Monster Factory

v1 Chapter 681: subsidy for mining fees per ton

At this time, Nigaya is still a late night of the moon.

In the center of the city of Anu SAR, a high wall surrounds the iron gate closed in the luxurious mansion, which dominates the owner of this land. At this time, the mood is extremely complicated and it is difficult to sleep.

The dream of General Mopu’s dream was fulfilled.

Earlier, his logistics director, Baz, reported to him on a satellite phone. In the vicinity of the Soto rainforest, not only did he find the metal bismuth that Ye always attached great importance to, but also a companion uranium mine.

What seems to be called copper uranium mica?

Although General Mopu has not heard of this mineral species, but the name of uranium as long as the Internet users, which one does not know?

The appearance of metal bismuth and copper uranium mica mines made General Mopp both excited and scared.

Excitedly, it is the poor Nicara, and the impoverished Anu district has finally emerged, a mineral that can be used by countless people. As long as he is right in his position, General Mopu believes that it will not take long for the regional economic level under his rule to leap forward, and it is possible to create a modern and affluent city.

But the benefits are always tied to the risks, often the degree of risk is always proportional to the amount of interest.

General Mopu worried that he could not stand firm in the face of the undercurrent of the future, and was swallowed up by the capital of the country.

If only the metal bismuth is good, now a uranium mine has been rolled in. His own backward armed forces have definitely not to think about it. Can the giant beast industry in the far east be able to block the hungry wolves?

In Nicaraya, a country that has been forgotten by the world, laws and rules only have good assumptions.

Guns are eternal if you want to compete for territory or resources.

General Mopu also went online, and he also collected some information he was interested in on European and American social networks. He has also heard about the achievements of the giant beast industry in the world industrial field. Once the large-scale mining of the Soto rainforest, sooner or later, it will be secret inside.

Thinking about it, General Mopp could not clearly sort out the situation behind. Fortunately, there was a message from Ye Zong, asking him to take an hour to open a conference call during the day to determine the details of the cooperation between the two parties.

8 am local time.

General Mopu was confused and felt someone was knocking on the bedroom door. Only when important things are born, the talents dare to disturb his sleep.

"General, Ye Zong called you and said that I would like to find you to communicate in detail about the specific mining plan."

General Mopu suddenly disappeared from sleep, and he climbed up from the bed, **** it, and he overslept.

Unable to wear clothes, General Mopu slammed his head a few times, cleared his throat and ran to the office. After taking a deep breath, he waved his hand and gestured to him.

"Hello, Ye Zong." General Mopu was excited by his resistance. The talk time was as long as an hour. He had time to tell the doubts in his heart.

"Hello, General Mopu."

"Then we will talk about business righteously. Everyone is a friend, don't be a guest." On the phone, Ye Qing smiled: "We will be close partners in the future, and the two sides will carry out multiple cooperation around the mining area."

General Mopp nodded and said, then he said the first thought in his heart.

"Ye Zong, you must first build roads and factories before mining. I roughly calculated the labor force of the Anu District last year. The number of male laborers between the ages of 18 and 35 is 200,000. If Ye total Can give these people a job..."

"General Mopu, the initial construction of 5,000 is enough. Now it is a large-scale mechanical automation, the number has not affected the overall situation."

"The five thousand people can be chosen by you. But you must guarantee their quality and personnel training according to your military and police standards. These 5,000 people are only involved in the construction of the surrounding facilities."

“The mine will open a mission, I will send a separate professional, and you have to shoulder the patrol mission around the Sotu rainforest mine to prevent unrelated people from approaching.”

“Five...five thousand people...” General Mopu’s heart was very lost. In his vision last night, a mining area with a scale of ten square kilometers would have to digest three to 50,000 laborers.

The dirty work of mining and repairing roads must be done by the strong black guys who do not need any labor law, minimum treatment guarantee law, human rights law and so on. If it can convert 30,000 backward agricultural population into industrial population. That was a great change for the entire southern region, and people would remember his Mouth's name.

"The population of 5,000 people is still taking into account the factors of their lower cultural level, otherwise a thousand people are enough."

Ye Qingdun paused. "The 5,000 people, I will pay a monthly salary of 500 US dollars, and provide accommodation and uniform clothing. In addition, I will build a power station with a daily power of 20 million kWh. If you need electricity, I can provide a stable supply of electricity at a low price."

20 million kWh, equivalent to the daily power consumption of a county in a coastal area of ​​China.

General Mopu’s lost mood, the moment the power station arrived, and the excited heart jumped. Electricity is the cornerstone of modern civilization, and it can be seen in the entire Anu Special Zone. Only the Fuzhou City can guarantee the most basic lighting power supply.

In other cities, the coverage of power users is about 15%, and the village is o. In this way, the Anu Special Zone is also a wealthy area envied by the entire southern population.

At 20 million kWh, the rest of the time is enough for the entire Anu District lighting.

In the end, it is a world-famous top industrial company. With one shot, it can solve the problem of power supply with General Mopu himself and vow to solve it in ten years.

“As a return to mine, I will build a hospital that covers mobile communication base stations around the city, a clean drinking water treatment plant, a comprehensive office building, and a...”

Young Ye Zong, every time he said a construction aid project, General Mopu’s heartbeat would add one point.

At the end of the day, General Mopp had felt so happy that he could not breathe. This is a return, it is simply to help him establish a necessary facility in a modern city. As long as these facilities are in place, General Mopu is confident that the city of Anut will become the shining pearl after the capital.

Ye is always a great businessman.

He is my friend, oh no~ my benefactor!

After Mr. Ye finished talking about these 12 aid projects, General Mopp had already felt very embarrassed. This has not yet begun to talk about the opening price of the mining area, and Ye has been so generous.

That behind...

In Ye Qing’s aid project, the obligations that both parties need to provide are detailed. General Mopu couldn’t help but take the topic to the mining area on how to cooperate.

"Isn't that what you said, you don't have to cooperate in the mining area, and there is no technical cooperation. This part is left by me alone."

"No...not..." General Mopu was eager to scratch his head. He wanted to express as much as possible that the mine belongs to Anute. Even if it is transferred, there must be a transfer fee.

"Oh!" Ye Qing got it.

"We naturally won't take it in the mining area, nor will we learn the black-hearted European and American companies to buy out at a price."

"In this way, for every ton of mineral produced in the mining area, the Behemoth Industry will subsidize you for two hundred dollars in mining costs."

General Mopu once again made a clever move, which seemed to be very cost-effective. Two hundred dollars a ton, seems to be much higher than the price of iron ore. How many tons of minerals have been buried in the entire Sotu rainforest mine...