Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 309: The butler considers [three more]

  Chapter 309 The Butler Considers 【Third Watch】

  Many people were interested in the shooting exhibition, and they chatted happily at night. But Anfeng had to go back the next day. It was okay to stay for a few more days, but it was a holiday peak, and people were crowded when they went out to play, which added traffic pressure. I felt sorry for the people, so they checked out the next morning. Say goodbye to friends.

  The special plane returned to California and continued to stay at home.

Because of the developed nature of California's tourism industry, many people will fly to the United States during the Golden Week in China. California is naturally a popular area, and there are the most Chinese faces in Los Angeles and San Francisco, so you will definitely meet a lot of Chinese on the streets at this time, especially It's a luxury store.

  An Feng stayed in the vineyard for vacation. With the holographic communication device, his work is much more convenient. Many things are processed through holographic images, so he doesn't have to go out to do errands. With more free time, Joanna can also concentrate on preparing for her competition. Now she is very competitive!

Considering that it is inconvenient to go to and from the racetrack every day, the training conditions there are similar to those in the vineyard, especially after the vineyard expands the leisure area, the free area of ​​the 150-acre racecourse is much larger, and it costs a little more to transport it. The sandy soil, after transforming the ground, became her luxurious training ground.

  The weather in California in October is no longer hot. Outdoor training is a good choice. You can breathe fresh air and ride your horse on the plains. The feeling of comfort is not comparable to that of a small indoor training ground. Joanna's logistics team also came to work here.

According to the results of actual consideration, Hansen proposed to divide the competition into two days. The two events will be held in two days. The first day will be the dressage competition, and the second day will be the jumping competition. The ranking will be based on the total score. 600,000 for the second place, 400,000 for the third place; 100,000 for the next four to seven places.

  As for setting up rewards for the next few... because the host also wants to go on stage to receive the prize.

  Although the opening match of the Blue Sky Racecourse is informal, the organizers are not short of money. The prize money for any two-day race is more than two million U.S. dollars. Including other equipment and arena construction, there is no four to five million dollars to play. After all, this is also a fun game for the rich to burn money.

  The competition is now publicized, and the temptation of the championship of 1 million is very strong, even professional competitions rarely have such a high amount of rewards! And the organizer also provides excellent warm-blooded horses, of course, the contestants can also bring their own. To report one day before the game, the difficulty is International 1-star.

  Joanna has no professional qualifications, but as the host, she is naturally exempt from inspection.

  It is difficult for her to win the reward ranking. According to the requirements, the racehorse must be over five years old, so her Hannover "Gina" is excluded from the qualifications. Moreover, she and Gina are not close enough, so she would not choose it even if allowed. Finally, "Angelina", who is more than six years old, was sent to participate in the competition.

  Time is tight and the pressure is not small. "Angelina" has excellent parents, but she has not participated in competitions, and has only been with Joanna for three years. Therefore, Joanna needs strict training to cultivate tacit understanding and feelings, and practice dressage and jumping according to the project every day.

  An Feng also often goes to training. There are full-time coaches on site, and he also benefits a lot, but compared with Joanna's major, the visual aesthetics are different. Her performance in dressage is very good, she can make the horse want to be an obedient puppy, and walk out a series of elegant steps, fast and slow, go forward, sideways, and circle in place... Standard and elegant movements, completely without whip and spurs .

  After a round of training, An Feng handed her a bottle of water: "Should we be sure about this competition?"

Joanna is not proud: "This is just the first step in the competition. Being able to make movements is completely different from being able to make the horse perform in the arena according to the order of the rider. The reason is the same as you know the standard running posture, but it is not as good as a professional athlete Again, it still needs to be strengthened.”

   "Don't worry, there are still more than 20 days!" An Feng encouraged her, "You can definitely master it."

   "Thank you, dear." She smiled, "It's really the luckiest thing in my life to meet you for giving me such support."

   "Kiss me a few times." An Feng said.

  Joanna came over and kissed him a few times, put her arms around his neck and said, "Are you satisfied? Your mouth is so sweet!"

   "It feels good! Go and rest for a while." An Feng pulled her to the rest area, Joanna took off her helmet and gloves, and sat on his lap naturally.

   "It's very comfortable to hug in this cool weather." She said.

   "Smart!" An Feng put his arms around her waist and smiled, "Honey, I plan to invite Matthew and Bazel over in a few days, what do you think?"

   "It's not bad to communicate more with them and enhance their relationship." She said.

  An Feng nodded: "That's right. I used to ignore the details. Recently, I have a lot of time, so I want to find an opportunity to talk to them about future plans."

  Joanna said: "I feel that they have a big goal, and they need to learn more about it and figure out the direction of doing things."

  An Feng asked: "You also feel this way?"

"Intuitively, Bazel is a person who is not willing to be ordinary-of course he is in a very high position now, but how to put it...This is not all his achievements, a lot of glory is accumulated by his ancestors, and he wants to show that he belongs to himself. The result is like the European knight's pursuit of honor."

   "Look at what you said, he is no longer a knight?" An Feng smiled.

  She said: "Just as an example, I feel that he has high pursuit and thinks farther than ordinary people. It may also be because he is mature and experienced."

An Feng said: "When people have too much money to spend, they will do something meaningful to achieve self-realization. In Chinese terms, it is 'Guangzong Yaozu'. I think, as the eldest son of the family, after experiencing the ups and downs of the family, Ba Ze I shoulder the mission of prospering the family and benefiting future generations."

   "That's how it is." Joanna nodded and looked at An Feng again, "What about your self-realization?"

   "Me?" An Feng thought for a while, "Maintaining the peace of the earth?"

   "Pfft!" She laughed, "What nonsense!"

   "What about you?" An Feng asked her.

"It's very realistic and simple. The first is to be your perfect wife, so that you will be proud of me; and to realize your desire to go to the equestrian arena, if possible, to win medals; or to educate our future generations It has a cultural heritage that money can't buy..."

   "There are so many!" An Feng said.

   "But they are all realistic and focus on the present." She said.


  An Feng sent an invitation to Sinclair one week in advance.

  As Bazel reminded, communication is two-way. Before An Feng, he always participated passively and did not take the initiative. In retrospect, he really rarely had private communication with the core members of the consortium. Those receptions and banquets were more business-oriented and did not bring too much personal nature.

Of course, An Feng also hopes that the relationship with them can be like getting along with Wang Le, without restraint from the heart, but the age gap is there, it is impossible to ridicule a lot of foul language without scruples, Bazel is his father A super person, Matthew is also ten years older than him.

   But it’s okay to sit down and have a cup of tea together, chat about some endless things, and share each other’s joy. After An Feng issued the invitation, both Matthew and Bazel agreed to attend on time, and asked some more requests. An Feng gave a semi-formal answer, too formal is not conducive to the active atmosphere.

   And preparing for this private dinner requires a little thought.

A single couple must be hosts and only responsible for receiving guests, so they need a housekeeper and a few servants, as well as a chef and his helpers... Now that Anfeng has no shortage of money and land, it is impossible It was only after the mansion was built that they hurriedly recruited manpower.

  So now is the right time to prepare and pick out the most satisfying one.

  Thinking about the housekeeper, An Feng first targeted Wu Qian, the housekeeper in Florida. If she doesn't live there for a few days a year, the housekeeper must be moldy.

  Contacted her by phone, and Wu Qian readily agreed.

Wu Qian also said that if the employer doesn't contact her again, she plans to contact them... As a career woman with pursuit, she has nothing to do for more than two hundred days, living alone in an empty house, life is comfortable at first , but it will get boring after a long time.

   Then there is the issue of servants. Servants in modern society seem very feudal, but there are not many organizations that provide this kind of service and are willing to do so—high remuneration, and wages are higher than ordinary white-collar workers. Americans who pursue freedom and independence are unwilling to do so, but that doesn't mean they don't exist elsewhere.

For example, in South America, or some underdeveloped countries in Southeast Asia, there are many people in South America who come to developed countries to engage in high-end housekeeping services. As a long-term contract, they are a bit like servants in feudal times, but modern society is more enlightened than before, and they receive high salaries. middle class.

  The matter of recruiting long-term servants must be carefully considered. The problem is that the dinner will be held a week later, so we can only hire temporary ones. Fortunately, Wu Qian, who arrived by plane the next day, is very skilled and she is in charge of temporary workers. In her words, she has been on vacation for more than 200 days, and she has nothing to do all day, and she wants to resign.

Time was running out, and Wu Qian took the shortest time to get familiar with Anfeng's meticulously decorated mansion. It was not comparable to Florida's in terms of value, but it was comparable in terms of decoration and luxury. After several rounds of drastic renovations, the building brought European style, creating a traditional extravagance.

Wu Qian came down a few times and made a list: "Mr. An, if you want to hold a dinner party for six people, you need three servants around the table, one delivery person, one cook and one helper. This kind of Only under the scale can we maintain a perfect dinner party that meets the requirements."

   "No problem, you are responsible for finding the person." An Feng said, "After this incident, you can consider the issue of long-term contract workers."

   "I see, sir." Wu Qian said.

   "Okay, go get busy." An Feng said, Wu Qian nodded and left.

   During the rest of the next few days, An Feng and Joanna discussed the housekeeper. Of course, Wu Qian is also very good, she can take on the job in Florida or the winery, but for the mansion to be built in the future, the butler naturally has to reflect the face and style of the host.

  Joanna thought for a while: "Let Mr. Brandon do it?"

  An Feng recalled the image of the old England butler in his mind, and said, "He is indeed suitable, but he didn't seem to have such a meaning before, right?"

   "If I try hard enough, he will agree!" Joanna smiled mischievously.

  An Feng reminded her: "Let's not force the old man, it will be embarrassing if the health is really bad."

   "I'll pay attention." Joanna said in a measured manner.

  (end of this chapter)