Monster Factory

v1 ~: 1176: The magic of nature

I found a diamond at hand.

This kind of luck made General Mopu very happy and made his statement more credible.

"This is kimberlite, it is easy to accompany diamonds." Ye Qing also looked at the sun, the original diamond in front of the good quality, faintly bright silver metallic luster in the sun.

This is an unpolished rough diamond, polished, its quality should be able to reach s2 level, and the gloss will become a multi-colored.

Ye Qing then tossed the stone to a follower by General Mopu, letting him take the diamond out of the straw shed. Then he said to General Mopu: "From the current situation, the mine is small in size."

"But the quality of the original diamond is good, and in the underground rock belt, there should be a certain amount of rough diamond reserves."

General Mopu was relieved a little, and Ye Qing was satisfied.

In addition, there is a rock belt at the bottom, and there is a possibility that diamonds are stored in the rock belt. General Mopp is not surprised.

Because of the experience of international diamond mining, most of the diamonds are associated with rocks.

But there is a problem with the cost of mining.

Drilling is different from metals or other minerals and can be smelted from ore by means of modernization and industrialization. The rarity of a diamond determines its very low probability of being associated with rocks.

It cannot be smelted by normal industrial means, and can only be sorted out from the ore by the last hand of the worker.

In order to sort by hand, it is necessary to peel a ton of stones that may contain diamonds from the rock belt and then break them into a uniform matchbox size gravel.

When luck is not good, even a diamond in a dozen tons of rough stone can't be picked.

Here is a wilderness where the industry is extremely backward and even basic power supply is difficult to guarantee. Here is the place where European and American jewelers firmly control the pricing power of diamonds.

In this case, whoever goes to large-scale mechanized mining of diamonds in the rock will lose their blood.

Even Ye Qing is not sure. After drilling the hard soil layer of the surface, there will be a considerable amount of diamonds in the underground rock layer.

Time is not early, Ye Qing people collect some gravel and hard soil, ready to bring back to detect and analyze.

When the team returned, the sunset was almost integrated into the earth.

Four hard-core off-road vehicles are flying in the wild brown land, waiting for the team to arrive in the capital city of Anu, which is 8:00 local time.

Now that the capital city has begun to bear the shadow of a modern city, in addition to the urban infrastructure of the behemoth industrial assistance, General Mopu has invested in a four-star hotel and has set a hardware standard far above the five stars on the top floor. Exclusive suite.

This was used to specially receive Ye Qing. After Ye Qing stayed, he called the general manager of the factory, Tan Jingyu.

Now Tan Jingzhen is carrying a list of equipment in the factory, waiting for Ye Qing’s instructions.

Immersive spiral classifier.

Ore powder processing system.

Concentrated uranium centrifuge cluster.

Supercritical unit power generation group.

Adjustable magnetic field generator...

Ye Qing’s list of equipment was swept away, and a full understanding of the types of equipment and construction vehicles currently in place at the Nijiaa plant was quickly gained. Ye Qing, who is a big family, didn’t know the specific kind before.

For large-scale mining of ore, advanced industrial mining equipment is essential.

Inside, the giant **** x is of course one of the main mining forces.

However, it is only responsible for stripping the ore out of the soil or rock. How to accurately select the diamonds from the original ore is the core issue.

The factory in Nijiaa was originally designed to extract metal bismuth from the monazite mine and other rare earth metal elements. The factory has perfect raw ore processing conditions.

However, Ye Qing looked at the list of types on the factory and found that he could only use these equipments to carry out the three steps of mining, crushing and initial screening.

The most crucial step, how to do it...

Tan Jingyi, the general manager of the factory, saw his boss in meditation. He thought about it with his head in his head. Some uncertain: "Boss, I remember that the super-mining mine in Russia is using heavy medium dressing technology."

“Can we also use this technical idea?”

“Heavy media beneficiation?” Ye Qing heard and shook his head.

Of course, the super-diamond mine in Russia knows that the super-diamond mine in Siberia is said to contain more than all the reserves of the current known diamond mines.

The origin of the mine was caused by tens of millions of people in front of a huge meteorite hitting the ground, which erupted the horrible pressure and high temperature in an instant, and carbonized the ground material into a magical coincidence of the diamonds on the ground.

Unfortunately, these are not the normal condensed diamonds in nature. Their main components are composed of Lonsdale stones and are doped with graphite and diamond.

It is not pure, it is not transparent, and it is similar to the principle of synthetic diamonds. It can only be used in industrial processing, and there is no possibility of becoming a jewel.

Otherwise, Russia has the leisure to maintain the stability of the diamond market, and has long earned a lot of money from these diamond international jewelry and diamond markets.

As for heavy medium beneficiation, the use of the density of the ore-bearing ore is different from the ordinary rock density. Then, it is suitable to use the same density of suspension to put the ore into the suspension, so that the density of the diamond-bearing ore, the technology of slowly sinking the bottom, is suitable for use in the Russian super-drill.

But it is not appropriate to use it here, at least the diamond mine that Ye Qing visited in the afternoon.

The super-mining mine is produced by meteorite impact. Its ore density and diamond distribution are highly uniform, and the suspension can effectively separate the ore-bearing ore.

There are no traces of the ore-bearing ore distribution in the Nikonaya. The raw ore that does not contain diamonds may also contain other minerals with higher density, using heavy medium dressing technology. The poor diamonds selected are not enough to cost the suspension.

After telling the principle to Tan Jingwei, Tan Jingyi had no idea at the moment.

The number of diamond mining technologies used in the world is counted in the number of the three, and the three are not able to go through the manual selection process.

Seeing that Tan Jingyi was there to help him share the burden, but he was powerless and anxious. Ye Qing was a little funny and said that it was not as complicated as you think.

With regard to the final step on how to accurately select diamonds from the ore, there is now a preliminary plan. Just after examining the three diamond mines, you can develop a more detailed solution based on the characteristics of these mines.

Tan Jingwei was curious to ask what the plan was.

Ye Qing gently said two words, "hardness."


Early next morning, Ye Qing visited the second mine under General Mopu.

This mine is located not far from the modern port of Hackett, the only modern port in Nigaya.

Here, the mine originally belonged to General Boggs, the owner of Hackett Port. Now Boggs has become a general under the command of General Mopu. The issue of the ownership of the mine is of course not complicated.

The mine is located in a huge lake.

Nature's ingenuity has created this strange diamond ore vein.

According to General Mopu, this piece of diamond was first discovered fifty years ago. At that time, the locals often fished in this lake. As a result, the lucky fishermen went down and caught a gleaming stone.

The stone itself certainly does not shine. It can shine because the surface is stuck with more than a dozen diamonds of different sizes.

The largest one has the size of the pigeon egg, and the smallest one is only the rice grain.

Later, local fishermen touched the stone inlaid with diamonds in the water, which eventually attracted the attention of those in power of the land.

The lake is three times the size of the mine, and the lake is very shallow, only two meters deep.

Workers mine diamonds, using humans to build a circle of dams in the lake, then pumping out the lake water in the dam and then touching the stones in the mud.

Diamonds are not necessarily embedded in the stone, and some are mixed in the mud, requiring a large number of workers to squeeze the mud a little bit.

The yield of this lake is not small, but the quality of the original diamond is usually very small and can reach s1.

After collecting the samples of the mine, the team went to the third place to drill the mine.

The mine is located on the far edge of the western border, only one step away from the country of Tagana.

It is the largest of the three diamond mines, and the quality of the original diamond produced is only slightly worse than the first one. So in theory, this diamond will be the most harvested when large-scale mechanized mining.


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