Monster Pet Evolution

v1 Chapter 62: Social animal

After spitting out saliva, the green-skinned frog seemed very happy, with its eyes bent into crescents,

The body of this green-skinned frog emerged from the water, and Gao Peng could see the original appearance clearly. It was like a billowing ball floating on the water, and the whole body was green. Walking watermelon.

He thinks the name watermelon frog is more suitable than the green frog.

Seeing that Gao Peng did not respond, the green-faced frog grunted and turned straight, and then spit on the left leg of Gao Peng, slap the water excitedly, and the water splashed.

Wu Gaopeng glanced at it and looked at it.

The blue-eyed frog's eyes were raised, looking at Gao Peng, with human curiosity in his eyes.


Gao Peng sneered,



I'm right, that's how boring I am.

Gao Peng had a bad taste, and looked at this aggressive green-skinned frog with an amusing look, and Gao Peng was drooling.

"呱!" The green-skinned frog screamed, as if a good family suffered.

For a moment, the whole pond ponded out one after another, screaming like frogs, rolling like waves, and blasting like thunder.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Countless frogs sounded.

On the calm water, huge frog heads protruded, ranging from small to large, the smallest being the size of oranges, and the largest was even a meter wide. The scalp has become numb, and this pond has completely become the territory of the green-skinned frog.

"Escape!" Saying this sentence, Gaopeng turned with Da Zi and fled.

She Mu Tieying quickly ran away with her lotus seeds. At the beginning, she was still a little puzzled. All these green frogs were in the water, which could pose a threat to them.

The next moment, she knew.

There was another inhaling sound behind the cricket, and the water in the pond was continuously swallowed by the green-skinned frog, and gurgling gurgling blisters.


Bang bang bang.

Dense water arrows wash away like heavy rain.

The dart arrow hit the trunk and caused varying degrees of damage. Some weak ones just smashed the bark of the tree, and the strong ones would directly smash the branches, as if they were air cannonballs.

Scattered branches are flying, the leaves are spattered,

The lotus seed is okay, the lotus seed has a strong defense force, and these water arrows impact only a muffled sound on it.

She Mu Tieying hid in front of Lianzi, but avoided the attack of water arrows.

Looking at the tragic state of the surrounding woods, Mu Tieying shrunk her neck. If these attacks hit her, even if she has protective clothing, I'm afraid it will be seriously damaged.

No wonder there are very few animals and plants near the edge of the pond. It turned out that this group of green-skinned bullies was present.

At the same time, where Gao Peng did not know, the infrared camera on the top of a big tree slowly rotated to shoot the scene clearly.

This is a large room. There are many large screens in the room. There is a soldier sitting in front of each screen. The screen is cut into many small lenses, and each lens represents a monitor.

In front of the screen, a soldier in uniform said. "Someone went to the site of the green-skinned frogs, and wondering if it was a coincidence, he angered the green-skinned frogs."

"I drop a mother, he's a 搞 搞 搞 毛 癞 癞 癞 勒 癞 癞 宝 宝 宝." A soldier with a moustache leaned over his head, speaking with a thick stream of cavities.

"These green frogs hate others spitting at them the most." At first the soldier said strangely.

Hearing this, everyone in the room looked weird ...

I spit on a frog in the wild, how much pain do you have in your spare time?

Uh ...

Back to the safe house, after a day the two of them have explored the area near the safe house. To the north is a small forest. Through that forest is the site of the green frog. There are at least thousands of green frogs in the pond. These monsters are not scary one by two, but when their numbers are gathered, they will form a terrible power.

The water arrow has a powerful impact. Thousands of green-skinned frogs spit water arrows at the same target in turn. The powerful impact can make that target unable to move forward.

The west side was the direction they came from, the trees were relatively scarce, and no large creatures were seen during the day.

To the south is a dense forest, with many trees, and most of them are thick. This environment is not conducive to the action of lotus seeds, so they only surveyed around the periphery. There should be a large carnivorous monster inside. Gao Peng they saw a large carnivorous monster. The footprint left.

On the east side of the loquat is a small steep slope. If you continue along the steep slope, it will be a relatively large piece of grass. The plants on the grass have traces of bites, and there are herbivores here.

Only one thing can be detected in one day.

In addition, Gaopeng also incidentally picked some plants in the wild.

Mu Tieying knows some plants, such as mint cloves, golden cardamom, blue and black grass. These are edible plants and are generally used as ingredients.

There are some plants Mu Tieying who don't know ~ ~ Are you going to make spices? Mu Tieying asked.

"Yes." Gaopeng nodded.

"But we don't have food." Mu Tieying was a little confused.

"Yes." Gaopeng raised his right hand, holding a dead green snake in his right hand.

"This snake ... seems to be poisonous," Mu Tieying asked.

"Try it." Gaopeng did not want to say more. The two men and two beasts returned to the safe house, only to find that the door was locked. Gaopeng frowned and patted the door. "Hello, please open the door."

"No one, no one." There was a cry from the room, and he paused for a moment. He seemed to think that his answer was a bit stupid, and said angrily: "It's full, we are already full here, we can't live anymore, you go to find Other safe houses. "

Gao Peng frowned, this safe house was first discovered by him and Mu Tieying,

Of course, the safe house in the wild did not come to this statement first, and when they met such people, they could only consider themselves unlucky.

Seeing Gao Peng look over, Mu Tieying shrugged, "Fortunately, I took my backpack with me when I left."

"We only have two people, and now it's dark outside, just make up for one night, okay? Let's hit the floor," Gao Peng said.

"No, hey, you go somewhere else." The people in the room were a little impatient, and then murmured, "You say a fart to him, just let him go. This safe house is so small, who wants to be with They crowd. "

He seems to have heard Gao Peng say that they are only two people. Some people have become bolder and their voices are not consciously amplified.

Gao Peng glanced deeply at the people in the room, then came forward,

Close the door lock.

"Let's go." Gaopeng turned and left.