Monster Paradise

Chapter 681: The first ability of the soul

After the soul of the knife, Lin Huang did not feel any improvement in his own strength, and the knife skills obtained by practicing the knife in the next two days did not increase.

However, after practicing the knife every day, Lin Huang will sink the consciousness into the body and communicate with the soul of the knife.

His main task is to teach the soul of the sword to speak, and then play with the soul of the knife.

After practicing the knife this evening, Lin Huang once again sank the consciousness into the body before going to bed, and saw the soul of the knife climbing the mountain.

This is the game that the soul of the knife invented, climbed the mountain, and then jumped freely from the knife mountain.

At the beginning, Lin Huang was worried that he would be hurt when he played like this, but it turned out that it would not. Not only does the soul of the knife fly naturally, but his body can penetrate the ground of the life wheel space and even penetrate the knife mountain directly.

Lin Huang sometimes accompanied him to the mountain climbing competition.

Seeing that the soul of the knife climbed to the middle of the mountain, he also climbed up.

It was discovered that Lin Huang climbed up from below, getting closer and closer to himself, and the soul of the knife quickly accelerated the speed. The two climbed to the top of the mountain in tandem.

Lin Huang let the soul of the sword win one of his own positions, won the game of climbing, and the soul of the knife smiled a little.

"It's a simple child." Seeing the happiness of the soul of the knife came so easily, Lin Huang couldn't help but feel a little emotion. He suddenly flashed a thought in his mind and taught him something new today.

He taught him to talk for the past two days. Although he worked hard to learn, he was obviously not happy. Lin Huang thought about it and planned to teach him a set of knife skills. After all, he was born because of a knife. Maybe he would like it.

"Small knife, my brother teaches you something new today." The knife is the name that Lin Huang gave to the soul of the knife. Although it is very common, the soul of the knife is very satisfied with this title.

"My brother is going to teach you today, it is a set of knife skills. You see your brother first to practice it for you, and then you will practice with your brother for the second time." Lin Huang said that the ink-colored sword in the hand condensed and began to exercise. .

He is practicing a simplified version of the Great Wilderness. This is not difficult, but it is not simple. Even if the students of the Hunting Academy are coming to school, it is definitely not a good practice for twenty days and twenty days.

Lin Huang drilled this set of knives at a speed that was three times slower. On the way to the drill, the knives kept their eyes on their movements, and they knew that he was interested in this set of knives.

After the completion of the drill, the knife shook his head and rushed to Lin Huangdao, "slow."

"Do you want to slow down the speed of the drill?" Lin Huang listened. He could only guess the meaning of the knife. "I still said that I just practiced too slowly, should I speed up?"

"Fast!" The knife nodded quickly.

"Okay, then I will practice it again." Lin Huang was able to practice this set of knife skills again at normal speed.

After the practice, I came over to the knife and asked, "Do you understand?"

The knife nodded and stretched out into the air. He also had a knife in his hand. It was almost exactly the same as the ink condensed in Lin Huang's hands. Even the details were exactly the same, but the volume was reduced several times.

Holding such a narrow ink color in his hand, the knives did not wait for Lin Huang together, and he directly practiced the knife skills in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Huang was also stunned. Knife Ming Ming only saw his own drill twice. The first time he got started, he was completely proficient in this set of knife skills. He didn't just learn his own movements, but he really learned this set of knives. Even the charm of this set of knives was vividly displayed.

"He didn't completely study my movements, but through my movements, I directly learned the essence of this set of knife skills." After reading the knife's drill, Lin Huang even felt that he understood the knife skills more than before. More transparent.

The knife instantly learned this set of knife skills, Lin Huang began to increase the difficulty to test him, he directly drilled the upper part of the Great Blade.

Only after the drill, the knife will learn easily again.

Then Lin Huang drilled the full version of the Great Wilderness, which is already a knife in the clear world, and the knife is still easy to learn.

Lin Huang continued to increase the difficulty and exercised a set of skills in the art of forgetting.

The knife still only learned once and learned.

Lin Huang thought about it. Is it possible that he will have a knife and a knife, so he can easily "learn" each time he only exercises once.

So Lin Huang practiced a set of self-study skills that he had just learned today.

After the practice, the knife screamed at Lin Huang with a serious expression. "No."

After all, he himself rehearsed Lin Huang’s knife skills. Lin Huang was stunned after reading, because this set of knife skills did not completely learn from himself, but the knife only learned the knife skills through his own practice, and he really learned this set of knife skills.

"Small knife, this set of knife technology brother is not well practiced, you teach your brother." Lin Huang looked at the knife with a thick face, his heart opened the flower, finally found a use of the soul of the knife.

"Good!" The knife was very happy to agree, and he wished that Lin Huang would spend more time with him every day.

Lin Huang did not expect that the soul of the knife will have the ability to learn the knife skills in an instant. The knife-projection projection exercise is no better, and certainly no real-life guidance is good. With this ability, the soul of the knife can be a teacher who teaches his own skills and accelerates the practice of knife skills.

This night, Lin Huang did not sleep, and has been spent in the practice of the world of the world.

Under the guidance of the soul of the sword, he spent more than nine hours a night, almost learned a set of half-knife skills, more than double the efficiency. With the fewer and fewer communication barriers between Knife Soul and Lin Huang, Lin Huang’s knife skill cultivation efficiency will only become higher and higher.

Excavated the soul of the knife is comparable to the invaluable treasure. The next morning, an all-night Lin Huang was so excited that he didn't want to sleep. He is very clear that the ability of the soul of the sword should not only be so, there must be other untapped abilities. But for now, this ability has already helped a lot.

After breakfast in the morning, Lin Huang is preparing to continue to go back to the world to practice the knife, and the emperor's heart suddenly vibrates.

Lin Huang clicked on the communication page to see it, it was a short message.

The number displayed by the Emperor Heart Ring is a strange number, but the signature of the message is the third district coalition government. Lin Huang quickly opened the list.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Xie, you have been recommended by Tianmeng as one of the explorers who entered the new site. Please prepare as soon as possible before departure. At 9:00 am on July 7th, the next day will arrive at the third district 3a1. According to the Magic Sky City Magic Sky Plaza, it meets with other explorers. It is considered that the number of explorers will be automatically abandoned when it is overdue.

"The day after tomorrow?" Lin Huang did not notice that these days had passed so fast, but he did not have the slightest emotion, but he grinned. "It seems that I will go to bed early tomorrow night."