Monster Paradise

Chapter 1461: The Anomaly of the Silent Sea

After the meeting with Liu Ming, the schedule of the Lin Huang brothers and sisters for the next few days remained the same.

The information on the social network did not make Lin Huang care, nor did he continue to pay attention to the various noisy voices on the Internet, but just read the news every day before going to bed.

On this day, Lin Huang clicked on the news page again before going to bed.

The headline on the homepage of the official website of the alliance government immediately attracted Lin Huang's attention.

The title is "Notice of Silent Sea Ban! 》

"Silent Sea is banned...what's the situation?" With doubts, Lin Huang immediately opened the announcement.

[In view of the greater improvement in the overall strength of the Silent Sea monsters, the Alliance Government and the Hunters Association will organize a joint cleanup in the near future. Silent Sea will be temporarily banned during this period, and all practitioners under the Void God Realm are forbidden to step into it. After the clearance and suppression are completed, we will issue an unblocking notice as soon as possible to restore normal hunting order. 】

After reading this announcement, Lin Huang couldn't help but raise his brows.

His first reaction was that the Alliance government concealed the truth about the ban on Silent Sea. Because even if it is really going to be purged, there is no need to ban it so aggressively.

It must have happened. The coalition government did not want the outside world to know, so it made this decision.

With a hint of doubt, Lin Huang dialed Huang Tianfu's communication number.

The video call was connected before the waiting tone rang.

"Master Renhuang!" As soon as he saw Lin Huang show his face, Huang Tianfu first said hello with a smile on his face.

Lin Huang nodded slightly, "Tianfu, how about the imperial side recently?"

"Everything is as usual." Huang Tianfu finished speaking, and then explained in detail, "Mr. Fu and Lin Xuan are still in retreat, and other Void Gods are in retreat, and some are in the ruins of the royal family. There is no abnormal situation reported back. "

"Oh... I almost forgot. There is good news. Huang Wuji has been promoted to the Void God Realm. He was promoted just two days ago. I think it's not a big deal, so I didn't bother you."

"With his talent and potential, promotion is normal." Lin Huang nodded slightly. Huang Wuji was one of the five emperors who were as famous as Zen at the beginning, and he was a peerless talent among the younger generation.

If it weren't for Lin Huang's sudden birth, covering the edge of the Five Emperors, the Five Emperors might become the strongest in this era in the future.

And if there was no Lin Huang to cut Hu, the position of the Emperor of the Dynasty might already be Huang Wuji.

"The promotion of the first prince is indeed a thing to celebrate. Reward him with a top-level magic weapon and a set of top-level magic armor. Other rewards are up to you."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Huang Tianfu nodded quickly.

"By the way, I saw the Silent Sea ban announcement issued by the Alliance Government today. Did something happen over there?" After talking about Huang Wuji, Lin Huang turned the topic to the direction he most wanted to ask.

"I don't have any definite news yet..." Huang Tianfu finished speaking and continued, "However, I heard that several imaginary gods of the Alliance government have fallen into the Silent Sea. But this news has not been confirmed, the specific circumstances I haven’t heard from my side yet."

"I have news, remember to notify me as soon as possible." Lin Huang nodded.

The two chatted for a while before Lin Huang hung up the call.

"There is an imaginary **** who has fallen on the Silent Sea..." Lin Huang is still more concerned about the issue of Silent Sea's ban. "The fall of an imaginary **** is also a normal thing. Those monsters are stronger."

"But directly banning the entire Silent Sea, things are probably not that simple." Lin Huang made this judgment because he had dealt with Jiang Shan and Dongfangbai more than once, and he knew the nature of these two people. Will not make such a decision lightly.

With a gossip mood, Lin Huang opened the black market forum.

Soon I saw topics related to the ban on Silent Sea, and there were quite a few.

He clicked on some of the more popular posts, and found that there was everything.

Some people say that a powerful monster that seems to be a true **** appeared in the sea of ​​silence, killing all the virtual gods that the alliance government went to explore.

Some people say that in the depths of the Sea of ​​Silence, the transmission channel of the great world has appeared again, and the army of the great world has attacked.

Others say that the monsters under the Silent Sea have undergone abnormal changes, and the strength of many monsters has soared and become a forbidden area for humans.

After Lin Huang finished reading it, he became more confused about what happened in the Silent Sea area.

Although he knew that many posts were fake at a glance, there were also some posts that might describe the content.

After closing the black market forum, Lin Huang pondered for a moment, intending to temporarily forget about the Silent Sea.

In his opinion, the matter had little to do with him. Although he was curious, he did not gossip to ask Jiang Shan or Dongfang Bai directly. He still chose to wait patiently for news from the dynasty.

Time flickered, and three more days passed.

Brother and sister Lin Huang left Motian City, the No. 3A1 stronghold where the Hunting Academy is located, and came to Marble City, the No. 3A5 stronghold.

Lin Xin chose Wanbao City because Wanbao City is the largest trading city in the third district and one of the largest trading centers in the entire gravel world.

She wants to see if there is anything she wants.

Just after the brothers and sisters had breakfast and found the hotel to check in, Lin Huang's Emperor Heart Ring suddenly shook.

He clicked on the communication page and suddenly couldn't help but raise his brow.

He originally thought that the caller would be Huang Tianfu, but he did not expect it to be the chairman of the alliance government-Jiang Shan.

Seeing that the caller was Jiang Shan, Lin Huang's first thought was "Could it be related to Silent Sea?!"

With this in mind, Lin Huang answered the video request sent by Jiang Shan.

"Lin Renhuang has been well recently?" Although Jiang Shan had a smile on his face, his smile was somewhat unnatural.

"I'm pretty good. I can see the beautiful scenery and eat delicious food every day." Lin Huang responded with a smile, "Traveling is really a joyful thing."

Jiang Shan, of course, knew that Lin Huang had been on vacation recently.

"I'm sorry to disturb you on vacation." The smile on Jiang Shan's face was helpless.

If it weren't for the last resort, he certainly wouldn't be willing to come to Lin Huang cheeky.

"It's Silent Sea?" Lin Huang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes." Jiang Shan nodded quickly.

"Tell me in detail, what's the situation?"

"More than half a month ago, we sent a few Void Gods to the Silent Sea to explore... the entrance to the great world you mentioned." At this point, Jiang Shan looked up at Lin Huang's reaction with embarrassment. "A team of imaginary gods, a total of eleven people, led the team by a fourth-turn imaginary god. On the day of exploration, all eleven people lost contact."

"On the third day when they lost contact, we gathered two more teams led by the Sixth Transformation Void God and went to Silent Sea to investigate the cause of their disappearance. The two teams each had 25 Void Gods, among them There were four people in each rank. The two teams began to lose contact on the second day after they went to sea. On the third day, everyone lost contact."

"After the second investigation failed, we spent another week. Three days ago, on the day the notice was issued, we assembled a brigade and went to Silent Sea again. The team was led by two Ninth Rank Void Gods. With thirty-six middle-level imaginary gods going to the sea to investigate. Last night, Guan Zhong reported to me and confirmed that all of them were missing..."