Monster Pet Evolution

v2 Chapter 594: The Mountain Giants Slain

Medusa saw Gao Peng's head, and immediately recognized Gao Peng. Although she had been in the labyrinth for a full three years, Gao Peng was a memorable moment recently.

"Will I help you solve this big guy?" Gaopeng asked, pointing to the mountain giant.

The Mountain Giant is a stone monster, and has a passive ability to be immune to petrification.

Because it is a monster made of stone itself, petrification has almost no effect on it.

It is equal to the difficulty of drowning a fish.

Medusa quickly nodded, it was not pedantic, and its ability was restrained by the mountain giant ... The mountain giant also knew that it could restrain me, otherwise it would not specifically challenge itself.

This mountain giant is a relatively weak group in the imperial rank. Normally, it is very difficult to compete for a maze.

It is extremely powerful, inaccessible, and has a strong resistance to soil and stone elemental attacks.

However, its weakness is also very obvious. It is too bulky and extremely bulky. Its bulky body has become its biggest disadvantage.

Medusa's petrochemical attack is not effective for it. It is not good at physical attack itself. It can only rely on its relatively low agility and it has been dealing with it all the time.

Medusa was thinking that if she couldn't find a chance, she would change a maze and give this place to the mountain giant, just to go back and take away the small sparrow stone statue.

"Siwa, leave it to you." Gao Peng did not summon other Royal Beasts, but let Siwa solve it directly.

Although Siwa is a gold medal mount in Gaopeng's team, she has a low sense of existence and basically does not need it to fight.

But that is also relatively speaking ...

Siwa's eyes showed excitement. Usually, the enemy masters let Dazi solve them. This is the first time for him to participate in the battle.

Gaopeng must not be disappointed.

The wings of the aurora behind the four dolls burst into white silver, as if two swords were falling down from the sky.

Boom boom!

The mountain giant was instantly covered by the wings of the aurora, and his body was continuously chopped with wounds, and the wound was smooth, as if cut by some sharp weapon.

The mountain giant roared angrily, and wanted to jump up and hit the four dolls, but the four dolls flew too high, and it couldn't hit it with all its might.

The wings of the Aurora constantly beat on it like a whip, and the Mountain Giant was screamed and ran away with his hands in his head.

Watching the mountain giants run away, Medusa was relieved.

Gao Peng let Siwa descend, and jumped down from Siwa's back. "It's been a long time since I came back overseas. You are still so charming, and there is almost no change from three years ago."

Listening to Gaopeng's praise, Medusa was a little happy.

Gaopeng rang a finger to summon Aban, and fixed the damage transfer to Aban.

Long distances were good before, but now they are so close to Medusa, it is difficult for Siwa to bear the petrochemical judgment.

Siwa turned her head and did not dare to look at Medusa.

Medusa glanced at Aban curiously, seemingly larger than the last time she met.

Then she turned her attention to Gaopeng, and Medusa invited Gaopeng to rest in her maze.

Gaopeng accepted its invitation.

On the way, Gao Peng called out a fat finger to summon the fat sea, and the volume of the fat sea was shrinking at the moment. "Here is a maze, just a maze of ordinary degree, see if there is any problem."

The smell of the air was strange when I was called out to the fat sea.

After hearing Gao Peng's words, the face of the fat sea changed suddenly: "No wonder it is so familiar. It turned out to be the legacy of that fat elephant."

Then Gaopeng saw the fat sea sticking like a salty fish on the outer wall of the maze, sucking hard.

"It ..." Medusa saw this scene for the first time and looked at Gaopeng with some concern.

"It's okay, don't bother with it," Gao Peng said calmly, and walked over to lift up the fat sea. "Follow me to the depths of the maze, where the taste is stronger."

The fat sea, which was still struggling, suddenly stopped struggling and was lifted by Gao Peng's tail like a dead fish.

"No other monster has been here for a long time." Medusa led the way.

The maze is very quiet. Unlike some maze owners who like to support some servants, there is only one monster in Medusa's maze.

Even if it wants to support monsters, it is difficult to find a monster that meets your heart's intentions. General monsters raised in a maze just add a stone statue to the maze.

At the deepest part of the maze, Gaopeng saw the surrounding environment, planted a lonely bamboo forest, and the sun above his head shone on the ground under the bamboo leaves and turned into black spots.

One by one, the stone sculptures of various shapes are frozen in the central area.

"These are the statues I collected." Medusa happily introduced Gao Peng to her treasure.

"This is just a golden boar. It was the first monster I met after leaving my mother's labyrinth, and the first monster that I petrified after leaving." Medusa captivated and touched a lifelike stone pig statue. .

Gaopeng nodded and looked around all the fine stone carvings carved by masters of art. Each of the stone carvings here is not carved, but a sculpture formed by the living monsters petrified ~ ~ This is just ... ... "Medusa introduced Gao Peng one by one.

Gaopeng looked very carefully, and from time to time gave some comments of his own.

When Gao Peng came in, Gao Peng let go and let him jump around.

"The taste is very thin. Although it has the smell of that fat elephant, the maze is also its style, but this labyrinth has never been here, but it has stained a part of its breath, and it was not made by itself." Talk to yourself.

"But it smells ... is it made with its artifact?" Fat Hai eyes brightened.

Jumping in front of the Qiu Jia's grave and stealing the Qiu Jia's artifact is really cool.

"Are you interested in leaving with me? There is nothing interesting in this maze. The outside world is much more beautiful." Gaopeng asked Medusa.

Medusa shook her head without hesitation. "It's too noisy outside."

"But the mountain giant hasn't died. This guy is thick and hard to kill." Gao Peng sighed. "When I leave, this mountain giant will definitely come back. Your ability is restrained by it. By that time, Very troublesome. "Gao Peng said sincerely.

Medusa closed her eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Opening his eyes, "Then I'll give this maze to it, and I'll change it again."

"But don't you think it's troublesome. Can you take all your collections with you?" Gao Peng said, pointing to a lot of collections in this maze.

Medusa hesitated.

"You seem to understand that the mountain giant will not give you a chance."

"But I can't take them with you when you leave." Medusa is not stupid.

Gaopeng smiled gently: "Who said it."

A flick of a finger hits, a stupid storage space debuts.

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