Monster Pet Evolution

v1 Chapter 67: Weaknesses of dead leaf locusts

However, Gao Peng is a person who has deviated from low-level interests, and his focus is different.

I was able to fall into a serious injury by falling from a high altitude, which shows that this guy's vision is not good, and he is sure that his brain is not good. A normal person will have long memory.

The fasting golden toad in the cricket cage sighed with dissatisfaction, "Hey!"

实验 An experimenter hurriedly took out a basin of frozen algae prawns from the freezer. The grandfather was very temperamental, especially when he was hungry.

"The fasting Jin Chan has a big appetite, can eat ten meals a day, and eat at least 100 pounds of food per meal." President Chen said to Gao Peng.

Gao Peng nodded.

I think of Gao Peng's expression moving slightly, thinking of the northern front line where the war is breaking out.

"The military wants to use fasting golden toads to deal with dead leaf locusts?" Gao Peng said.

Chairman Chen nodded, which was nothing to hide. "Yes, the military is going to let us work out a way to allow the quality of fasting golden toads to evolve a great deal, because from the nature of the animals, toads are inherently restrained against locusts, and the fasting golden toads have such an appetite.

"It seems that the fasting golden toad evolved from a horned frog?" Gao Peng said.


"The horned frog appetite is extremely greedy. They are too greedy. Most of the time they are hungry. As long as they are smaller than them, they will deliberately eat them. Many horned frogs swell and die on their own." He said, his eyes were deep, "This fasting golden toad should be earthy?"

"Huh? Yes." President Chen glanced at Gao Peng and entered the state so soon.

He is worthy of him.

Gao Peng walked to the edge of the cage, his body was slightly undulating, and his right hand rested on the railing. The researchers next to him seemed to feel that it was dangerous to persuade Gao Peng and was stopped by President Chen's hand.

The fasting golden toad in the cricket cage was swallowing algae and prawns and ignored Gao Peng who had walked in.

The way the golden toad eats food is to swallow the food with its big mouth, then slowly chew and digest.

It has teeth, and the teeth are sharp, densely arranged in the jaw area, and three rows.

After eating the food, the fasting Jin Chan's two eyes slowly turned, and finally locked Gaopeng.


Gao Peng took the roasted dead leaf locust that the researchers handed over. It was two dead leaf locusts strung on a wire, roasted tenderly and sprinkled with some fennel leaves.

"Fasting golden toad likes to eat fennel," the researchers explained.

Wu Gaopeng swayed his skewer in the air slightly, and the fasting Jin Chan's eyes turned accordingly.

Then Gao Peng took a bite of the dead leaf locust in front of the fasting golden toad and ate a mouthful of oil.

"It's fragrant, the sauce is rich, but not greasy, and the crispy shell is covered with fresh meat. I will give you this roasted locust!" Gao Peng thumbs up to praise the researchers.

Researchers are messy in the wind, this is for the fasting golden toad, OK? You actually grabbed food with a golden toad, did you see the fasting golden toad in the cage anxious?

The fasting golden toad in the cage was really anxious.

The locust is its favorite food, and fennel is its favorite,

怎么 How can you grab something to eat with me?

You're not human!

"呱! 呱!" The fasting Jin Chan banged the cage and jumped up.

Uncle's eyes gradually grew fierce, showing badness,

"But fennel is a little heavier, and the taste is a little heavier. I don't like it very much." Gaopeng did not regret it, and then put the food in his cage.

When I blinked, I saw the fasting golden toad opened his mouth wide, and the scarlet afterimage was fleeting.

The barbeque barbecue had disappeared, and even took the wire into the mouth of the fasting golden toad.

Hey, hey.

The iron wire was twisted, broken into pieces and then swallowed with roasted dead leaf locusts.

After eating, Jinchan, an empty stomach, gave Gaopeng a cold look, turned around silently, buttocks towards Gaopeng.

"This guy is still angry, it should have a master, it has already signed a blood deed." Gaopeng said with a smile.

Otherwise, no matter how fast the fasting golden toad just crossed the border, it didn't take the initiative to cross the border.

"Being able to eat wire raw, the stomach of fasting Jin Chan should be strong, otherwise it cannot be digested," Gao Peng said.

What came to mind suddenly, Gao Peng asked President Chen: "Which aspect of the military do we want us to improve the fasting Jin Chan? Is it appetite or defense, or attack, or jumping?

会 Chairman Chen 懵 circle, shouldn't he just find the way to let the fasting golden toad evolve? How can this evolutionary route be chosen? !!

"I have an idea and I have an idea. In fact, you can't guarantee it just by telling me the route. I can only do my best." Gao Peng said humblely.

"The military hopes to improve the defense and digestibility of fasting golden toads, of course, it is also possible to increase the attack power."

President Chen waved his hand, "Come, come and see, these are the results of my research. I read the book at I found that the fasting golden toad has a strong affinity for the two attributes of soil and fire. . "

Beacon soil, plus it is a soil property, so these two properties and its affinity is quite normal.

In Gao Peng's sight, a data frame that only he can see.

[Monster name]: Fasting golden toad

[Monster Quality]: Normal

[Monster Level]: Level 19

[Monster Attribute]: Earth

【Monster Weakness】: Wood

At the same time, Gao Peng's head recalled the data frame of the dead leaf locust, which was a data he randomly chose on TV.

[Monster name]: Dead leaf locust

[Monster Level]: Level 4

[Monster Quality]: Normal

[Monster Attribute]: Wood / Sand

[Monster characteristics]: Locust storm (Effect: When the number of dead leaf locusts is more than one billion, a dust storm will form. During the sand storm, the level of dead leaf locust will increase by one level, but it will not exceed the upper level limit. )

怪物 [Monster Weakness] 1. Fire system 2. Golden sword bamboo leaves can drive away the dead leaf locust. The dead leaf locust extremely hates the smell of the golden sword bamboo.

Jinjianzhu Gaopeng knew that it was not too precious, but it was not a ubiquitous plant.

More importantly, there is no large-scale planting near Chang'an, and it will definitely take an extremely scary amount to protect the entire Chang'an.

And this is only a method to cure the symptoms and not the root cause. The dead leaf locust will definitely not come up and take the initiative to eat the golden sword bamboo.

If we want to really solve the threat, we still need to eliminate them. The initiative must be in the hands of human beings.

The beacon system, it seems that the fasting golden toad should be mutated, it is best to give birth to the best fire properties.