although the politicians who shot him are actually consortiums with conflicting interests, it is easy for him to retaliate against these politicians, but as Bazel said, can beating a dog threaten its owner? No, so you have to beat the dog owner directly! The fist has to be in the right place.

  But these capitalists are so cunning that they won't expose their flaws casually like a fledgling novice like him. So things come back to the original point - the struggle of capital. Whatever your opponent is good at, use stronger technology to compete with them, and sooner or later you will be **** and surrender with a white flag.

  An Feng knew that he was actually stealing the money that belonged to his opponent. They had no money, so how could they still dance?

Bazel looked at him: "So relax, don't you guys have something to say, after a loss, you will be smarter next time? This time we got blood, which is the price of negligence, but it definitely doesn't mean that we will never lose money. It is passive, and the opponent has no weakness every time."

   "Thank you for your reminder." An Feng made it clear, "What about my nationality?"

"In the industry you are involved in, it has a profound impact on the overall technology and economy of the United States. The accusation against you is just a harbinger. Few people would like to see a non-American Chinese galloping on their land. So I and After discussing with Anderson, you should consider naturalization."

  An Feng said: "But I haven't reached five years yet."

"Anderson will handle it." Bazel didn't take this as a problem, "As a special talent, they will analyze your influence and effect on the United States, and with the president's endorsement, you can take the fast track to become an American citizen. Every year special people are naturalized in this way."

   "Should I give up my original nationality?" An Feng asked.

   "Are you trying to hold dual citizenship?" Bazel asked.

  An Feng nodded: "Some of my relatives are still in China. Foreign nationals need a visa to go back, and my current status is a diplomat in China."

   "I see, visa-free." Bazel understood, "This is also possible, but it takes a little more effort. You can talk to Anderson tomorrow night."

   "He's coming too?" An Feng said.

"Even the president has his own personal space." Bazel said with a smile, "He has worked hard for your affairs, and took the lead to withstand the attacks of Democratic congressmen and officials, so he almost got into a fight... Fortunately, Your friend was quick enough to cut off the thread in time."

   "I will thank him personally." An Feng said, if Anderson hadn't sent someone and provided a guarantee, he might have been locked up in a small dark room by the FBI for more than ten days.

  (end of this chapter)