Monster Pet Evolution

v1 Chapter 209: Stimulated ...

"You say it again? I didn't hear clearly." Gao Peng said quietly. & 1t; /

A-Ban felt that things were suddenly not easy, and watched Gaopeng vigilantly. & 1t; /

"Abba, do you know that you will lose your favorite master like this?" Gao Peng gave himself a heartache after he said it. & 1t; /

Aban felt a pain in her cheek, as if she was punched by something. & 1t; /

Returning to the villa at night, Gaopeng summoned all the Royal Beasts and said, "Let's have a meeting tonight." & 1t; /

Da Zi obediently sat next to Gaopeng, and A Dao's arms were wrapped around his chest like an angry King Kong, Xiao Zhuan hovered in the sky, and Xiao Huang stood on one side and looked at A Biao Dao in the center of the venue ... /

"Eh! Hey!" A stupid raised his tentacles on Gao Peng's head and assisted the host to sternly discuss Aban, of course, if he didn't have the glass of juice in his hand, it would be more like. & 1t; /

Aban sat in the center of the innocent face without knowing what he had done wrong. & 1t; /

No, I'm just a little spider, why are you doing this to me? & 1t; /

"This afternoon, your little friend, Mr. Aban, who values ​​the color lightly, actually hit me for a female spider and a white female spider!" Gao Peng said sadly. & 1t; /

Da Zi looked at A-ban in shock, but did not expect that you were such an A-ban, actually hitting the owner for a female spider, the spider is so ugly, how can you get down. & 1t; /

Xiao Yan sneered, and it was a stupid spider. It was even more impossible for me to compete for the most beloved royal beast of my master. & 1t; /

After some serious ideological education, Gaopeng finally decided to let Aban back his disciples as punishment. & 1t; /

Considering that Aban could not speak, Gaopeng generously let it write only the full text. & 1t; /

An hour later, Gao Peng and Wai [ updated quickly] The man sat on a beach chair by the lake and enjoyed the light of the setting sun. Just on the beach dozens of meters away, a black giant spider was struggling with pain. From time to time, a squeak sounded into anger, and the tongs in his hands hit the ground fiercely. & 1t; /

What the **** is this, why is it so difficult to remember, why write so much in one sentence! & 1t; /

Squeak! A spotted hard study. & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

"Today, a representative of the Alliance Government has gone to see some of them and negotiated with them." Ji Hanwu drank his mouth tea and said faintly at the sun in the sky. & 1t; /

"The purpose of those mountain spirits that attacked humans was because humans broke the balance of the forest, so they want to wipe out disobedient humans." Ji Hanwu said faintly. & 1t; /

Gao Peng frowned. "Is it because we humans have cut down the forest balance? But it shouldn't be. After the disaster, the degree of deforestation can't even keep up with the growth of trees. What's the reason?" & 1t; /

"The disruptive balance in Shanlingkou refers to the hunting of monsters, but the irony is that the experts we sent out showed a lot of monster bodies on Shanling's body." & 1t; /

"Ha." Gao Peng really laughed, and the juice in his hand also spilled a little on the back of his hand. & 1t; /

"Fruit, Fructus." A stupid fell off Gao Peng's head, and landed carefully on the back of his hand. He drew the juice with his tentacles, and was satisfied with his contentment, with a grunt of satisfaction in his throat. & 1t; /

"Then this is really only for the state officials to set fire, and people are not allowed to light up." Gao Peng couldn't help laughing, these mountain spirits were really interesting. & 1t; /

"It's just a group of foolish creatures. It's impossible to kill monsters, and the whole Yuzhou City is impossible. If these mountain spirits are willing to make concessions, then if they are really stubborn ..." Ji Hanwu smiled slightly. & 1t; /

"Does the grandfather think they will yield?" & 1t; /

"These mountain IQs are not high. How can they be compared with human IQs? With a little effort, they will definitely-" & 1t; /

"Grandpa, your phone is ringing." Gaopeng reminded. & 1t; /

"Well." Ji Hanwu chanted, picking up the phone on the table aside. & 1t; /

"Hey, did the negotiation result come out?" & 1t; /

"Mr. Ji, over there ..." & 1t; /

The words over the phone silenced Ji Hanwu. & 1t; /

"Grandpa? Grandpa?" Gaopeng reminded several times. & 1t; /

Ji Hanwu silently put down his phone, his expression was calm. & 1t; /

"What's the result? Is it about those mountain spirits?" Gaopeng asked curiously. & 1t; /

"The situation is still under control, rest assured." Ji Hanwu nodded, then got up, "I go to the toilet." & 1t; /

"Grandpa you went backwards, the toilet is behind." Gao Peng shouted. & 1t; /

"I know that people will walk more when they are old. I go to the toilet in the headquarters building, and you just don't move here." Ji Hanwu's back waved. & 1t; /

Vaguely, Gao Peng heard a dragon yin, and turned around, and a few white clouds floated in the sky, and saw nothing. & 1t; /

It may be hallucination. & 1t; /

Grandpa used this toilet for a long time, and Gaopeng looked at it for almost 4o minutes. & 1t; /

Maybe his old man was delayed by things. Gaopeng thought. & 1t; /

After more than half an hour, it was almost dark, and my grandfather came slowly. & 1t; /

"The company is a bit delayed." Grandpa calmly sat down and made a cup of tea, then drank it. & 1t; /

Gaopeng didn't think too much, and instead asked his grandfather. "Grandpa, are you ready to form the Royal Tit Army?" & 1t; /

Ji Hanwu thought for a while, "The army **** army team is almost ready, but we do n’t have enough staff. I have ordered everyone to sign a king tit, and let him sign some of the strongest **** in this tribe. , Now it only takes a long time to artificially raise mountain finches for a period of time to barely be able to command this group. "& 1t; /

Titmouse is a rigorous ethnic group. The top Titmouse king is the leader of the group ~ ~ Followed by several top tits, the **** obey the order. & 1t; /

It is not that no one has considered domesticating tits, but there is a very important problem, that is, these **** have the same wolf character as their names. They have a great appetite, eat a lot, and are weak ... & 1t; /

Spend the same price and energy to get a more cost-effective Royal Beast. & 1t; /

But now it is different. With the strengthening of the royal pharmacy, the appetite may increase a little, but the strength is definitely different from Japanese. & 1t; /

For example, if this group of flying monsters can be controlled properly, it can control air power. & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

Outside the city of Yuzhou, most of the trees in the forest were destroyed, and the ground was ruined, just like a heavy rain just now, the ground was muddy, and some sunken potholes formed puddles. & 1t; /

In the middle of the torn open space, there are rubbles all over the ground. The black stones give an ominous atmosphere. & 1t; /

There are faint red marks in the cracks of gravel. & 1t; /

There was a bird song in the sky, a large grey bird landed, and several people jumped off its back. & 1t; /

Some photos were taken in situ. Some gravel samples were taken. & 1t; /

An instrumental person searched for a while and said, "The core of the mountain spirit was taken away." & 1t; /

"As expected, take some Mountain Spirit samples back." & 1t; /

Soon the pedestrian rode on a big bird and left the area. & 1t; /

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