Monster Factory

v1 Chapter 801: Let's divide the ransom

The soldiers outside are going crazy.

Since the Guards of General Almon mourned to run out, hundreds of soldiers outside gathered together.

Six horrified guards who lost their souls, and the icy bodies that were found on the roof, suddenly let hundreds of soldiers flocked and angered to jump.

Oh, this is the case!

Is the other person eating the courage of walking the dog, or sleeping the lioness?

After hearing six guards and saying that there was only one enemy, the anger of these soldiers arrived.

They screamed into the hiding place of General Almon. When the living room was full, they stood outside, and they used the wall to surround the house.

Then, the only passage was collapsed by the Avengers robot.

They are angry, they use their hands to move, use their feet to move, it is necessary to pull out the enemy, and then become the venting tube of these hundreds of soldiers.

"Come out, you dare to hurt the generals a little fur, we will smash you with a knife."

"General, you insist on a moment, we will save you soon."

"The people inside have listened, you have been surrounded, and immediately put down your arms and surrender."

"Submit, or die."

The companions who were shot in the six eye sockets did not scare them. They madly removed the gravel while yelling at the passage. For a time, the momentum is like a rainbow, as if the thousands of troops are calling the enemy.

In doing so, it is secondary to shock the enemy, and it is true to show his face in front of General Almon.

So when they moved the last piece of gravel that was in the way, and the vents at the end of the passage were exposed to their view, the soldiers smashed. In their conjecture, General Almon will definitely close the blast door and stick to their rescue.

The passage was blown up and collapsed, but the explosion-proof door was definitely not blown up. It took them less than five minutes to clean up the rubble.

Unexpectedly, the enemy was like an antelope forced to the cliff, standing in front of the explosion-proof door and shivering in despair.

On the blast door, there is only one large hole that can accommodate adults easily.

Then, they heard General Almon’s cry out of despair. They are no strangers to this kind of sound. Usually, only a hunting knife penetrates into the chest, and this kind of bellows-like voice will be heard.

General Almon was killed...

The news is like a cold wind blowing from their hearts, no matter from what angle, let the enemy kill the one of the absolute high-level of the blue helmet organization in the eyes of hundreds of their soldiers. Soldiers should take off a layer of skin even if they don't die.

This is the core of the positions where tens of thousands of people are stationed. There is only one way in front of them.

Eliminate intruders and reduce their guilt.

More than 20 soldiers who poured into the passage were red-eyed. They raised their assault rifles at the rupture of the explosion-proof door. They cursed in the worst language imaginable and used the greatest anger in their lives to condemn. The enemy inside is about to be destroyed.

A Coca-Cola-sized silver-white cylindrical metal container was thrown out from the inside.

The metal container crossed a perfect arc in midair, and in midair, the soldiers could see a light band that quickly turned from green to red on the waist of the silver-white metal container. Although I have never seen this thing, the soldiers will never think that it is a good health thing.

They subconsciously yelled and subconsciously wanted to turn their heads.

It’s already late, this silver-white metal container has just flown into the air, and suddenly it will bloom when it is about to fall to the ground under the force of gravity.


At the moment it exploded, more than 20 soldiers in the passage seemed to see the sun.

Then, it is the feeling that a part of the body is hit. It is very strange that they can't feel the pain when they are blind, but they feel that the place they hit is instantly numb, even with a little cold feeling. Then, they smelled an indescribable scorching smell and a burning scent.

Ten seconds later, the Avengers leaped out of the channel.

Its pair of red electronic eyes without any feelings, sweeping through the hall coldly, sweeping over 50 soldiers here.

It was broken in a black cloak and was stained with blood in a colorful color. It has mechanically opened hands on the claws, and blood is constantly dripping.

At this moment, the soldiers were filled with fear that could not be described in words. The number of people can no longer give them a sense of security, and the assault rifles in their hands do not care whether they may hurt their companions. They pulled the trigger and only wanted to hit the bullet inside the light clip.

At this moment, the guns in the hall rang into thunder. In the night, in the horror of hundreds of soldiers outside the house, all the windows of the house are constantly burning.

At this moment, the Avengers illuminate their claws.

At this moment, the Avengers robot does not perform any dodge. More than two kilojoules of bullets hit him, except for a burst of fire, except for the super-hard alloy, and the composite armor made of nickel-titanium memory alloy, leaving a negligible scratch, except for a slight jitter in the body. , no longer has any effect.

It chooses to bounce into the crowd and tear a **** path with claws. With 637 kilograms of physique, with more than two tons of impact, smashing the crowd.


A minute later, the Avengers robot left the battlefield.

Behind it is about to fall into the night, it is a battlefield of sorrow, and all the soldiers who can still act, crying and fleeing. All their courage has disappeared, and they have suffered the greatest fear of their lives. They have lost guns that have no effect and fled at maximum speed.

Some people want to report the horror scene here, but find that both wired and satellite phones are on strike. The power button is pressed to the end, and there is still no reaction.

No one noticed that there was a boxy metal device at the top of the building where General Almon was hiding.

No one noticed that at the top of a taller building, a vulture was looking at the battlefield from start to finish.

If General Almon can still think, he will doubt whether this robot can work a few meters underground. The giant beast industry is how to connect this robot in this complex environment.

If he knows, the vulture is also the highest summary of the electronics industry technology, that is, it is using a short-range high-frequency signal for network relay, he may die of some willingness.

When the Avengers robot disappeared into the night, the vulture, which had been in motion for a long time, finally spread its wings.

It flew to the top of the building and grabbed the electromagnetic interference equipment that had stopped working.

This night, when the soldiers mourned to the nearest position, they reported the layers of information to the remaining high-rise ears of the blue helmet. Without any surprise, the entire blue helmet top fell into a panic and shock.

Under the **** of the heavy army, they came to the hiding place of General Almon.

They don't believe in robots. They believe that it is a mysterious soldier from China who wears the most advanced bulletproof armor and has done all this.

However, more than a thousand severely deformed warheads were collected on the scene, and several high-rise heads of blue helmets were bombarded.

What armor can resist close shooting of more than a thousand ak bullets?

The flesh and blood, it is impossible to withstand this impact.

However, all the electronic equipment on the scene was damaged. Except for the trembling dictation of the soldiers, no traces of the enemy could be found.

Ashman, Tinker, Barnby, Cheadle...

At the scene, a total of four blue helmets were on the scene. Today, the blue helmet entered the defensive state and the attack on the capital city was suspended. The death of General Almon made them fall into the turmoil of self-imposed danger, because General Almon has already put the defense work to the limit.

Under the guard of more than 2,000 soldiers, another high-ranking General Ashman dignified: "Although I don't know what kind of weapon the enemy uses, it is possible to assassinate General Almon under this defense. But I I know that the reason for the death of General Almon is probably related to the batch of Chinese workers he detained two days ago."

"I interrogated one of his confidants. He told me that General Almon had blackmailed a Chinese company called the Beast Industry. Now he is extorting $100 million and is being stored in a warehouse 15 kilometers away. General Tingke rushed to the top of several high-ranking generals.

"Now General Almon is killed, and the natural ransom is for us, one and twenty-five million."

"I will watch everyone be careful later. Although it has nothing to do with us. But this kind of attack is too horrible, and it is impossible to defend."

"I just want to replace the guards' weapons with the rocket launchers. They are not afraid of bullets. They can't even be afraid of breaking the bullets." Another high-level Cinder, first subconsciously smashed the American dragon scale armor. Then the words turned.

"The ransom is equally divided, how is the team of General Almon?"

"Nature is in accordance with..." Asheman said half of it, suddenly suddenly stopped.

Because he heard the "噗嗤~" a muffled sound, then subconsciously looked at his chest.

A large hole in the bowl suddenly appeared on his chest. The next second, he felt his body fall, his eyes caught the last picture, and the faces of several generals were horrified.

"There are snipers..." Another high-level Cinder, after reacting, immediately sneaked on the ground.


After a little five seconds, the scales of the squadron on General Cheadall ruthlessly exploded.

At this moment, the soldiers who were in the defensive circle within 500 meters heard the thunderous gunshots from afar.

This shows that the sniper hidden in the dark, at least two kilometers away.

When another rushed into the car and General Tink, who wanted to escape, was ruthlessly named, in the sky, a vulture flew over.