Monster Factory

v1 Chapter 305: annoying test

Touching the process of the teapot, Ye Qing felt more nervous and complicated than the first release of the elastic buckle behind the girl.

Fortunately, lifting the operating arm, Ye Qing, in addition to the tension, there is no feeling of tired.

Because of the internal passive hydraulic joints, the weight of the arms can be greatly reduced. In the scapula position, there are two sets of hydraulic support systems, which allow the arms to have a relaxed feeling of being lifted, but when moved, they are also mechanically rhythmic.

This kind of damping design, as the second generation of giant **** driver operation equipment, has won a lot of praise.

The mechanical damping feel allows the robotic arm to filter out all small, unconscious, messy movements.

Just like pressing the button on a luxury car, the kind of damping is comfortable and people can't help but press a few times, and inadvertently touch it, there will be no misoperation.

This is a masterpiece of spring washers and rubber gaskets.

The set of alloy operating clothes of Ye Qing is composed of a multi-joint hydraulic rod that the master master has personally formulated the damping force. Whether it is technical difficulty or strength feedback, it is not in a grade.

This sense of difference, like the ordinary keyboard, and the top mechanical keyboard gap.

The electric signal pressure sensor accurately conveys Ye Qing's two-handed posture and fully captures it to the robot's hands.

Ye Qing is softer when it is lightly close to the teapot that is scented with tea.

The robot completely pinched the teapot, and when it was lifted, it was slightly shaken, and Ye Qing increased the strength slightly.

The other glass was also controlled by Ye Qing, and it was lifted gently.

There is no difficulty in pouring water. The teapot is gently aligned with the glass. Just a little sprinkling, it is quickly adjusted by Ye Qing.

The cup is full, Ye Qing controls the robot and slowly puts things back.

“The first generation of domestic robots, the first test was successful.” Ye Qing used the remote control to open the second video: “Second time, normal speed experiment.”

If you are a family robot, you must have a speed that normal people can accept.

This is slow, and the speed at which the bomb disposal expert removes the bomb is as cautious as it is naturally impossible to promote it as a qualified product.

In the second test, Ye Qing was no longer careful, but like a tea in his own day, he reached out and grabbed the teapot again.


On the metal table, this handle has a world-famous jewel, and the fine teapot, such as the reputation of Yangshuo Yimao, has broken into a pile of pieces.

Ye Qing has no feeling of distress. He can take tea with a teapot and a glass. It means that they don't care about these things.

The other hand, in the same natural position, grabbed the glass cup filled with tea on the metal table.

I don't know why, this time the glass was firmly held in the hand, only the tea inside, because the speed is too fast to sprinkle some.

“The experiment is half successful.” Ye Qing shook his head, and it seemed that even if he was manipulating the robot, he had to pay attention to the unclear feeling.

Unfortunately, this kind of feel can only be maintained by the monsters.

At present, the palm of the robot has a grip strength of 100 kilograms. If the final test is not possible, the number can be appropriately lowered, or a pressure sensor can be added to give a resistance feedback to the alloy operating garment.

As for the intelligent identification system, to judge the softness and hardness of the object, and then adjust the strength of the robot, Ye Qing does not have this technology for the time being.

Even Google, which is at the forefront of smart technology, is smart in judging the softness and hardness of objects. It can also rely on image recognition technology to network the parameters of known objects in the database.

This is very unreliable and slow.

Turn on the video again and Ye Qing performs the second set of tests.

A low gas stove was placed next to the metal table.

There are everything in the pots and pans, oil and salt vinegar, and there are two pounds of washed green vegetables and mushrooms.

"The first generation of domestic robots, the first cooking experiment began." Ye Qing opened the sensor again, controlling the robot to move a little two steps, to the front of the stove.

If you do it yourself, Ye Qing can skillfully cook a green vegetable fried shiitake mushroom.

Operating the robot, Ye Qing first cut the knife into the chopping board, the other hand took the mushrooms, and directly pinched the mushrooms into mud!

This is not a pleasant way to cook. Ye Qing simply manipulates the robot and unscrews the gas stove with a slight and slight movement. Open the oil cap again and pour dozens of vegetable oil into the pan.

The pot is heated to smoke, and the robot holds the round mushroom and stirs it.

A spatula flies out four or five, and the second shovel is still like this. Ye Qing simply throws the spatula, controls the robot, and learns the chefs to upset the pot.

The same is true for green vegetables. After the pot, Ye Qinghuai broke the jar and broke his mind. He turned the wok in the mechanical hand into a flat boat in the ten-level wave.

Ordinary people dare to play this hand, the most direct consequence is that the splash of hot oil is hot and hot.

But now the robot is drenched with half of the hot oil, still indifferent.

When the salt is added, the salt box is overturned. The chicken essence can be ignored. In the end, the fried vegetables and mushrooms are poured into the dish. There are only three poor mushrooms and seven or eight green leaves.

Ye Qingzhuang bravely tasted a bite and ate a mouthful of bitterness and bitterness.

Ye Qing did not believe in this evil.

Before the robot was built, the master master deliberately tested the performance.

In his hands, the robot is simply extended with both hands, not to mention cooking, and typing on the notebook keyboard is no problem.

An alien notebook lay quietly there, this is the third project Ye Qing prepared.

Although I have already bought a mindset, it seems that there is no need for such a test that 100% will fail.

This and the operation of the giant **** type are completely different feelings. The giant gods face large objects, and the operation has a few centimeters of error, which has no effect at all.

Robots can't, because of remote operation reasons, lack of a sense of judgment that is close at hand. Ye Qing reached out and touched the soy sauce bottle. A little faster, he could knock the soy sauce bottle over.

Continue to practice, Ye Qing does not believe that through the robot, he can not get a cooking can be imported?

The green vegetables and shiitake mushrooms in a snakeskin pocket were picked up by the leaves.

These are taken from the company cafeteria. I used to cook a little too much before, and this time Ye Qing decided to hold his breath and slowly hone his skills.

Continue to return to the speed of demolition bombs, Ye Qing focused on using a robot, picking up the kitchen knife, cutting the mushrooms like red and yellow lines.

It's also like driving a car, as long as it's slow, it won't leak.

Just in the process of pouring vegetable oil, Ye Qing has no way to slow down.

Because the oil pan is on fire

Some panic poured into the raw materials, Ye Qing took the pot from the fire source, and slowly practiced to control the spatula.

I have been practicing for half an hour, and the number of unclear feelings is increasing. Ye Qing put the wok on the gas stove.

This night, Ye Qing will polish the raw materials of a snake skin bag.

On the second day, when Ye Qing went to the company, he took ten prototypes and prepared them to let the employees of the company experience it.

There is also the construction of remote network control, this must be cautious and careful, and discuss feasible solutions. To be continued. Your support is my greatest motivation.

