Monster Factory

v2 Chapter 1462: More than this business

The supervisor Zheng Songli was brought to Yun Shi, and Yun Shi asked him why he was running, is there a ghost in his heart?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, our site has not been able to contact the branch since the afternoon. I...I am going to the branch to inquire about the situation."

Supervisor Zheng Songli was a little at a loss, but she explained: "If the branch can't be contacted, the work on the site can't be carried out."

"The news that I'm going to the branch, my colleagues at the station... all know."

After speaking, the supervisor Zheng Songli turned his eyes to the several site employees behind Yun Shi as if asking for help.

The few employees who led the way immediately turned their heads and drew a clear line with their supervisor Zheng Songli.

ten minutes later.

In the office building of Xiaozhou Station, the employees are now panicked, and opinions differ.

Several employees who had walked closer to the supervisor before were already sitting on their desks pale and silent.

If you stand behind and look carefully, you can still see their shoulders trembling very slightly.

Just over ten minutes ago, all the employees in the office building saw the supervisor Zheng Songli being taken away by people from the headquarters.

Rather than taking it away, it is better to say it is taken away.

Recalling the previous supervisor Zheng Songli's abnormal packing of personal belongings, carrying a backpack around the headquarters, and walking out, also confirmed the seriousness of the matter.

Rejoin the lost branch...

Everyone understands that from the branch to the various sites in Shonan Province, there is bound to be a big earthquake.

I even heard a few employees who ran to the parking area just come back and excitedly said that in those cars not only the head of the headquarters and the assistant to the president Yun Shi.

Just when supervisor Zheng Songli was brought to the middle of the fleet for questioning by the extended lightning vehicle, several employees vowed to promise that they actually saw Mr. Ye from the lowered car window.

When it's over, Mr. Ye personally brought people here, and Xiaozhou Station must have gone to the small books in the hearts of the seniors.

Even if they don't know what the supervisor Zheng Songli has committed, they don't think about further development in the future.

Because they were once subordinates of the supervisor Zheng Songli.

What a disaster.

Supervisor Zheng Songli's resistance did not last long. In front of Ye Qing, after only a few hard sentences, he confessed the details he knew like a bamboo tube.

A total of three people participated in Xiaozhou Station.

He is Xu Yu, a technician at the Jilei service station, and Huang Chen, a technician at the maintenance station.

There is no complicated reason, Zheng Songli, the supervisor, said it was for money.

"My salary is less than 500,000 yuan a year. I have been a supervisor in one place for three years and I have to be transferred to another place."

"There are too many places to spend money. The child's tuition fee for a year plus extracurricular interest classes costs 200,000 yuan."

"My wife also spends 200,000 yuan a year, I don't have much money myself..."

Ye Qing watched Zheng Songli like an idiot: "You cry poor with me?"

"In addition to salary, it seems that you haven't counted other benefits. I don't count the six insurances and one housing fund. I don't count the points rewards."

"The city-level supervisor's treatment includes not only cars, but also independent apartments with an area of ​​no less than 80 square meters, and the company's reimbursement for clothing, food, housing and transportation does not count."

"If you make up for this, you can put tens of thousands in your pocket every year."

"There are also the reception of external companies and enterprises, and the reception costs of the site, I don't care about these."

"Together, your annual salary is not one million, but also 900,000."

"You just return me like this?"

"According to you, the employees of the company who get P1P2 salaries don't live anymore?"

"I...I..." Under Ye Qing's gaze, Zheng Songli was slowly sinking into an abyss of endless tension, "Mr. Ye, I... I was confused for a while."

"Um~ it's okay." Ye Qing waved his hand, "you don't need to tell me this, just leave it to the judge."

"Mr. Ye, are you planning to transfer us to..."

Ye Qing nodded and said, "That's right."

"Ah~Mr. Ye, I am willing to compensate the company for all the losses caused by the company. Also, all the money I received will be handed over. You can fire me and an additional fine will do."

Zheng Songli was anxious, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept running out: "As long as you don't hand me over, I will accept any punishment, even if it doubles to compensate the company for losses."

"Xiao Zheng, do you think I am like someone who lacks your three melons?"

"Ye... President Ye, if we are handed over to the past, the outside news media will definitely know that this will have a great negative impact on the company's image."

"We can't just take on the image of the company that has been in business for many years just because we have lost ourselves."

Zheng Songli was completely anxious, and his face was full of panic.

Before, he still had a fluke mentality, thinking that what he did would be discovered by the company. In order to avoid spreading a negative image, the company would only deal with it internally.

In fact, when many companies encounter similar situations, most of them choose to deal with them internally.

There are many reasons for this, as long as the offending employee can quickly compensate the company for the losses.

Out of emotions and avoiding the influence of negative news, most companies will only do dismissal.

Only when the matter is particularly serious or the loss cannot be recovered, the company will choose to resolve it through justice.

Ye Qing waved, "I don't care."

"Look at those large companies, which one has no negative image?"

"It's embarrassing enough to be able to train you talents. I don't care about losing a little more."

Twenty minutes later, Xu Yu, a technician from the Jilei Bus Service Station in Xiaozhou City, was brought in.

Xu Yu was much more honest than this group. The investigation team just asked him, and he immediately explained the details of the whole process of his participation.

He explained that there is a small repair shop in Ruida Automobile Company, and whenever the first generation plasma battery is smuggled back from the branch.

Xu Yu will go to Ruida Company to help reinstall the batteries on those lightning cars, and use the company's reading device for offline activation.

As for the replaced second-generation plasma batteries, trucks will come and drag them away after they are stored in the company for less than one or two hours.

The investigation team asked him if he knew the buyer's news?

Xu Yu shook his head and said that Ruida was very concealed when doing this. He only changed the battery in the repair shop, not knowing who the buyer was.

Ruida Company must know it over there.

At the same time, Ruida is also the next destination of the investigation team, but Ruida does not belong to the giant animal industry. If you want to deal with Ruida, you need the intervention of law enforcement agencies.

This matter is very simple, there is no need for Ye Qing and the high-level to come forward. After the staff of the Ministry of Justice reported the situation to the law enforcement department of Xiaozhou City, within half an hour, Ruida Company was surrounded by law enforcement officers.

According to the news of Ruida Company, there is obviously no Lingtong Zheng Songli at Xiaozhou Station.

Zheng Songli was able to perceive something wrong, showing some success, Ruida was surrounded by law enforcement agencies, and he still looked baffled.

Zheng Zhijun, the boss of Ruida Company, called a tough attitude when he learned the reason for the law enforcement department's visit.

"Did you make a mistake?"

"Isn't it possible to change the battery for my own company's car?"

"I bought the battery with money, so I can deal with it whatever I want."

Just... Even if there is something tricky on the side of the Giant Animal Industry Division and I, the employees of their branch actively contacted me and said that they could do this and earn extra money for the replaced battery. "

"This can be regarded as an improper profit at best, and it is also an employee of the Behemoth Industrial Division to catch it."

"Wh...what, has it been caught?"

"Then...Then I will pay the money for selling the battery to Giant Animal Industry. Why are you arresting me?"

The tough attitude of the boss of Ruida does not mean that all employees of Ruida are tough.

The Ruida company was quickly investigated, and law enforcement officers also made breakthroughs from the employees who participated.

The next day.

When Ruida's situation was sorted out, the headquarter investigation team that was investigating with law enforcement agencies found that the problem was far less simple than it might seem.

An employee of Ruida Company disclosed that the second-generation plasma batteries they disassembled were sold to a businessman who he did not know for a price of 200,000 sets.

The boss must know the identity of the businessman, and besides the plasma battery, the employee also knows.

They not only purchased the battery of the Thunder car at a high price, but also purchased the plasma battery removed from the Phantom mobile phone.

The business volume seems not small.