Monster Pet Evolution

v2 Chapter 632: Penetrate

I heard that the shameless old thing from the Horley Tribe at the meeting yesterday taunted himself again, and his face turned black as soon as he woke up in the morning.

Seeing the picture of Dad, his son did not dare to make a loud sound of eating in front of the madman when he ate, and swallowed with a small mouth.

Watching Dad's expression secretly.

After a while, the son stood up carefully and stretched out, "Dad, I'll go out."

"Don't go out, wait for the people who accompany me to go to the Huaxia tribe. If they haven't handled the housework today ... then I will help them." He madly put down the dishes.

"Oh, I see." Yuan Yuan nodded.

After dinner, I went back to the bedroom and put a cloak made of fake fox fur on the door.

Fake foxes generally live next to tiger monsters. They are a kind of companion royal beasts. All their abilities are used to please tiger monsters. After they get the favor of tiger monsters, they can fake fake tigers and do well. Go bully other monsters.

The fur of fake fox beasts is shaved and made into clothes, which can contain the breath of tiger monsters. It is very prestigious, and because the number of fake fox beasts is scarce, the cloak of fake fox beasts is extremely rare.

Came to the meeting room, and there was a standing receptionist in front of the meeting room.

"Master," the receptionist in a cheongsam bowed quickly.

"Don't give me nothing. I just want to know if your own affairs have been handled properly. If not, I'll help you deal with them." Qi Kuang's eyes showed a hint of killing.

The receptionist was pale and she had no right to speak.

"You asked those who talked to me yesterday to come and see me right away!" Yelled indignantly.

The receptionist hurriedly called the upper management.

Five minutes later, the senior executives of Huaxia District hurried over.

He madly took a roll of animal skin from his arms and threw it, no matter who was catching it, Shen Sheng said: "I don't care if you don't handle it properly. If you don't want me to get involved in your internal affairs, but Zhang You must sign the pact, and your own affairs will be resolved slowly. "

These days I have been fooled by the flirtatious madness and finally reacted when I ate in the morning. Have you dealt with my farts internally?

Anyway, my task is to get you to sign a contract. As for any other opinions within you ... is it important? Because you will not be allowed to refuse at all, whether you are happy or not, the treaty must be signed!

If you are dissatisfied, let him wash his neck, and the tribal elders will naturally send experts to resolve all dissatisfaction.

The high-level Huaxia who came to deal with it was hard to find. In fact, after returning yesterday, a meeting was held overtime. This meeting basically covered all the people of status and status in the City of Hope.

The result of the final discussion included the signing of a covenant if it was not possible, and then bearing the burden of humiliation.

The Huaxia people are the most able to stretch.

It is a trick that old ancestors are tired of lying down.

"Hello, wait a moment," said the first.

Seeing this group of people know what is interesting, the madness of the killing intention in his heart converges a bit.

In order to put a little pressure on this group of people, Wu Kuang's right hand spread out with five fingers at the sky.

"Come out......"


The dull and irritable breath shocked the entire barren maze, including everyone in the city of hope built on the barren maze.

The breath of terror came suddenly.

"Roar !!!" The angry roar shook the sky, and the clouds of the sky were scattered.

A huge monster stepped out of the void step by step, and the red-gold fur was like a golden ocean, stained with a **** halo in the sun.

The black-pressed body collapsed the ground as soon as it appeared, the ground was broken open, and the protective barrier that the divine bricks applied to the barren maze was torn.

The shops on both sides were crushed and the smoke was permeating.

Fortunately, it was cleared before this, and people living nearby moved out a few days ago.

The ground is cracked like a cobweb, the dark cracks are extremely deep, and the stones fall into the cracks and make a loud noise.

The golden, endless golden halo swept all around the sun bear's feet, and the broken bricks were stained golden.

Two snow-white teeth broke from the lower lip, a sun mark on the eyebrow burned, the dull breathing sounded like a thunder, and the huge body of 54 meters high was like a small hill.

Ooo ~

Woo ~

The beasts of all colors made a terrifying cry.

The breath of the Holy Royal Beasts softened their soles.

罴 Kang is very satisfied with this effect caused by his Royal Beast.

This is power!

"Roar!" Suddenly the sun bear became irritable, beating the ground angrily.


Two sturdy meat palms slap on the ground.

The after waves set off huge waves, and the white giant waves blasted into all directions in a shock wave, setting off everything around.

Fortunately, there are some ambassadors waiting in the dark, otherwise this group of seniors does not know how many will die.

The sun bear roared towards the sky somewhere, the shuddering roar shattered and didn't know how much glass.

But I don't know if it is an illusion. The person who saw this scene even had an incredible thought in his heart. This sun bear seemed to be in fear.

Along the line of sight of the sun bear, others followed, and there were no clouds and nothing.

I was madly aware of it. As the Sun Bear ’s emperor, he felt that the Sun Bear was trembling through his blood. Although it looks fierce now, it is a bluff. As the Sun Bear ’s Emperor, he is not familiar with the habits of the Sun Bear. Already.

But this makes him even more incredible. The sun bear is a holy high-level royal beast, and the quality is not low. Even the monsters facing the holy peak have not been so afraid.

Isn't it ... A horrible sign of awkwardness rises.

Rumble ...

There was a faint sound of ocean waves in my ears, from far to near.

At first only the crippled heard it, and then the whole city of hope heard the turbulent tide.

An astonishing blue shone on the horizon and kept approaching.

"What's that?" Someone mumbled to himself.

"That seems like the sea?"

"How can there be a sea in the sky?" Said an emissary incredible.

The vast blue ocean swept across the sky, and all the clouds along the way, such as Mianyang, were instantly shredded into the tide.

The mighty waves swept in all directions, and they were so powerful that it seemed like hundreds of millions of wild bison rushed towards the enemy formation.

"Quasi-god!" Qimang took a deep breath and squeezed two words out of his teeth.

"Daughter, you don't have to be a killer, just smash it seriously." The fat sea whispered around the storm water demon spider, the old father looked so humble at this moment.

A soul hiding in the depths of the sea and gazing at this scene sneerly.

"Oh? Didn't you say that this guy is going to eat you, who do I want to kill and who cares?" The two slender spider claws of Stormwater Demon Spider rubbed gently like long swords.

"Of course not, mainly because there is a group of quasi-gods behind this guy ~ ~ I know that you are the strongest daughter, but I don't want to see you hurt." Fat Hai's tone was full of old father Love.

"Then keep this dog and bear a life." With a chuckle, the third spider claw on the left of Stormwater Demon Spider lifted up, like an anti-aircraft gun ready to go.

嗖 ——

Aim and shoot.

The ice-blue water spear breaks through the waves and descends from the sky, just like the verdict of the sea god!


The air was detonated, and a series of explosions echoed across the world.

The blue and white remnants run through the world, piercing the sun bear's field, piercing its thick fur, tearing its strong muscles, crushing the hard bones, and breaking out from the back.

boom! !! !!

The sun bear was nailed to the ground stiffly.