Monster Factory

v1 ~: 1235: Announcement of General Mopu

A task was related to General Cero, who had been full of anger and anger in the command center, and suddenly smiled.

See you no, the retribution came so fast.

Yesterday the US just erected him into an evil villain and then supported a warlord to destroy him.

I have a good show today.

Behind the scenes, the giant beast industry also released new tasks.

The warlord who allowed the US to support it could not see the sun of tomorrow.

The United States wants to destroy General Mopu.

Now the behemoth industry is going to destroy General Celo.

The two generals, who died in the end?

After calming down, General Mopu said with all his worries: "I also want him to see the sun tomorrow."

"But General Sello must have hid like me now, and even around him is a group of 'military advisers' sent by the US."

At the thought of the group of "military advisers" who could sneak into the capital city and clean up the power of the presidential palace, General Mopp always felt a little chilly.

The metal expert looked back strangely. "We won't find it when we hide it?"

"How to find?" General Mopu was equally strange.

"Then guess, can Americans find you?"

General Mopu was stunned by his words. After careful analysis, he felt that the Americans must find themselves.

The reason is very simple, they have the ability to infiltrate and tie his two subordinates. How could it not leave any monitoring means around his house?

Even if you buy a few locals, you can master his general whereabouts. After all, when he opened the way to escape yesterday, he took more than two hundred guards and squadrons and dozens of teams.

"But we didn't know that General Cerro would jump out, nor did I set up scouts first."

"As long as he is still hiding in the old nest in the Vukari area, he will definitely jump out again."

Full of doubts, General Mopu returned to the command center.

Taking out a Cohiba cigar from the wooden box next to the sofa, and after cutting off the tail, General Mopp trapped himself in the sofa and swallowed.

The cigar in his hand is the best cigar brand in the world. It is said that hundreds of years ago, Cuban wizards could rely on tobacco to communicate with the gods. In modern times, some people may have smoked the cigars of counterfeit goods. They want to take a sip of scent, fragrant and mysterious smoke, which makes them feel that they have become the king of the world.

They are afraid that it is not a big draw.

General Mopu had not been able to afford Gao Xiba before, but now he can afford it, and he thinks it is the same.

But when thinking about problems, you can really make yourself more engaged.

Surrounded by smoke, General Mopu wondered if he wanted to do something.

Even the clay figurine has a three-point temper, not to mention General Mopu, who is in charge of power all year round?

The gangs of the United States slammed the black and dirty water on themselves, and let the diplomatic department issue a notice saying that they should bring themselves to justice.

Of course, he couldn’t bear this kind of thing, or he couldn’t stand it after he fled to the command center with a sense of security.

I have to make my own voice.

Thinking of this, General Mopu stood up from the sofa. "Come, prepare to draft a speech. I want to let the Americans, and the guys who are leaning against the United States, know that I am General Mop. The noble character of the threat of power."

The command center has an advanced and comprehensive communication network. The officials in the capital city do not dare to completely offend General Mopu.

The message was sent out in clear-coded radio waves.

In Niagaya, where communication is extremely backward, radio stations are still the most stable way to communicate.

Soon, the entire Niciya official institutions and large and small warlords, and even the warlords in several countries around the country, received the notice from General Mopu.


The Vukari area not far from the capital city.

In a position hidden in the city somewhere, General Cerro and a group of subordinates snorted and watched the notice that General Mopu had just sent.

The book of Nigaya:

Me; Mopu... The ninth generation descendants of the Karut Boltin Mopp family of the hereditary chieftain of the Anut area.

The people who belong to Nigaya, we share the same roots and live together in this land that is poor but still full of happiness. Since being colonized by the French during World War I, we have suffered and flowed away from the country.

After the struggle of the ancestors and the blessing of the gods, we have once again become the masters of this land.

With the joint efforts of the people of the Anu Special Zone, today's Anu Special Zone has become the most dazzling jewel on the western Gulf of Africa. We are free from hunger, we are fighting against disease, and we have created an enviable and beautiful life with our hands.


The power of the United States is eyeing us.

They bully us and want to occupy our Anu Special Zone, which is a valuable mineral wealth of the whole of Nigaya.

The former president, the powerful representatives from the United States, even the cheapest cheap shame are too lazy to scruple. What's even more ridiculous is that we pushed this thing to my Mop's head.

Under the power, Mopu can only endure silently.

Under the power, some people are willing to become the US dog, and when they spy on the presidency, they will also bring Nigaya back into the war of misfortune.

I am not willing to see this scene, and I don't want to see someone colluding with power to destroy the happy life of the Nicah people.

So I stood up.

I am willing to fight with the "Hyena".

I am willing to fight against power. I am willing to use my body to resist the seemingly powerful enemy like a god.

I; Anute area, the ninth generation descendant of the hereditary chieftain Karubortin Mop family.

Here, General Seluo, as well as General Seymour, and the powers who want to touch our beautiful land, initiated a solemn announcement.

come on!

At the moment, I am behind the rich Soto rainforest.

Me and my elite warriors are waiting for you here.


General Cerro, my elite warrior, will use a spear to run through your dirty soul.


After reading this notice, General Cerro laughed with impunity.

After reading this notice, he left those people equally laughing.

"Our General Mopu must be crazy. He even attached his hiding place in the notice?" General Cello’s smile brought some embarrassment. "I originally guessed that he was going to flee to the sea. Now it seems that he It’s more stupid than I thought.”

General Cerro was only a **** supported by the tactical commander Madix. He did not know what the general Mopu’s hiding place was now.

The right has already stunned his mind.

In his limited knowledge, he believes that as long as he follows the tactical commander Madiks and the American power he represents, he will be able to obtain all the rights and wealth that he has always dreamed of.

And what is paid is tightly worthless morality and shame.

Now, the Mopu, who is about to be wiped out, has not only escaped, but dared to jump out and challenge him to use his spear to penetrate his noble soul.

You know nothing about the power from the United States!

Thinking of this, he quickly converges his smile, puts on a slightly humble face, and turns to face the last two "consultants" who remain silent.

The two consultants are all white faces. Although they only wear ordinary camouflage uniforms, they are all in the eyes and in the standing body, and they all show a kind of high spirit like "spirit".

"Mr. Bronson, General Mopp has revealed his hiding place."

"Look at..."

"Is it preemptive, let the tactical commander Madiks send a surprise force to destroy him."

"I promise that as long as General Mopu and his men are wiped out. The entire Anu Special Zone will no longer have the power to stop my steps."

The white man who was called Mr. Bronson did not seem to hear his voice until he couldn’t help it. When he wanted to repeat the words, he slowly looked up.

"Oh ~"

Bronson sneered, as if laughing at a ignorant wild boar.

"If I were you, after seeing this notice, I would not stand here and ignorantly laugh."

"Don't be as stupid as everyone thinks. General Mopu told him where he was hiding. Do you really think that you can take him with just one assault squad?"

"On the contrary, it should be the moment you have to worry about."

"Because I have a hunch, the "spear" that runs through your soul is already on the way."