MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1429: Decline

The glowing starry sky was completely blank, and an arrow pierced his throat directly, and the second arrow pierced his chest.

The luminous starry sky slowly fell onto the top of the huge engineering equipment while covering his throat, while the other arrows did not miss, directly piercing through the main support point of the siege equipment.

Then came the overwhelming meteors, fifteen huge meteors falling from different directions in a row.

It was just that the huge height was comparable to the city wall in an instant, and the super siege equipment that could accommodate thousands of archers was smashed into smashed pieces by meteors.

The archers above did not even have a chance to scream and were drowned by the meteor. Even if they were lucky, they were crushed to death by the collapse of the shelf.

The place where the huge siege equipment was originally turned into big pits, and with the impact of the air current, hundreds of unlucky people were lifted directly around, very embarrassed.

And the commander's body, who was already bullish, didn't know where it was.

Li Yao retracted the bow and arrow and landed directly.

"Idiot, the ancient gods are not a real strategy game. Even if you want to be coquettish, even if you are not good at fighting, at least have a little more life-saving skills. A weak summoner and a pet will not be summoned. If you don't die, who will die."

Everyone was speechless, this arrogant commander was too frustrated, and he couldn't even be resurrected by fighting. It was really bad luck.

Now anyone who knows a little about the situation of Sparks doesn’t know that Li Yao’s most feared thing is the distance-free arrow that kills people thousands of miles away. It’s okay for you. You don’t need to be under the protection of the army, and you even got on the high platform with a feather fan. Lunjin pointed the way.

This is absolutely hatred in other battles, and it is a living target in Li Yao's eyes.

The coalition forces that were adjusting their formation to attack Spark also stopped, all looking foolishly at the siege equipment turned into ruins. This Nima, just adjusted the formation and commanded it.

This is a devastating blow to the morale of the PC army.

The faces of the presidents of the four guilds were all green, and Nima, this time, was ashamed.

On Xinghuo's side, the morale was like rainbows, especially those of Li Yao's guards. Although they obeyed Li Yao's leadership, they had never seen Li Yao's methods. Now they are really excited.

Especially the rangers of the Guards, they looked at Li Yao with admiration. Such archery skills were absolutely amazing, and the control of bows and arrows reached the peak of their expectations.

Several guild leaders had no choice but to quickly select a commander. You must know that in order to integrate their forces, their guild's legions have been mixed, and now they are divided and commanded, and they are messed up without being hit by sparks.

Fortunately, the countermeasure is to negotiate in advance and draw the gourd according to the dipper.

This is also no way, but the audience is speechless and shocked.

Together, the arrow reached Li Yao's method. This Nima, isn't the position where people stand high enough, and the lupine scarf looks more handsome than you, but it kills them directly, which is really overbearing.

"You deceive people too much, thinking that you can go against the sky if you are strong. No matter how strong a person is, it is a scumbag in the army."

"It's in the ancient times. I don't know how many gods were submerged by the sea of ​​people. He is nothing but a person."

The new command boosted the morale again. After the team stabilized, the attack order was issued.

In fact, if the battle has been normal, the two sides will not be able to spend much, at most, they will reserve some legions that can be mobilized for flexible scheduling to break through the local line.

But in the case of one party shrinking, this kind of scheduling is useless, because no space is inserted.

The current situation is that the forces of the two sides collide with each other, and the comparison is the quantity and quality of the army.

In terms of quality, Xinghuo's team is naturally stronger, which is beyond doubt, but in terms of quantity, Xinghuo is the weaker side.

And sticking to the stronghold, there is no city wall, it is a kind of protection, but it is also a kind of restriction, which makes Xinghuo unable to fight flexibly.

Especially when the main force cannot keep up with the situation where it must stick to its stronghold to maintain its occupation, it cannot keep up with the charge of Devil's Dragon.

Without the support of the main army, if it is caught in the opponent's battlefield, coupled with the opponent's powerful army encirclement and suppression, the Devil's Dragon Legion will basically be destroyed.

The most terrifying thing about Devilsaur is its powerful charge ability. Although its body has scales, its defense is actually average.

In this case, Xinghuo actually has only about 30,000 troops against the opponent's 100,000, and with the addition of air troops, the opponent on the ground will face four times as much as its own.

Even if Li Yao, Tongtong, and Qin Fengyi have powerful summoners, they have played a big role.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the number of cockroaches in the Xinghuo Army is small. In this case, the cockroaches that have been severely injured must come out to defend the line before they can recover their injuries.

With such consumption, the cockroach army of Xinghuo is still getting fewer and fewer.

Moreover, the Mage Legion released a quasi-forbidden spell. Even with the supplement of the magic potion, the role of this battle is limited, and only limited assistance Only the rangers and specials undertake the main firepower tasks. Legion, killing horror, but without the supplement of the mage legion, it is still much worse than the original.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and the number of cockroaches in the Xinghuo army was less than 3,000, and it was very reluctant to hold the line of defense.

"Continue to rush me, the elite mountain troops stepped forward and broke through the line of defense of the spark, the new commander of the coalition said excitedly."

As long as Xinghuo breaks through the front line of defense, Xinghuo's defeat will become a foregone conclusion.

Within half an hour, the spark retreated and then retreated, the tortoise shrank into a ball of constant compression of the line of defense, reducing the pressure on the cockroaches.

Spark also caused more than 20,000 damages to the coalition forces, but the victory was in sight, and everyone was crazy.




The morale of the coalition forces was like a rainbow, and the downturn of the command's death caused their morale to pile up as the battle went smoothly.

"I heard that Xinghuo has never failed since his debut, and the forums are all about how Xinghuo is invincible. I tried it myself today and found that Xinghuo is very strong and not easy. But in my opinion, it is not as bad as the rumors. It’s just a myth."

The commanding ambition of the coalition forces is full of pride. The few leader-level mountains around him are actually guarded, and they did not give Li Yao a chance to kill him. He continued to mock him: "Moreover, the legend that the forum will start the sparks is even more magical. Myth, but the war mode relies on the army, it’s a resourceful strategy, how can you be brave personally. If you are as good as the legend, then you show me how to reverse this battle."

Hearing this, Li Yao stopped shooting the enemy legion, put away his bow and arrow, glanced around, jumped directly to the top of a big tree, and said: "It is against the sky to defeat you, and you are worthy of being called the sky, ignorant."...