Monster Pet Evolution

v2 Chapter 661: Dragon ... Dragon Ant King Kong?

The noon sun was a little dazzling, hot wind hit, and Gaopeng wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Seven small animals lay on the open plain. At this time, even a very weak king-level monster could eat them.

But there are a lot of other beasts guarding around, and there are no monsters who do not open their eyes dare to approach.

When Qixiao woke up from his deep sleep, the breath on his body became even more irritable.

Lying in the middle of the heart, the ant Qiba shivered a bit, and Zhaocai thought it was awake. When he jumped over, he saw a large amount of gray mist spread in the gaps around the ant's body. Here.

The mist spread all around and turned into six chains that connected the seven dolls with the other six brothers.

Da Zi, who was being falsely attracted, opened her right eye to see this scene and quickly sat up. The dragon claw quickly pushed Gao Peng who was sleeping.

"Friend bird, friend bird, wake up soon, something big."

Gao Peng quickly sat up and trot to the top of the hillside for observation, just to see Qi Xiao was pulled together by an invisible force and floated in the air.

"[Monster State] Fusion."


Gao Peng's face changed slightly. He didn't let the seven brothers merge, and he didn't plan to let them merge. Why did this strange thing happen suddenly?

Running to the shaded surface at the bottom of the hillside, the air near Xuanyin Shenjing dropped forty or fifty degrees.

A blast of cold air rushed towards the ground, the ground condensed into frost, and ice crystals hung on the surrounding branches.

The fat sea is floating, rolling, and undulating in the well water.

Gaopeng was not sure about the current state of the fat sea. In case it is also a critical moment of breakthrough, it will be troublesome.

Frowning, couldn't help sighing.

The only fat sea you can rely on now doesn't know when it will wake up,

"Relax, it's not a bad thing, they're merging." The only thing that makes Gaopeng feel relieved is that no bad changes have occurred between the seven brothers. Fusion ... It's not a bad direction.


The sound of dark clouds colliding overhead,

The sun is gradually swallowed up, the dark clouds are getting denser, and the dark black clouds are about to squeeze out water.

There are several cracks in the back shell of Aban's head, and natural disaster clouds spray from the cracks.

The blushing Mars was mixed in black smoke, and two dark clouds collided. The lightning was swallowed before it spread out of the dark cloud.

After a while, Wu Yun resigned unwillingly.

Twice! I remember this feud!

A gust of wind blew, the seven brothers floated slowly, then gathered to the heart ants in the middle.

The rich white light obstructs the sight of other surroundings.

The breath of the seven brothers is getting weaker, but they have not disappeared, they are just mixed together.


The golden-colored glazed armor wrapped his fist, and a punch tore the white light.

Fine purple-gold scales staggered, and the breath became sharp and full of aggression.

The deep dragon chanted echoed on the plain.


The hot blood burns the earth.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the beasts' ears, and a dangerous breath made the beasts narrow their eyes.

"Anthony, see the master." The three-meter-tall humanoid war beast stepped out, kneeling on one knee.

The knees fell heavily on the knees, and they hit the ground sturdy. The ground sank when they landed, and then quickly rebounded. The cracks were prominently cracked, and the cracks of hundreds of meters revealed the cavities.

The low head was covered with a thick layer of blood-colored armor, and the eyes hidden under the armor flashed with cruel bloodthirsty.

Until this time, the crack boundary spewed out a tiny yellow smoke.

[Monster Name] Variant Ant Dragon (Bloody)

[Monster Level] Level 80 (Emperor Level)

[Monster Quality] Myth Quality / Myth Quality

[Monster attribute]: Chaos

[Monster Attributes] Dragon Power Lv6 Hard Dragon Scale Lv6 Epic Stamina Lv6 Firm Will Lv6

[Monster Features]

Variety switching (variable dragon ants can switch to various dragon ant states, can have two dragon ants ability at the same time, and fully inherit the dragon ants ability, and can be superimposed on their own basic attributes under the existing ability characteristics on.

Current status: Bloody Dragon Ant, Hercules

Stacking ability: Dragon Power level +1, and has [Blood Rage] feature, [Epic Strange Power] feature)

Devouring Dragon Meat (When the Variant Dragon Ant devours enough new breeds of Dragon Meat, it will awaken the corresponding Dragon Talent.)

Endless Heart (It is because of the endless heart that the ever-changing antagon can store the power of many dragons at the same time.

Currently owns: **** dragon ants, white polar diurnal ants, ferocious diamond ants, aurora dragon ants, concealed dragon ants, smoke dragon ants, heart ants)

[Introduction to monsters] Extremely rare and extremely rare mutant species in the dragon ant family, which is difficult to encounter for thousands of years. Only when a female sibling and the number of dragon ants greater than 5 are at the same level and the dragon ants belonging to the same grade have evolved at the same time will the fusion be triggered. After evolution, the ever-changing Ant-Dragon can freely switch its own attribute state, and it can have up to two kinds of dragon power superimposed at the same time. The only flaw is that the body of the variegated antagon is simultaneously controlled by all the brothers of the fit, which also makes outsiders look moody.

One step away from the Holy Order, but also on the threshold.

Although it seems that the performance characteristics of Ever-Changing Ant-Dragon are relatively chicken ribs, which are only equivalent to the two characteristics of other imperial beasts, Gaopeng does not think so. Anyway, he has also been an emissary for so many years and has rich combat experience.

There is one thing that can not be compared with other beasts, that is, the ability of other beasts is entirely created by talents, and the ability of beavers is in a certain aspect ... it can be chosen by yourself!

You can choose your own abilities and switch at any time. For example, some abilities are suitable for use in non-combat mode without delay.

Bloody fury and epic monsters are originally big baby and three baby abilities. Both of them are dragon ants characterized by strength. Adding the two is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Under the premise of not breaking through the Holy Level, the power of Variety Ant Dragon has reached Lv7. If two passive triggers can increase the power, the power of Ant Dragon will skyrocket to an unimaginable level.

It has been another two days before the fat sea woke up. The breath on my body has been much stronger, and it is obviously very rewarding.

Wake up and find out why the surroundings have become so quiet?

The seven little dragon ants were noisy and always very lively.

"Well, who are you?" Fat Hai noticed the ever-changing antagon standing on a rock not far away.

The ever-changing ant dragon saw the fat sea awakening, stood up and strode towards the fat sea, took a step, and the color of its armor suddenly changed ~ ~ to become milky white.

The big purples around them are clear, this is Liu Was manipulating the body.

"Check it out!"

A thick white mist wrapped around the arm of the ever-changing antagon, and finally condensed into a giant smoke fist and flew towards the fat sea.

"Six babies?" Fat Hai recognized at a glance that this was six babies' smoke capabilities, and his fists were smashed by a flick of his tail.

"Liuwa, you have changed a lot." Fat Dahai couldn't believe how she would go away.

"Come again." The ever-changing antagonist did not retreat, and his pupils emitted two white polar daylights.

The fat sea was startled, wasn't this the ability of Erba.

A fin was photographed under the conditional reflection, and a wall of water condensed in the void and smashed into the ant dragon.

Baiji daylight was smashed by the water wall, and the remaining strength hit the variegated ant dragon with unabated strength, stunned it on the spot.