Monster Pet Evolution

v2 Chapter 740: Billy

"Xiao Huang stops first." Gao Peng suddenly thought of something, thoughtfully.

Could it be that this guy is a watermelon man?

Gaopeng glanced at His Royal Highness with the eyes of inspection.

"Sit down, A Stupid moves a stool for him." Gao Peng said to A Stupid.

A stupid flew over and moved Gao Peng to an old chair, threw a small wooden sash to His Royal Highness, and flew proudly.

His Royal Highness was not angry. He pushed the pony into the soil and pressed it firmly to secure it. Then he sat on his hips and looked up at Gaopeng sitting in front of his eyes.

"How did I get exposed?" Gaopeng felt that he had covered up his identity very well, but he did not expect to be exposed.

His Highness smiled and told Gao Peng the original words of the salary star analysis.

Gao Peng sighed in the bottom of his heart. Sure enough, there are many smart people in this world. I didn't expect that he was discovered to be so perfect.

"Then why don't you kill me, aren't our two races bloody?" Gao Peng asked with interest.

"It's our ancestors who are vengeful, not us." His Royal Highness said, "In fact, I really appreciate your civilization. At the time, we learned from each other and even intermarried. We still have a part of it Traces of civilization related to you. "

Gao Peng suddenly felt that the thinking pattern of His Royal Highness resembled a certain race.


"Your thoughts are very interesting, different from those of the other races." Gao Peng sitting on the old chair smiled.

The brown trench coat collar was **** by Gaopeng, just covering the jaw.

His Royal Highness looked into Gao Peng's eyes and said: "A long time ago, I was thinking about a question, that is why our spiritual clan will become a deadly enemy with the human race. In fact, the nine days are so big, our two races can win together.

Just like our spiritual people now, we have n’t even occupied one-third of the area for nine days. It ’s definitely not because of territorial reasons. "

His Royal Highness talked frankly.

Gao Peng heard his head hurt.

I just deal with you two casually, why are you still talking.

I have no interest in these at all.

Gaopeng's eyes were empty and he looked straight ahead. When Gaopeng listened to something he didn't like, it was this expression.

But in the view of His Royal Highness, it was Gaopeng's indifferent look, a genius and arrogance.

Let him help a little more respect for Gaopeng.

It is normal for talented geniuses to have quirks.

In the end, His Royal Highness did not listen carefully to what Gao Peng said. After all, he repeatedly spoke tens of thousands of words. Gao Peng deducted the word alliance from the back of each word.

As long as I can become the king of the Holy Tudor Empire, I will make an alliance with you to achieve a win-win situation for both of us.

His Royal Highness felt that his throat was a little dry, and he did not know if Gaopeng had a heartbeat in his voice.

Gao Peng politely returned to His Royal Highness, a standard expression that accorded with the human-like racial appreciation.

"You want me to help you be king?"

He froze for a moment, His Royal Highness nodded with a smile.

"You said it earlier." Gao Peng shook his head secretly, these politicians.

Things that can be said in a sentence have to be said for an hour. This can be considered a skill.

"No problem," Gao Peng nodded, and responded coldly. "But you have to pay the price."

"What's the price then?" His Highness secretly sighed. It turned out to be so simple, as long as he could communicate.

"The price is everything." Xiao Huang's magnetic subwoofer sounded in the ear of His Royal Highness.

"Ah?" Xiao Erzi paused, and the price was too ...

"Nothing is so exaggerated, the price is just a little bit." Gao Peng stomped on Xiao Huang's buttocks, and smiled and showed his white teeth.

An hour later, Her Royal Highness left in tears.

This expression remained until returning to the palace.

His Royal Highness unloaded the camouflage on his face, and his face became extremely indifferent for a moment.

"Master, that guy asked you so much for your consent."

The large black-gold snake coiled out of an S-shape and swallowed the snake letter.

"Excessive?" Her Royal Highness narrowed her eyes into a slit, her soft face with a hint of cold blood. "As long as I can sit in that position, what's the point?"

"If I can't sit in that position ... let him be buried with me."


"Gao Peng is terrific. It really is the legendary bargain master."

Xiao Huang witnessed the process of Gao Peng's bargain just now, and his admiration for Gao Peng is like a torrent of rivers.

"Gao Peng, your muscles are so strong."

"Gao Peng, your hips are really tilted."

"Gao Peng, your voice is so loud."

"Gao Peng, your hair is so ... not so bald."

It's too embarrassing for Xiao Huang to boast of this straight steel male duck.

Gaopeng didn't know whether it was bragging about itself or hurting itself.

"Gao Peng, you must teach me your eloquence." Xiao Huang decided to learn this magic skill of Gao Peng, and he will be able to pit others' money after going out.

Cai Fan duck was excited.

"Okay ..." Gao Peng rubbed his temples, he couldn't listen anymore.

"You can't learn."

"Why I can't learn. Impossible, I watched so many online novels and movies ~ ~ I'm the most cultural duck in our village." Xiao Huang died and hugged Gaopeng's legs.

Gao Peng couldn't break free for a while.

The most cultured duck in Shenteme Village, I think you are the most shameless duck. Of all my beasts, you are shameless first, and the second is Dazi.

When you two are together, you are inferior.

"Wow, everyone, come and see, Xiao Huang is a strong duck man."

"Gao Peng is locked!"

One stone caused a thousand layers of waves.

Even A-Ban, who was sleeping, opened her eyes.

"Xiao Huang, come and perform a male plus a male." Da Zi coaxed aside, this guy is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

As long as Gao Peng was tricked, he laughed the happiest, and sometimes even shot others to help Gao Peng tweak together, which is why Gao Peng named it Hass Purple.

"Uh ... this is what you said." The second Highness who went back to fetch things stood awkwardly in place.

I did not expect this hobby.

His Royal Highness set his eyes behind him.

"Chi Tianyang, summon your royal beast to play with your lord."

Chitianyang nodded, her right hand opened, and a thick pink mist spread slowly.

A five-meter-tall, muscular man like a hairless orangutan emerges from the smoke.

[Monster name] Billy Beast

[Monster Level] Level 74

[Monster Attributes] Poison System

[Monster Quality] Perfect Quality / Perfect Quality

[Monster Ability] Sexy Poisonous Lv5 Strong Muscle Lv5 Billy Power Lv5 Bully Weak Lv5

[Monster Weakness] Before a creature that is stronger than it, it will greatly weaken its power and cannot face the enemy.

[Monster Profile] This is really a terrible monster.