MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1145: Poor way

Except for the mechanical puppet army, there is still a frantic battle, fighting until dawn, in fact, the other legions have basically collapsed.

It's not that their strength is inferior to Li Yao's legion. In fact, if it is a real strength comparison, Li Yao's legion is still far worse than theirs. It's just that Li Yao calculated it from the beginning.

The Zerg is really weird, and the battle is very unfavorable when the battle begins. Moreover, as the battle began, all the scouts they sent to communicate with each other were hunted and hunted, and occasionally scouts went to another battlefield, but the news they received also let them Infinite despair.

So from the beginning to now, they have been fighting alone. Although the generals said that reinforcements would come soon, they did not see any reinforcements at the beginning of the battle.

And those Zergs are too weird. Spellbreakers who can restrain spells can be hunted stealthily. They are also highly poisonous hornets that can explode, and corrosive insects that can corrode armor and machinery, and can't kill them.

There are almost a steady stream of poisonous cockroaches. They kill a batch of them. They don’t know how many cockroaches there are. In fact, Li Yao is also desperate. His poisonous cockroaches are naturally not endless, but he ordered Don't let all the troops appear at once, but appear step by step, maintaining a certain number.

This gave them the illusion that they couldn't kill them, which was actually normal, just like in the dark night where they could not see their fingers, maybe they could escape a few meters ahead, but they just couldn't see through and turned around. It is also as if walking in the rolling mountains. Maybe you can see the village after passing the hillside in front of you, but the traveler doesn't know it. If you feel desperate, you may change your way.

Surrender is another way. The parasites continue to set an example. Naturally, many people have to learn from it. For them at the bottom of society, survival is the most important thing.

When the number of people who surrender reaches a certain level, a blood collapse effect will form, and even those who are unwilling to join Li Yao's army will lose their will to fight.

When there was a glimmer of light on the day, the mechanical beast troops were completely controlled. This was also due to the small number of mechanical beasts and the fact that they were easy to control.

Then there is the Magic Legion. They have powerful magic, but under the control of magic, the spells they release will be swallowed. The super spells they release will be interrupted during the spell, or counteracted, plus other The Zerg, and still helpless, made them completely heartbroken.

Then there is the mechanical integrated army. Most of them also surrendered. Those who resist are either **** by their companions or hunted and killed.

Li Yao was looking at the battlefield far away with a headache. Below are the officers who surrendered several legions.

"Lord, there are still many people who resist in the city, and there are some people who don't want to fight for the lord, and they have been detained now." Nicholas said.

Camelot also said: "Our situation is similar."

Li Yao turned his head and said: "The disaster in this city should be over. Those thugs who are still affecting the order of this city will gather your hands and hunt them all. As for those who don't want to continue fighting for me, It’s okay. What I want is to take root here. They don’t want to fight. They have other functions, don’t they. First concentrate on the barracks of the Lord’s Mansion, and then talk about them.”

"Thank you Lord for your kindness." Camelot suddenly knelt on one knee.

The officers who had surrendered also knelt on the ground suddenly, and he was relieved that the new lord did not seem to be very cruel.

"Mage regiment, you are the deputy head, how about your head?" Li Yao looked down at the surrendering officer and planted a dwarf with a special arcane emblem.

"The commander of the legion commanded us to die in the battle with the head of the dragon lady." A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the dwarf, but it was more of pride. Being able to fight a dragon for so long is enough to be proud. .

"Well, from now on, you will be the new commander of the mage regiment." Li Yao said that he looked at a wearer and a deputy commander engraved with a cannon medal, and said, "What about your army commander? "

This is a gray-bearded dwarf. He heard that he said quickly: "Master, he does not want to stay in the legion anymore, so he is in the prison camp."

Li Yao felt a bit, and suddenly knew that this was a parasitic. Although a little disappointed, he still said: "Then you will lead the integrated army. I am afraid we will have a big battle, and it may be your original lord. I hope you Do not disappoint me."

"The lord rest assured, there won't be a soldier in my legion who is against the lord." A red light flashed in the eyes of the commander of the integrated legion.

Li Yao nodded: "The other official positions remain the same. If the chief official sacrifices to be promoted to one level, follow me, you can appreciate the beautiful mountains and rivers of the main plane, instead of just nesting in this small dead light field, your machinery , Your talents can only be better displayed on this huge stage, and can be known to more people. I sincerely hope that you will do things for me, and I don’t want you to declare allegiance now~www.mtlnovel. com~ I give you time to consider. If you feel dissatisfied with following me in the future, I can let you go anytime, but if I know that you are still doing things for me while you are still doing things for me, then I will not be polite."

Li Yao went straight to the terrace without waiting for their answer. He looked at the battlefield in the distance and said: "The captain of the mechanical puppet army, are you still reluctant to show up? You are at a dead end. Now the city has completely fallen into In my hand, there are only a few hundred mechanical puppets left under your hand, so do you still have to resist."


A pitted mechanical puppet corroded by poisonous cockroach venom and blood suddenly burst into a golden light. Along with a dazzling golden light, a huge golden sword cut the poisonous cockroaches around, and then the puppet suddenly flew into the sky.

"Kurout, Eiffel, you traitors." He said, he looked at Li Yao again: "It is impossible for me to surrender. My soldiers and I are the lord’s most loyal followers. Death, no surrender."

"That's really a pity, really loyal and courageous, I admire you very much, but unfortunately, you are not willing to use it for me." Li Yao turned around and said to the surrendered officers: "You have heard that too, now take yours. Elite, destroy the remaining mechanical puppet army, it is considered that you join me in the name."

The expressions of several officers changed, and only the commander of the integrated legion took the order immediately. After seeing a few people quickly leave, several other officers also reacted and the alliance took the order.

"Queen of Blades, come back, your mission is complete."

Following Li Yao’s words, the Zerg Legion did not hesitate to retreat, and the Queen of Blades came to Li Yao’s side. Her body was covered with dense muzzles. Li Yao asked her to return to the Hall of Heroes in the framework space to cultivate, and then look down. ...