Monster Pet Evolution

v2 Chapter 561: Streamer


Gao Peng did not express too much emotion, "Okay, but can you satisfy my curiosity. Since you want to recruit me, why do you always target the Tiange Academy?

Your behavior will only make me sick. How will it help me to join your Youhu tribe? "

"I can help him explain that it is normal for tribal annexation to be on our side. The simplest and rude way to annex a tribe is to weaken a tribe to the extreme, and let them be slaughtered when they have no strength to resist." A man walked out of the woods next to him.

Gaopeng recognized him, but he was still an acquaintance.

"Tong elephant? It seems that your sangtong tribe also wrote in this matter?" Gao Peng nodded thoughtfully.

The expression on Tongxiang's face was a little uncomfortable. He stared at Gao Peng for a while and hummed.

"It has nothing to do with our sangtong tribe. I'm just upset with you. I was invited to see your ending today. I didn't participate in those things.

Also, don't think that the White Dragon Tribe will send someone to protect you. In fact, even if your Nantian Group is destroyed by the White Dragon Tribe, it will not help you to say a word.

If your grandfather agreed to be an affiliate of the Bailong tribe, it would not be the case today, but your grandfather rejected the Bailong tribe's solicitation. "

Tong Xiang Weng Sheng said that he was unwilling to tell Gaopeng these things, but after Tong Ling's reminder, he decided to come over and sell a good one. As for whether Gaopeng is dead or alive, it is not his concern.

Yin You was a little confused. You didn't say that at first.

However, this elephant is the only son of the high priest of the Sangtong tribe, and he is not offended.

Forget it, just watch the show, anyway, it doesn't hurt him.

"Hmm." Xiaohua heard the movement here, grabbed the iron railing beside the truck with both hands and twisted it, the railing was twisted into a twist.

Then he jumped off the truck aggressively and walked behind Gaopeng.

Zhaocai and Xiaocao followed them.

"1,2,3,4 ..." Yin You laughed: "Is this the five Royal Beasts you have the confidence to talk to me like this."

Gaopeng grinned: "The ban on the stars and the heavens cannot be undone, and at most only the king-level royal beast can be born. Is this card not enough?"

Yin You laughed and heard: "Ha ha ha ha, one sentence from you is very suitable for you now-sitting in the sky and watching the sky!

Do you know what special day is today? If it was not for this special time today, why would you think I would come here today.

I admit that your talent is very strong, but in your next life, you must remember that talent is always a talent, and it is better to keep a low profile before turning it into strength. Our heritage is always beyond your imagination. "


There was a dull noise in the void.

As if water waves wrinkled the mirror, ripples spread outward.

Gaopeng frowned, "This is a new space node."

If the earth star is regarded as a house, all monsters and beasts, including humans, are tenants living in the house.

Space nodes are doors and windows that connect the house with other houses.

Just like Earth Star, this house originally was several hundred meters high, but then for some reason, the area above three meters was blocked! A layer of invisible ceiling appeared, as long as it was more than three meters tall, it could not enter.

Correspondingly, doors and windows in areas over three meters are also blocked together.

Now the doors and windows in the area above three meters have a tendency to open again ... what does this mean?

The ceiling will be higher, and the upper limit of the level that the earth star can hold will be increased.

"The level limit of Earth Star will be increased ..."

"Yes, Earth Star's level limit is about to be opened, which is why I came to see you today."


The ripples visible to the naked eye bulge outward.

Traces of cracks spread.

Xiaohua wanted to catch Yinyou, but how could she be unprepared to speak at such close distance?

Yin You turned and stepped back, a silver starlight appeared from her body.

A silver metallic ball floated around Yin You to make his movements more flexible, as if covered with a layer of silver gauze.

"Well," Gao Peng said quietly, this was the first time he saw a monster of this attribute.

[Monster Name]: Starfall Magic Ball

[Monster Level]: Level 60

[Monster Quality]: Perfect Quality / Perfect Quality

[Monster Attribute]: Galaxy

[Monster Ability]: The attached Lv5 star can manipulate the Lv5 starlight tide Lv5

[Monster Weakness]: Darkness

[Monster Profile]: A monster born in the realm of stars, occasionally appears in other worlds because of space cracks.

They are inherently capable of manipulating the power of the stars because special spirits and semi-physical bodies exist and can be attached to any creature, so manipulating the stars can help strengthen the creature.

They like anything that is rich in astral energy.

After putting on a layer of silver coat, Yin You's movements became very brisk, and she jumped tens of meters away with a slight jump. The palms of her fingers spread out, and a silver beam of light sprayed on her palm, which fell to the ground. Rolled several times,

The chest was burnt, and this time the injuries were not minor.

The grass shook gently, and a piece of white light fell on the flower. The flower's injury recovered quickly.

Yin You stood on the top of a tree in the distance, and the silver light covered the soles of his feet to make him stand firmly on the leaves.

"Now you have ten minutes to run away, run away, the farther you go, the better." Yin You said lightly.

Gaopeng was surprised. "You don't learn so many things about Earth Star, you have to learn to act hard."

Yin You was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Gao Peng. In his opinion, this boy is completely ignorant of the heights and heights of such a young man. He has seen more of this kind of young people, and with a little achievement, he floats.

Most of these people died either in the stomach of monsters or in tribal battles.

Tong Xiang looked at Gao Peng with a calm face, and suddenly thought of what Tong Ling said.

Can't help whispering in my heart, many of this guy's royal beasts have not appeared, and they will not all be promoted to the rank of emperor.

If that's the case, then it's really possible that Yinyou could plant a big heel.

The Youhu tribe where Na Yinyou is located is almost the same as their Sangtong tribe, otherwise they would not be so anxious to enter the resident star.

In fact, those true top tribes are not in a hurry to join Earth Star so quickly.

Tongxiang slowly took two steps back, thought about it, and continued to take two steps back.

Gaopeng looked up at the sky ~ ~ cloudless.

But at this moment he felt something broken, and he also felt that the restrictions on some of the Royal Beasts in his Royal Beast space had also been lifted.

"Roar--" A murmured roar came from the void.

The space was distorted like broken glass, and two large dark green bone fingers protruded from it.

Horns like cattle, golden eyes, strong body exudes terrible breath.

Royal beast-the wild emperor broken mountain beast.

"You may not have seen the imperial royal beast ..." Yinyou teased.

Gaopeng struck a finger.

The space next to him was twisted. A height of one meter and five, the body was dark and two pieces of blood-swording arms crossed on his chest. The royal beast with exquisite armor appeared at the feet of Gaopeng.

"Streamer, kill it."

"Observe, my master."