Monster Pet Evolution

v2 Chapter 481: Divine bird complete, dragon goddess

On the other side of the woods, a rising flame rose, and the green leaves were colored red by the glow.

Ruixia turned into a glorious cloud.

A long, long-screaming cry echoed.

There was a crackling sound in the air as if bamboo was being ignited.

A red one-legged bird flew out of the woods.

Blossoming flames emerged around the bird's body.

[Monster Name]: Asian Blood Bifang

[Monster Level]: Level 49

[Monster quality]: Legend quality / Legend quality

[Monster Attribute]: Fire

[Monster Ability]: Flame Control Lv4 Wooden Heart Fire Lv3 Flame Feather Lv3

[Monster Features]: Feather of Fire (omitted)

Exorcism (Ancient bird with bird name Bifang. Huang Di was cursed by Chi You's dead soul when he went to Taishan, and was expelled by Bifang.

Effect ① Passive effect: Bifang's attack increases damage to soul monsters.

Effect ② Passive effect: Bifang naturally has a deterrent power to all soul monsters, which can make them fear.

Effect ③ Active effect: A cry can be used to exorcise the soul, which can dispel the curse. At the same time, it hurts the enemy's soul. )

[Monster Profile]: A monster containing Bifangya's blood, which has a part of Bifang's blood, and also has a part of Bifang's ability. He likes fire and can expel evil charms.

Xiaoyao's body is smooth, her slender neck is streamlined, and her beautiful feathers are smooth and supple. The only flaw is the small belly.

"I'm pregnant." Xiao Huang pointed at Xiao Yan's belly in surprise.

"???" Xiao Yan's eyes glared, "Dead head, shut me up if you can't speak!"

"But why is your stomach so round?" Xiao Huang was puzzled.

Xiao Yan's face changed slightly. "Actually, I am like this."

"Really?" Xiao Huang was a little confused.

"It's true." Xiao Yan nodded heavily. "In fact, all Bifangs are my belly. We are born with a bigger belly. Bifang has been called a **** bird and a pet of Vulcan since ancient times. Because Bifang can bring auspiciousness and happiness to people, and a big belly means blessing. We also make the belly bigger for the sake of bringing blessings to others. We also say that we have sacrificed ourselves for others. "

Xiao Huang listened for a moment.

Xiao Yan said she almost believed in the back.

Looking at the stupid appearance of Xiao Huang, Xiao Yan flew away happily.

Soon the other side, Zhaocai finally stopped yelling, and ran to Shao Gao Peng.

[Monster name]: Exploration rat

[Monster Level]: Level 41

[Monster Quality]: Epic Quality / Epic Quality

[Monster Attribute]: Department of Mystery

[Monster Ability]: Treasure Smell Lv3 Sensitive Step Lv2

[Monster Features]:

Extreme treasure hunting (ghosts have ghosts, people are popular, treasures have treasures.

Effect ① Active effect: greatly enhance the perception of treasures in a short time, and can find the most precious treasure from the extremely rare treasure in the air. After a period of use, you can find the most precious treasure in a certain range. Can actively shield some treasures. )

[Brief introduction of monster]: A kind of greedy mouse who likes to search for treasures and has agility.

Looking at these three newly evolved imperial beasts, Gao Peng was full of sense of accomplishment.

An indescribable sense of accomplishment filled Gao Peng's heart.

It feels great to watch my Royal Beast grow up step by step.

However, Xiao Yan's promotion to Asian blood Bifang is also Gao Peng's choice. In fact, he wanted to evolve Xiaoyan in the direction of Bifang very early. One-legged Firebird. In fact, when he mentioned these three keywords, most people think of the first monster That is Bifang.

Of course, Gao Peng does not deny that there is a certain feeling of bonus, but since it is a Chinese bird, it is natural to choose as much as possible.

"By the way, the two captives are taken down by you, so they are delicious and delicious, lest people say that we Chinese ca n’t even feed the captives' meals." Go to jail and watch.

After coming to Huaxia, Tong Xiang kept silent, while secretly observing the surroundings, but did not dare to be too obvious.

It just makes him feel weird ...

Why is there so much Eucharist in the ancestral land?

On this way, he met many ambassadors who had two Royal Beasts at the same time, and others owned three or four Royal Beasts at the same time.

Tongxiang gradually became a little flustered, and there were too many holy bodies in the ancestral land.

And there are a lot of people on the ancestral land!

On the way, he saw no less than ten cities with millions and millions of people. Only large tribes had such a large population on their side.


After dealing with the promotion of Royal Beast, Gaopeng thought of the three captives trapped in the small black room by him--the three Royal Beasts captured alive from Goddess Peak.

I was hungry for a while, but I must not be hungry for such a period of time.

Opening the door, with a bang, a big sandbag fist blasted out of the darkened room.

boom! !! !!

Unexpectedly, Gao Peng was hit by a boxer.

The nearby Aban shook his back, and several rocks were shot down.

A Bian, who was sleeping on her back, opened her eyes, the calm black clouds rolled, the natural disaster black clouds boiled, and the hot redness spit out the flaming tongue from the black clouds.

Da Zi's action was the fastest, and the violent lightning roared. Six wings set off a large wind and thunderstorm whistled into the imperial beast beating Gao Peng.


Another punch.

Lightning riots, large arcs of lightning sweeping the grass ~ ~ The rough stone arms are slender and powerful, the fists are clenched, the strong muscles are crusted, like granite sculptures are full of power.

Above the arms is a dress carved in stone, and a ring made of ribbon on both shoulders.

His face was very good, and there was a golden halo behind his head, and a continuous stream of golden rainbow light falls in the center of the halo.

Holding a light white book on the left, two people tall, of course, for a stone statue close to three people tall, this book is more like a weapon in its hands.

Gao Pengxi looked at this good-looking stone statue giant and wiped his eyes.

[Monster Name]: Dragon Goddess

[Monster level]: Level 56 (king level)

[Monster quality]: Legend quality / Legend quality

[Monster Attribute]: Stone / Mystery

[Monster ability]: Hard body Lv5 Strengthen regeneration regeneration Heal Lv4 Strengthen power Lv4

[Monster Features]:

Phantom clone (Effect ① Active effect: After activation, two clones can be formed near the body. The clone has 80% of the body's strength and there is a time limit.)

Cut the Dragon Seal (omitted)

[Introduction to monsters]: A fusion royal beast that was made by some special means. It has strong physical strength and violent personality. It has great restraint ability against dragon monsters. After being destroyed, it is decomposed into a pre-fusion form. Activate fusion briefly.

Gaopeng looked at the gigantic stone giant, whose arms were thicker than elephant legs, and whose muscles were more exaggerated than fitness coaches.

Dragon Goddess?

Gaopeng silently, just like this, let alone a dragon, ten dragons have also surrendered to you ...

Gaopeng glanced at the left hand of the goddess of dragon drop, it was holding the chapter of dragon cutting and water on its left. The main body of this monster's fusion should be the chapter of dragon cutting. This is also a key point. The entire fusion is based on the chapter of dragon cutting.