Monster Pet Evolution

v1 Chapter 83: Wooden hollow to hand

Looking like this, this boy is obviously full of vigilance against them and will not say anything unless they use strong means to persecute them.

But unfortunately, their tracks have been exposed, and the opportunity for sneak attacks is missing. If they fail, they will add an enemy out of thin air.

Moreover, Gaopeng looks young, but already has several Royal Beasts,

Although Gao Peng let Da Zi hide in the dead leaves just now, he was clearly seen by him in the dark.

There are three Royal Beasts in total.

The salty fish jellyfish with a current combat power of 0 was also counted as a threat by him.

I can raise three Royal Beasts at a young age, either rich or powerful.

Either is not a good idea.

Alas, the breath from the royal beast in black robe made the Tutu on his shoulders faintly disturbed.

Years of experience tell him that unless you have the opportunity to solve the problem completely, don't make yourself an enemy easily.

People with too many enemies often have only two results.

Either so strong that all enemies dare not to speak,

I either died terribly.

Especially in this dog-day world, the ghost knows what a new imperial beast will unknowingly kill him.

He just tried to comfort himself, to suppress the desire in his heart,

Captain Qi shouted that Qi Dengsen and Yao Huan turned and left.

To be honest, he is still curious ... what's in that tree!

After the three of them went away,

Yao Huan's tight cheeks relaxed a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he used to take a black punch, he was also trying to earn tuition for his sister. When her sister was very young, her parents died in a car accident for a long time. He and his sister are dependent on each other.

Even though he punches, smokes, drinks, tattoos, and bars, he knows that he is a good person.

犯罪 He has never done crimes such as robbery, kidnapping, and killing, and it really made him nervous just now.

Deng Sen's face is as black as the bottom of the pot-although he is very dark.

Beared for a long time, he finally couldn't help, "Boss, why didn't we just start? Maybe that guy's Royal Beast is just a little more sensitive, and he might not be our opponent when it really strikes."

The captain shook his head. "Not everything must be solved by killing and killing. We will wait for him to go back later and see if we can find any clues. He can interrupt the tree ... we can also fight Ah, there are so many trees in the forest anyway, why do you have to fight with them? "Then, the captain's face showed an unpredictable smile.

There is no fundamental conflict between Gao Peng and Gao Peng. If Gao Peng had replaced other conspicuous treasures in the hand, he might not have shot them at the risk of offending people, and then dealt with all traces cleanly.

After all, it's simple.

Whether the benefits are large enough.

"I see." Dunson nodded.

I stunned for a long time, and Deng Sen said quietly, "Just the boss, I'm really curious what's in the tree."

"... I'm also curious, okay, don't forget our task for today, we have delayed a lot of time just now, hurry up." The captain said.

After waiting for a few people to walk away, Gao Peng's tense nerves relaxed.

To be honest, he didn't know what he would do if those people just wanted to hit him.

Was it a direct killer, Gao Peng didn't know.

But fortunately, those people did not continue to come and trouble him, this is naturally the best result.

Then he let A-Dun speed up, Gao Peng didn't want to delay too long to continue to meet other people.

I lived for two hours. Almost all the wine bottle trees in this area were poisoned by poisonous hands, leaving only messy ground. The wooden hollows were finally collected, weighing two pounds or two.

Looking at the broken trees on the ground, Gao Peng was helpless. Basically, each tree was broken from the trunk, which was too obvious.

At this time, it's getting late and you need to hurry up.

Gao Peng greeted Da Zi to come and look around, and quickly found a large black fruit of walnut.

Open the outer shell, the fragile shell is torn apart, and white sticky filaments emerge from the broken shell.

Under the black hard shell are many red fluff.

Loose these fluffs and pull them into strands, then put a layer of dead leaves on the bottom, beckoning to let the purple come.

Da Zizi crawled up and understood, and Gao Peng pinched its tentacles, just like making two wires. When the top wires touched together, they would burst a little arc.

Wu Dazi looked at his tentacles being played by the owner, and burst of electric sparks, feeling very strange.

Gao Peng nodded with satisfaction, and it really was.

Although the strength of Da Zi is not yet available for lightning, it is a natural process for lightning to be released after the 20th level, not after a breakthrough.

It is enough to ignite the arc now,

There is red fluff in the center of the arc. Carefully "ignite". After several trials, it finally ignites. The red fluff is like cotton before the cataclysm.

The flame rose, and the dead leaves ignited rapidly, and the fire continued to expand.

几年 How many years has the forest set fire?

Gao Peng thought for a while,

I was sentenced before the catastrophe, but it seems that the penalty was removed after the catastrophe.

On the one hand, the area has expanded many times, and the forest has grown crazy many times.

22 The vitality and resistance of these plants are more tenacious than imagined ~ ~ This ordinary flame is completely impossible to set off the Ebara fire in the forest.

However, the vitality of the broken wine bottle tree has been greatly reduced, and it can only be swallowed relentlessly in the face of the blazing fire.

The beacon light shone on Gao Peng's face, and the changing light seemed uncertain.

After seeing all the wine bottle trees burned to ashes, Gao Peng turned and left.

The fire situation will not spread, otherwise there are so many fire monsters. If any fire monster is in a bad mood and spit out two fires, it will cause a forest fire, and the forest will be too miserable.

At night, a group of three people came here. There was still a scorched atmosphere in the air, sporadic Mars and a thick layer of ash could be seen on the ground.

The flames of fire only burned the surrounding area, and when it went out, it had no power, as if limited by a layer of invisible power.

Deng Sen looked at the ashes all over the ground, and was a little speechless. They were all burned like this. What else could be left? The kid was really a thief.

Compared with Deng Sen's speechlessness, the captain's expression became dignified, looking at the embers on the ground, and sighing: "Forget it, this thing has not happened before, let's go back."

"Ah, Captain, is this the case?" Deng Sen scratched his head.

"That's it, just listen to me." The captain believes his eyes, and maybe even the kid who set the fire on himself did not notice his fierce determination hidden in his bones.

I came home, and as soon as I opened the door, Gaopeng saw dozens of empty cans scattered on the ground.

Aba is very comfortable lying on the ground, with eight claws facing the sky, and piles of faded old skin beside it. At this moment its volume is two full circles larger than when it was out in the morning.

I found that the owner went home, and Aban shook her legs lazily and continued to sleep comfortably.