Monster Factory

v1 Chapter 110: What am I relying on?

Ye Qing’s plan needs to leave the smuggling speedboat.

It was the smuggling boat that was opened by the reef and untied the cable to ensure that it would not enter the bottom of the sea in less than ten seconds.

All kinds of wild animal products have been removed from the flat boat by one piece, and each piece is taken out separately, which can make those illegal members ecstatic.

It is conceivable that the smuggled goods of this ship have an amazing interest.

All the people on the scene were filled with joy, and the smuggling policemen who participated in the pursuit were even more excited to get together and use the seized loot as the background to keep taking pictures of them.

Ye Qingzheng was wondering how he had gone through the battle. The man with a slight majesty in his eyes was called a man who was called the secretary.

"Little comrade, thank you for this matter." Wu Yu, the director of the private branch, said: "There is no dock for you, and your help. At this time, our smuggling ship will still be spinning in the sea, nor can it So fast into the smuggling ship."

“Polite and polite, what should be done.” Ye Qing pointed to the private boat on the dock where the majority of the body was immersed in the sea: “This smuggling ship is not light, just like our original shipyard, now it’s changing. It has become a mechanical manufacturing plant, and there are also a lot of marine steel. It is no problem to repair the hull."

"Is this private boat just here, I let the workers repair the bottom of the boat?"

"Thank you for your thanks~ You can help us repair the ship. Thank you very much." Director Wu Yu said very politely: "I just had a headache, how to transport this private boat back, listen to them saying that this piece is all reef."

Ye Qing mouth said little things, but his heart was playing with other ideas.

There are dozens of tons of displacement of the private boat, the hull is not to be repaired, even if the entire re-welding is new, there is no difficulty.

A marine steel plate, a folding machine and several welding machines can be used, even if it is a workshop-level processing plant.

This factory has a large area, and the former is a shipyard. It is a casual cutting machine that looks like a high-grade machine. There is absolutely no problem in welding a ship's hull.

This factory wants to make a repair money, and the director Wu Yu is also happy to be a human being. Who called Ye Qing to help them?

After all the procedures were settled, the director Wu Yumei took the person away, and the Pingjia boat was also transported back by the cranes and large trailers they invited.

However, on the dock, there was still a broken and smuggled boat that had to be untied.

Sending away this group of people, Ye Qing patiently waited until the night fell.

At eight o'clock in the evening, when the night was completely lowered, Ye Qing summoned an angry miner.

The tide slaps on the thick hind legs of the angry miners, making waves like the waves on the reef. The angry miner gently twirled his tail, and the spray exploded like a cannonball.

Angry miners are now Ye Qing's royal cranes. They are endless and have the same physical strength as prehistoric dinosaurs. They can easily lift more than 30 tons of heavy objects.

Standing in the sea, the angry miners easily carried the private boat in his arms and held it into the yard as easily as a baby.

Turning on the lights in the yard, Ye Qing used a three-dimensional camera to take a full-size picture of the private boat.

Upload the drawings to the computer, Ye Qing uses CAD software to repair the damage of the bottom of the private boat, and then change the design according to his own ideas.

After all the work, Ye Qing sat patted with satisfaction, let the masters go to the underground base, and processed a set of nickel-titanium memory alloy hulls with the melting center.

Of course, this set of nickel-titanium memory alloy hull, Ye Qing should be mixed with 30% steel, which makes the performance of memory alloy drop a grade.

The conversation with the smuggling policeman before, let Ye Qing realize that there is a business opportunity that belongs to him only on the hull of the private boat.

He said that instead of using heavy hulls, it would be hard to deal with these smuggled armored ships. First, because the economy can't afford it. On the other hand, as the police superintendent said, once the thick-hulled ship is deformed, it can only be cut with a fire to cut off the deformed steel plate and re-weld.

This cost is too high, but if you replace the hull with the latest product in the monster factory, what about nickel-titanium memory alloy?

This material is 40% lighter than conventional marine steel, but the structural strength of the same volume is twice as strong.

The final thing is this material, with a strong "self-healing" ability.

There are two kinds of ordinary memory alloys, one is to automatically return to the original shape at a specific temperature.

The other is like a spring, you can return to the original state after bending.

The memory alloy produced by the monster factory is the second type. After the external force deforms it, it can slowly rebound back.

However, the structural strength and the number of rebounds are much higher than any of the memory alloys on the market.

If you use the memory alloy produced by the monster factory as a private boat shell, then all the problems are gone.

Increase the thickness by 40%, just as heavy as the original casing. But the structural strength has increased nearly three times, and the most important "self-healing" ability.

Don't be afraid of impact deformation. After a while, I will reply myself.

The metal melting center can be operated by one person. How to commercialize the memory alloy is also a problem that Ye Qing has recently considered.

There is now a good opportunity to make a transmission shell.

Ships are very cumbersome to manufacture, but the shell is unusually simple and does not require any formalities.

Of course, it is too amazing to take out this kind of memory alloy. I have to take Ye Qing and take the shrinking version.


At three o'clock the next day, Wu Yugang, the director of the Smuggling Branch, finished the report. He was somewhat pleased and worried about it from the mayor's office.

This time, more than a dozen anti-smuggling policemen risked their lives. They used five high-speed private boats to chase and intercept them. They paid three damages and the cost of a serious damage was almost sunk. Only then was the daring Baoping ship successfully intercepted.

The number of precious wild animal products inside is the largest number of interceptions they have ever had.

This credit, of course, was the participation of all the anti-smuggling police in this pursuit, and he was also Wu Yu.

But through this chase, they smuggled the branch and exposed a very embarrassing problem.

Five high-speed private boats, to chase and intercept a smuggling ship, can be played by this smuggling boat like a monkey, almost all the private boats are not hurt, not coincidentally catching Longxitan, smuggling boats hit the rocks and overturn, it is likely This smuggling ship will successfully escape their pursuit.

If you let him run, how bad is this effect?

Thinking of this, the director Wu Yu is eager to marry her mother. When the squadron was shipped back, it was a shame to humiliate them.

The cost of the eight Yamaha high-speed outboards is worth the price of a private boat.

瞧瞧 Its hull, 25mm A40 marine steel.

This is one of the top marine steels in the civilian market, 25 mm thick, not to mention the submachine guns in their hands, even the 88-type general-purpose machine guns would like to see through.

25 mm thick, their hull hull thickness is only 0.8 mm.

And that **** bulletproof glass, turned out to be the honor of the American Texas Armor Manufacturing Company, the mad company that sat behind the glass and let employees take AK to shoot themselves.

That video was posted on the Internet for several years. I didn't expect the director Wu Yu to finally see the real thing of this bulletproof glass.

Which domestic shipyard is so bold and so powerful?

Can you create such a high-speed armored ship with excellent performance?

Check and give me a check.

The director Wu Yu was mad, but the latest news reported to him by the technicians this morning made him fall into a deep sense of powerlessness.

This smuggling ship, whether from quality or steel type and power layout, is not the style of a domestic shipyard.

The assault on the two prisoners also confirmed this.

They confessed that this smuggling ship was an import that their boss had paid a large price for ordering from a foreign shipyard.

This not only surprised him, but also caused the customs chief and the mayor to be surprised.

Smuggling more and more high-tech, and then encounter this situation, how should they deal with it?

Can't all expect the smuggling ship to hit the reef, and give it to the fate like a rabbit?

Just got on the bus and planned to return to the branch, he received a call from Ye Qing.

Ye Qing told him that the repair work of the private boat had been completed and he could come and drive away.

Director Wu Yu was shocked. This is a paper paste. Can you fix an absolutely sunken speedboat in one day?

"The domestic manufacturers are really less and less like words." Director Wu Yu rushed to let the driver drive, he went to Longxitan, and took a good look at what the private boat was made.

Yesterday, he also felt that the young boss had a sense of justice and responsibility that was seriously lacking among the current young people.

Therefore, he was willing to hand over the private boat to him for repair and let him make a profit.

I didn’t expect it to be like this today...

Let the driver call to inform a few anti-smuggling policemen to sail, the director Wu Yu pinched the temple, there is a sense of anger that is being played, he is going to give the young man an ideological education class.

Halfway, his car merged with the crew of the private boat, and the two cars drove into Longxitan.

The iron gates were open and they went straight to the dock.

Just arrived at the dock, the director Wu Yu said "嘶~", and couldn't help but block his eyes with his hands.

Because his eyes were shaken by the reflection of silver metal.

When he opened his eyes again, the Secretary Wu Yu, together with the driver and several anti-smuggling policemen, grew up in the same mouth and looked at the pier on some piers. The ship was built by a simple iron frame.

The streamlined silver-white metal boat shell, the bow of the bow slightly tilted, the original ordinary bow, turned into a diamond-like corner.

On the bow deck, a three-dimensional, exquisite and impressive badge, shimmering in the sun.


Wu Yu, the director of the ideological education class, was in the same position as the radio station that had not found the signal.

Doesn't it mean that the bottom of the ship is damaged? How is this...

How does the private boat become another look, it seems that science fiction is very violent?

And this hull, how does it seem to be integrated processing, he can not find any welds?