Monster Paradise

Chapter 964: Secret royal

As soon as the power of the nightmare started, Pang Bing was hypnotized without the slightest resistance.

After spending less than a minute reading the brain for the three, the nightmare passed the information read again to the blood.

It took about three or four minutes for the blood to screen and classify the information before it came back.

"How, is there any useful information?" Lin Huang asked.

"There are a lot of information about this prison, and there are some things about the royal family. I think you can look at it." Scarlet said, he reached out with a tentacle and pressed Lin Huang's forehead.

After a while, the massive amount of information classified by the blood color and filtered and filtered into the Linhuang brain.

After the information was transmitted and the blood color recovered the tentacles, Lin Huang closed her eyes and digested for nearly half a minute before she opened her eyes again. The first sentence spoken by the opening is: "Is the royal family so strong?!"

In fact, in the morning, Lin Huang had already obtained some memories of the prisoners who had been killed from the blood, and knew a lot about other worlds.

But until the memory of several people in Pang Bing was transmitted, Lin Huang had a general understanding of the royal family. It also has a preliminary understanding of the gravel world, the small world and the big world.

The so-called gravel world refers to a small world with incomplete rules. It may be a small world that is growing, or a small world that has already decayed.

This is the world in which Lin Huang is now, and it seems to belong to the latter.

In the grit world with incomplete rules, it is impossible to have a true God, and even the promotion of the virtual **** is extremely difficult.

The small world is the complete state of the gravel world. Such a world, with complete rules, can give birth to the true God. There are even a handful of powerful small worlds, for some special reasons or opportunities, it is possible to create a god-level powerhouse that transcends the true God. Some people refer to such a world as the middle world. In fact, the essence of this world is still a small world.

The big world is the ultimate state of world evolution. Here, even the main god-level powerhouses can be born, and they can destroy a small world between them.

Even if there are thousands of people, the genius of the big world, the number of gods is also very few.

According to Pang Bing's memory in the big world, the royal family is not a ethnic group, but a special organization from outside the big world. Only one branch is established in the big world.

But it is such a branch, where the Lord God sits. And in the big world, comprehensive strength ranks third among all forces.

The royal family's acceptance of members is extremely open. Except for the minority groups such as Zerg and Abyss, they treat all races equally and without discrimination. Every time they are separated, they will recruit members from all walks of life. Regardless of whether the source of the other party is the gravel world, the small world or the big world, as long as the trials are passed, the royal membership can be obtained.

The biggest advantage of having a royal membership is that you can enter the royalty market to redeem the resources you want in any world.

Due to the large number of royalty members, there are many gods in all kinds of worlds. Almost everything you can think of can be bought here. Don't say that God has a fetish, even if you want to practice the Lord God's exercises, you can buy them.

"It seems that the royal family is a bit like an enhanced version of the enchanting alliance, but the requirements for personal strength are much higher. Ten thousand comparable enchanting princes of the dynasty prince level participate in the screening, and finally only one person can pass." Lin Huang couldn’t help but sigh. "According to the strength of the qualified people who have appeared in the memory of Pang Bing, even if I am not there, the Wuji Wuji, the strongest of the five emperors, will not pass the screening probability. %."

"However, it is possible to exchange different resources from various worlds. Only this point, the identity of the royal family is worth fighting for."

With some information about the royal family, Lin Huang is more likely to have a royal identity.

"In this trial, only the person with the highest score can get the royal status. Although under normal circumstances, it is not difficult for us to get the first point, but it is difficult to protect other people's special means. After all, we can't see the points of other people. To be on the safe side, I recommend that all other trials be removed first." Scarlet gives a bold proposal.

Lin Huang listened to it all. He didn't expect the blood to give this kind of proposal.

Seeing Lin Huang does not speak for a long time, the blood color adds.

"From Pang Bing's memory, we can see that most of the people who participated in the trial came from the small world and from the big world. But the same is that these people are from the big forces. Some forces There are gods, and even some gods are sitting in the town. The seed players who are sent in by these forces should have extremely strong cards in their hands, and even do not rule out threats to you. The easiest way to eliminate these threats is to let them directly Out."

The **** words made Lin Huang unable to refute.

"What do you mean, we didn't go to the top of the three leaders in the same way as the original plan? Instead of hunting testers?"

“It’s still largely planned, but we don’t clean up the 17th district.” The **** head shook his head. “Because hunting hunters, these prisoners are needed.”

"You want to borrow the power of local prisoners and knock out all the other trials out of the game?!" Lin Huang understood the meaning of blood.

"Yes." The blood smiled and nodded. "We are too inefficient at ourselves. The trial is only open for a month. Tryers who want to kill the light and hide in the place may not be enough this month. Borrow the local prisoners. The power is much faster, they are more familiar with the terrain, and the number is ten times that of the testers. Under the full cleansing, it should not take too long for all the trials to be eliminated. Let them do it, we can still Avoid the risk of being attacked by these testers with a card."

"Then what should we do next?" Lin Huang asked. "Find three heads to hypnotize them and let them order the coercion?"

"It's almost like this, but it can't be so straightforward to order hunting. After all, these prisoners have no obedience. Directly ordered hunting, most people will not actively execute instructions." Bloody smiled and shook his head. "Slightly pay attention to a little way. They feel profitable and they will be motivated..."

After finishing the plan, the blood color then revealed his own concerns.

"There is still one thing. The strength of the three heads is top in the Zijin Emperor's Palace. From the memory of Pang Bing, it may be the imperial palace that is superbly enchanted and promoted. The power of the nightmare is only the Platinum Palace, I A little worried that hypnosis will fail."

After listening to Lin Huang, she smiled and took out the semi-god-level soul crystal from the storage space. "Always keep the spare, it can come in handy now."

Feeding the semi-god soul crystal to the nightmare, only after ten minutes, the nightmare successfully digested the soul crystal, and was promoted from the Platinum Palace to the Zijin Emperor Palace, becoming the third Zijin Emperor Palace of Lin Huang. Fighting spirit.

In the past ten minutes, Lin Huang also asked the regional chief Pang Bing to search for the treasure house in the 17th district hidden in the Tianzhu Mountain.

"Can you set off now?" Looking at the end of the nightmare promotion, the spoils were also searched, and Lin Huang couldn’t wait to take the next step.

[ps. The book friend "Old Week next door" sees me back. I am curious how you replied 2586 words below my monster setting post? I tried to transfer your 388-word setting post yesterday, and found that there is a limit of 350 words. After pasting, the post button is gray...]