Monster Pet Evolution

v2 Chapter 370: Gaoping Base City (Tue / Wed)

Under the circumstances that are not clear, no one dares to rush to send people to contact their so-called Lord, which is prone to problems without knowing it.

"Those black-mist lizards ... alas, they seem to be called black geckos?" Xu He cry repeatedly chewed the name.

"Well, the black mist world is called its black gecko."

Xu He cry did not confuse the name, "We and the government took a part of the body of the black gecko and took it back for testing, and found that their meat is very rich in nutrients. Only the monsters who have taken it will have some changes in mood and blood pressure high."

"The maze monitor said that these black geckos are all their food, and nutrition is normal." Gaopeng thought. "And they also said that the black geckos are addictive if they eat too much meat."

Xu He cried for a moment and nodded silently.

At that time, I will go back and say that the actual effect will require a clear figure from the laboratory. However, what Dong Dong said is also a direction, at least it can save a lot of energy in the laboratory.

In fact, Gao Peng has rarely done experiments by himself. Most of the tasks are left to other laboratory researchers under his hands. Sometimes Gao Peng only needs to provide some general directions. After the training of Gao Peng, Xu Qingye has been able to Proficient in making most low-level potions. All reagents taken by imperial beasts below the leader level are considered low-level potions by Gaopeng.

"Secretary, there is one more thing that I need to tell you, we failed at Changping, and only brought back Xuanyin Minghuo." Xu He cry said heavily.

"What's over there?" Gaopeng was curious.

"Yin soldiers!" Xu He cry frowned. "And they also have a general who claims to be Zhao Kuo. I don't know if it is true, but the strength is really not weak, and it seems to have the ability to absorb the Yin soldiers to recover their injuries."

"No matter what Zhao Kuo and Li Kuo are, if you dare stop us from picking things up, you will be killed." Ji Hanwu said lightly.

Several other people kept silent, applauding the big brother in their hearts.

"You should go back to the villa to sleep well before I go." Ji Hanwu said softly, touching Gao Peng's head.

Then he lifted his head, the softness on his face disappeared without a trace, and became apathetic and sensible again.

"White Dragon!"


There was a thunderous sound in the sky. Thunder clouds billowed, and a black dragon head was found in the black dark clouds, which rushed up and down in the sky above nine days, pulling a long white curtain between heaven and earth.

The curtain turned around in front of Gaopeng, setting off a fierce wind, and howling wind blew Gaopeng's hair.

When he returned to God, the grandfather had disappeared, leaving only the white dragon that gradually disappeared into the clouds.

"Grandpa still has such a bad temper, and just walk away." Gao Peng straightened his hair and took a few royal beasts home.


Gaoping base city, since some time ago, the monsters in the surrounding area do not know why they always like to attack the base city frequently. Fortunately, there is no lord monster, the base city can barely support it.

"How did you reply above? The news has been reported to it?"

"Let ’s hold on to the reply above. The survey unit will come over a week later." The deputy mayor of Gaoping Base said with cold sweat. Unlike the Mayor of Gaoping Base, he descended from above, so his identity is special. The contact above also depends on him.

Before, he relied on his uncle's relationship to airborne, but his uncle just stepped down half a year ago. This time, I don't know if it was the uncle's previous political opponents or other reasons. In short, it is more troublesome.

"It is reported to the mayor that a group of monsters have fled to the suburbs to the south and have caused five deaths and sixty-three injuries. Now the support forces are passing." Another bad news came.

In the southern suburbs, a large group of monsters ran forward frantically in the suburbs, and there seemed to be something behind them that made them afraid.

This is a group of monsters that are similar to rabbits, but are three meters in length, with two ears erected as if they were radars. Red eyes glanced around flexibly, open lips exposed kitchen knife-like teeth, and they looked cute and furry, but A person can jump more than ten meters away, and can crack the roof of a car with a bite of open teeth.

Some monsters' faces were covered with blood, all blood, and looked terrible.

"Shoot! Shoot!" Someone shouted.

The bullets hit a blood flower on the monster's body, but most of them were only flesh wounds. The wounds looked horrible. Most of the bullets were stuck in the muscles.

Behind the city defense forces sent Royal Beast forces to stop.

The blue bat with a wingspan of two meters hovered in the sky, the purple blood vessels were crystal clear, and the wingspan was extremely thin. There were blue bats dived down and scratched some tiny wounds on the surface of the rabbit monster. The rabbit monster that was broken by the wound had a flying speed. Becomes slow, and scum is condensed on the wound.

But there were also big blue bats that could not escape, and the jumped rabbit monster struck his chest with his legs. On the spot, his chest was sunken and flew out dozens of meters away.

The mountains and the mountains are all rabbit monsters. Roughly there are no less than a thousand monsters. Numerous monsters are running in the suburbs. Some jump into the house and kick the house walls on the spot. There are also some stepping on the roof, and they will slap the flower pots on the roof. Shattered, big red eyes were disturbed.

"Request support, request support here." The chief of the security department in charge of the front line changed slightly. He recognized these rabbit monsters as monsters living on a grassland south of the southern suburbs. They are called Baiyun Red-Eyed Rabbits. They are elite. The monster is a omnivorous animal that eats grass and meat. Other monsters in that area have been run away. Fortunately, there are some fast-growing plants on the grassland to support them.

These white-clouded red-eyed rabbits are also mild in character ~ ~ rarely take the initiative to attack humans, and this time I don't know what went crazy.

Recently, not only these white cloud red-eyed rabbits, monsters in several areas from east to west, north and south have actively attacked the human base city. Gaoping base city is only a small base city. There is no lord-level ambassador in the city, but only 150 kilometers north of the city There is a lord of the Qingyun Mountain on the Qingyun Mountain who accepts worship on weekdays and is responsible for protecting the peace of the people in the base city when facing the invasion of the lord monster.

Now these are just some monsters in the population, and there is no lord-level monster in them. Even if they ask for the white ape, it may not be willing, the white ape is a chicken thief.

"Captain of the report, the follow-up support forces arrived ten minutes later ..." a small police officer ran over sweating.

Suddenly his words stopped, a white line in the distance scoring the sky at a rapid speed, and was approaching.

All clouds were shredded along the way, leaving long cloud marks.

"So, what's that." The police officer only felt that the hair was upright, as if the imminent danger was approaching.