Monster Paradise

Chapter 1651: Bigger trouble

After bringing Yang Ling into his own God Realm temporarily, and putting away ten more war spirits of the gods, Lin Huang condensed his aura, put on some disguise, and then left with Gang Quan and Gao Wan.

After passing through the portal, Lin Huang appeared directly on the roof of a tall building.

Seeing the endless stream of people and carts and horses below, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

In this kind of place, it is not easy to do it directly.

"Here is Ricky Star?!" Gao Wan asked directly after scanning his eyes. Obviously no stranger to this planet.

"Ricky Star in Keyin Star Territory?" Lin Huang had also heard of this planet.

Keyin Star Region, located in the core area of ​​God's Domain, is one of the three top trading star regions of God's Domain. Among them, Ricky Star is one of the richest planets in God's Domain.

Anyone who has been in God's Domain for a period of time has probably heard such a sentence as Ricky Star, Ricky Star, there are God Crystals everywhere!

"Yes." Gang Quan nodded slightly, confirming Lin Huang's doubts.

"This place is not easy to do." Gao Wan said helplessly what Lin Huang thought.

"First make sure he is there or not." Lin Huang didn't say much.

In order to prevent the three of them from attacking the grass and startling the snakes, they are now in a state of astringent aura, and even disguised their appearance, making their spiritual thoughts even more useless.

He also thought about it. If the cunning rabbit really hides on this planet, he will immediately call the flail snake to seal it, and then take it to a safe place for follow-up treatment.

"Come with me." Gang Quan was wearing a black leather skirt, and his temperament was a little more enchanting.

Her figure flashed, and she disappeared from where she was.

Lin Huang and Gao Wan quickly followed.

After a while, the three of them appeared over a bar.

When you get here, you don't need to hide your breath anymore.

"This bar was opened by Cunning Rabbit, and the bread room on the basement floor is his room." Gang Fist spoke to the two of them.

"You two guard, I'll go and see." Lin Huang nodded slightly, and appeared at the door of the room that Gang Fist said in a flash.

It seems that a special restriction has been set up in the room, even with Lin Huang's spiritual thoughts, it can't penetrate into it.

More than that, there are defensive prohibitions.

Lin Huang drew a knife and smashed the door of the room with one knife and stepped into it.

This box is actually a luxurious suite, but there is no one in the room at the moment.

After Lin Huang's spiritual sweep, nothing was found.

He withdrew from the room, only then did he communicate with Gang Quan and Gao Wan with his spirit, and greeted them to come down.

After the two of them entered the room, they also swept away with their spiritual thoughts, and then began to search for it with their own hands.

After about ten minutes, the three gathered in the living room without finding anything.

"This room has obviously been cleaned up, and most of the furniture has been moved away." Gang Quan frowned.

There was nothing left in the living room except a few paintings on the wall. In the bedroom, even the wardrobe and bed were moved away directly. The whole room appeared empty.

"I guess he learned the news that Heishan and the others were beheaded in some way." Lin Huang's eyes fell on Gang Quan, "Plus he knew very well that you knew his stronghold, so he hurried back. Cleaned up, to prevent exposure of your tracks."

"Unfortunately, I only know his stronghold." Gangfist frowned slightly, "Without this clue, it will be difficult for us to find him anymore."

"He ran away, and it became more and more confirmed that he was a traitor." Lin Huang didn't have much mood swings. He had anticipated this possibility a long time ago.

"First upload the news that he is a traitor to the headquarters." After Gao Wan finished speaking, he looked at Lin Huang again. "Since he knows the result of the previous battle, he will definitely take yours as soon as possible. The news leaked to the predator headquarters."

"Once you enter the line of sight of the Predator headquarters, Xinghai will definitely send stronger predators to hunt you. Heishan and the spies are the central master gods, so the predators they send next will be stronger than the two combined. It is possible to directly dispatch the upper main god!"

Hearing this, Lin Huang couldn't help frowning.

He didn't expect that there would be such a big trouble in the follow-up.

"So we must send the news of the **** back to the club headquarters as soon as possible, and then explain your situation and apply for support from the headquarters."

"But even if the powerhouse from the headquarters repels the predators from Xinghai, your trouble may not end." Gao Wan continued, "There may be other predators who will take over the task of hunting you."

"What you said makes me want to kill the cunning rabbit more and more." Lin Huang smiled seemingly indifferent.

In fact, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He originally thought he was strong enough, but now it seems that he is far from enough.

With this mountain of predators hanging above his head, Lin Huang always felt a little unreliable.

"That's why I asked you if you plan to go to Xinghai next." The steel fist on the side couldn't help but said, "Once you enter Xinghai, the sky is high and the ocean is wide, and it is difficult for predators to find you. But you stay here. The big world, it’s easier for them to find you."

Lin Huang still shook his head, "I still have unfinished business on the big world side, so I can't leave for the time being. What are you two planning next?"

"We have to go to Xinghai to hide for a while." Gao Wan smiled helplessly, "If the predator is really the upper god, we two won't be able to deal with it."

The Gang Fist on the side did not retort.

The three chatted for a while, and then they dispersed.

The hunt for the cunning rabbit was fruitless, and it was completely within Lin Huang's expectation. He didn't worry too much about it.

Returning to the Demon Hunting Star Territory, he glanced at the Star Territory that was almost destroyed, Lin Huang did not stay too much.

A flash body appeared on a planet in a nearby star field.

Ignoring the busy traffic, Lin Huang pushed the door into a courtyard.

"Master Sword Master!" A figure greeted him immediately, a purple-robed Sword One.

"Are everyone on this planet?" Lin Huang nodded slightly and asked directly.

"No, for the sake of safety, we were scattered to five different star regions." Dao shook his head, "Is there any problem?"

"The crisis has not been completely resolved." Lin Huang's expression was not at all relaxed, "Let them all gather here now."

About less than five minutes later, all the members of the knife league gathered.

"For some time in the future, there may be stronger predators coming from the Xinghai. The big world is not safe, especially the area around the Demon Hunting Starfield. It is even more insecure. For the sake of safety, I decided to send you in temporarily. God Realm in my body..."

After Lin Huang's brief remarks, no one raised any objections, and all of them were taken into the realm of God's body by Lin Huang.

After doing this, Lin Huang looked away in a certain direction above the sky, where the judges were in the direction...

[This month's lottery is still set on the 20th. It's still the old rule, requiring fans to be worth more than 10,000 or make a full order. At that time, three people will be drawn from the group. If the fan value is not enough, you can now add the group number: 475785333 (Second Artillery Corps)]