Moonshine & Valentine: His Excellency’s First Love (Love Knot)

Chapter 36

Pippi hadn't seen Helan Jingting for more than a month.

At first she thought Helan would take the initiative to call. Facts have proved that the pride of the priest is extraordinary. However, even though Pippi is a small person, is the small person out of integrity? So Pippi didn't call either.

The two of them just hit the bar.

If in normal times, Pippi has no temper. The daughter of a poor family has a lot of troubles, she has no time and no capital to play her temper. But in her short life history, she has added a "Hui Yan" out of thin air, as if she is both the ghost of one person and another. Pippi felt a little wronged, but also a little tired. Suddenly, the shoulders were heavy by several kilograms, and it was not easy to walk, as if he was holding two heads.

More importantly, Pippi was shocked gorgeously.

After a long time of trouble, it turned out that Helan Jingting liked not Guan Pippi, but an incarnation of her N years ago, a girl named Huiyan. The closeness between them was immediately compromised. The gentle and passionate eyes that dare to love are not for her, the slender and **** hands are not for her, and the loyal and dedicated heart is not for her.

Maybe he and Huiyan have an unresolved grievance; maybe they were a troubled couple in the last life; no matter what story happened between them, this Huiyan has nothing to do with her Guan Pipi!

It's not that it doesn't matter that you hang up high, and if the priest has any doubts, Pippi is willing to help him. But she is not a superman, she still lives in dire straits. The large state-owned factory on which Pippi's family depended for survival has entered a state of semi-stop production. His mother was ordered to retire early and the retirement salary was pitifully low. Some people in the factory committed suicide in pain because of eating cabbage bonzi for a month. Dad does odd jobs every day, and his income is low and unstable. Grandma has no income at all. As the whole society is marching into the 21st century, Pippi's family is returning to the war period. When everyone around was dazzled by the commodity economy, Pippi's family wanted to tighten their belts and implement the rationing system.

Pippi thinks that the current priority is to work hard, make money, and save the family from the economic crisis! Therefore, she needs vitality! Instead of consuming vitality!

However, since she did not go to Helan Jingting, and Helan Jingting did not come to her, Pippi had to face the consequence that she would have no hair for more than a month! Is the kind of desperate no. The scalp is bright, there is no grass, and the feet are slippery when flies fall on it. The first thing Pippi gets up every day is to touch her head, looking for signs of hair growth. After touching it for a long time, I couldn't touch a single stubble. So she gritted her teeth and bought a bottle of 101 Hair Regenerating Essence, and it didn't work every day to apply it every day.

Could it be that the vitality of the priest is highly poisonous? The new hair died under the scalp?

Of course, this is not her biggest blow.

The postgraduate registration is about to begin. Registration requires the unit's stamp. In the past, the unit opened one eye and closed one eye. This time, Director Zhang of the office refused to build it. According to him, the past few years have been a golden fever. There are too many people who want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and they are uneasy about their jobs. The president has issued a new rule in anger. All employees who intend to take the postgraduate entrance examination must choose one of their choice in work and study. The resignation report was handed in before it was stamped, otherwise I would not think about it.

Pippi spent three full days in the dormitory under the quilt. He squeezed and squeezed the application form for graduate students in his hand, and almost squeezed out the water. Finally, he tore it to pieces with a long sigh and threw it into the toilet. Not to mention how likely it is that she was not born in a subject. Even if she is admitted and has no salary while studying, she will have no income for three years. The family is so poor that Pippi dared not take this risk. This is what it means to be poor, short-sighted, and strong. Pippi wanted to cry without tears, gritted his teeth, put all the exam preparation books into the cardboard box and stuffed it under the bed, not seeing it.

From that day on, Pippi developed the habit of buying welfare lottery tickets. Buy it once a week and pay attention to the prize. Yes, maybe one day she won the jackpot and all her troubles will be solved.

Telling this to Xiaoju, she smiled straightly: "Pippi, you are old."


"You begin to believe in miracles."

"But, do you think I should give up the postgraduate entrance examination?" Pippi said distressedly, holding his head in both hands.

"No." Xiaoju answered quickly.

Pipi was startled slightly: "Why?"

"An old gentleman once said to me that there are three kinds of people in this world: some people can make things happen, some people sit and watch things happen, and some people wonder why things happen.-Pippi, you can't be like me Sit and watch everything happen to you and you can’t do anything. You have to fight! You have to fight!"

Pippi felt that Xiaoju was actually a philosopher, especially when criticizing people. She was very excited when she said this, her skinny arms shook Pippi's body. It seemed that Pippi was not persuading her but herself.

"But, what about my family? My father is laid off and my mother retires. Without my salary, the whole family can't live well."

"Let's calculate, how much does your family spend in a month?"

"The cost of living should be at least two thousand yuan. My father and my grandmother are not in good health, it will not be enough if they are sick.

"Two thousand yuan? You earned it from two jobs. Or you quit and come to me. McDonald's has recently hired people. I also got a day shift manager for some reason. The job of making hamburgers is tiring. Tired, but don’t use your brain."

"But, in this case, don't I have time to review?"

"Well-during this time you will review at home all day, and live with your savings. When you finish the exam, I will try to find a place for you."

"My deposit--" Pippi felt cold and looked at her with a bitter face, "My dad bought the stock and got it in—"

Xiaoju pondered for a moment and asked, "A few months before the exam?"

"There is still half a year."

"Can you find someone to borrow some money? Or you come to us for a half-day job and wait for a while?"

"Borrow money?... Well, let's forget it. I would rather work."

Pippi is most afraid of borrowing money, especially when he is unable to repay.

"Pippi, look at me, think about the light when making choices." Seeing her head lowered again in surprise, Xiaoju squeezed her shoulder, "Think about it, if you become a real A reporter from, it’s so cool to have a career you dream of! Besides, you have potential. Didn’t you pass the score in the last exam? Didn’t a professor say that you are promising? You are only one step away from your dream So far away, why give up?"

Yes! Why give up! Burgers without money! Even if you are admitted to graduate school, you can study part-time! Pippi was agitated, and a critical moment in her life had come. I didn't know if it was fear or excitement, she suddenly burst into tears.

But... such a big decision, you need to think twice. Pippi's eyes gleamed, then quickly darkened.

"Pippi, you must understand what you really want! Do you want to be a small secretary or a big reporter?"

"Big reporter!" Pippi blurted out.

"Then make up your mind to resign!"

Pippi dropped the soda bottle, rushed back to the office, spent two minutes typing a resignation report on the computer, and went straight to the third floor to hand it to Director Zhang.

She didn't dare to "think twice", the end of thinking twice was definitely to give up.

I sat nervously in the editor-in-chief's room for a few hours, and when he was about to get off work, Director Zhang talked to her in an attempt to keep her. Pipi ironically refused.

The director’s face turned dark, half comforting and half threatening: "I have asked the president about this matter. If you insist on taking the postgraduate entrance examination, we will automatically resign you. The salary will be paid to the end of next month. Xiaoguan, He glanced at her meaningfully, "You have to think about it. In case you fail to be admitted to graduate school and want to come back, you will no longer have your place in the society."

In an instant, Pippi seemed to fall into the abyss. She lowered her head and thought for a while, then nodded vigorously: "Director, I'm done."

She finally got the sign-up notice with the big red seal.

The crazy review began.

Unconsciously, three months passed in a flash. Pippi goes to work at McDonald's during the day and reviews homework at home at night. Life is more regular than that of the elderly. After resigning, of course the unit’s dormitory cannot be accommodated. Although the family is comfortable, I have to endure the endless nagging and scolding of my mother. The great job was lost, the famous iron rice bowl was smashed, and the expenses at home were strained-Pippi's mother was so sad that she almost didn't scold Pippi to hang herself. She didn't believe that Pippi was because of the job she gave up because of the postgraduate entrance examination. She felt that she must have offended the leader and was expelled by the newspaper in disguise. But my mother is a mother after all. From the day Pippi resigned, she never bought cosmetics and high-end clothes, and never mentioned a beauty club. Actually get up every morning and walk two stops to look at the street stalls for Pippi, so that he can free up time to take more work.

Seeing her mother's transformation, Pippi was shocked.

It turns out that people are so flexible.

Pippi still hadn't seen Helan Jingting.

As Xiaoju said, even if Pippi can't stop some things from happening, at least some things can't happen.

If she doesn't call or provoke Helan Jingting, the arrogant priest will not come to the door for no reason.

So her scalp is still smooth. I have to wear a wig to work every day. That set of wigs was sent by Pepe, very high-end, you can comb the hairstyle you want on it, and it is very convenient to wear. Winter is approaching, the weather is getting colder, Pippi wearing a wig has become a habit, almost forgot about the bald head.

On the last day of October, a female reporter in the newspaper had a birthday party and invited a group of colleagues to dance at the largest disco in the city. Before he resigned, Pippi had a good relationship with the reporter, so he called to invite her. At that time, Pippi's review had passed the white-hot stage. After all, it was the second time. I have memorized everything that should be memorized. I made more than a dozen of English and political exercises, and the postgraduate entrance examination review class I attended was also over. She felt very tired and wanted to rest. Coupled with the hospitality of colleagues, he agreed.

The ballroom is called "Dragon City" and tickets are very expensive. Pippi had been there several times before, and they were all wearing her to play. On the second floor, there is a dance hall of nearly a thousand pings, deafening sound, and changing lights. A dozen leading dancers wrestle vividly on the mid-air stage. The people below are dancing and dancing, fascinated, immersed in the wild and unrestrained music like sucking opium.

Pippi became tired after jumping for less than an hour. Go to the bathroom to take off the hair cover and wipe the sweat. Although there is good ventilation in the dance hall, hundreds of people sweat and pant together, the carbon dioxide content is still quite high. Feeling thirsty, she went to the coffee shop on the first floor to drink water. I asked for a glass of juice, found a quiet place and just sat down, a girl not far away suddenly came up to say hello: "Pippi?"

The girl has a gorgeous face, a slender figure, and a fashionable dress. Pippi looked at her and couldn't remember who it was for a while, a little embarrassed: "May I ask you--"

"Su Mei."

There is a blank in the brain. Pippi thought this face seemed familiar, but the name must be the first time I heard it.

"That night, Guanyin Lake Party, remember?"

Pippi suddenly smiled: "Yes, yes, you are Amei. I'm sorry—I don't know your last name is Su."

"Is it convenient to sit here? Looks like Helan didn't come with you?" She asked with a smile, very charming.

"No. Sit down, please. I'm just looking for someone to talk to." Pippi invited her warmly.

Su Mei took a sip of wine and asked, "What happened that day? Why did you leave after entering the mulberry forest?"

"Well...something happened and I had to leave early." Given Helan Jingting's status in the fox clan, Pippi didn't want to create more gossip for him, and answered very carefully.

Su Mei lowered her head for a drink, and didn't ask any further questions.

Pippi had to ask her, "What about you? How did you go that night? Did you have a good time?"

"Very enjoyable." She smiled, "So I saw you express my gratitude. I hope it didn't make you too embarrassed that day.-It seems that you really have known each other soon."

"Yes." Pippi sighed weakly, and his thoughts were hooked out.

"Why? Not happy?" Su Mei keenly sniffed her emotions, "tell me to hear, I am older than you, maybe I can solve it for you?"

There has been no news from Helan for four months. It is impossible to say that there is not a trace of concern in my heart. Pippi dreams of him almost every night, and every time...chun dreams. However, the **** has different ways, she really can't accept his... diet.

"Yeah—" Pippi hesitated for a moment, and said tentatively, "Sister Meimei, do you know about Huiyan? Helan and Huiyan?"

"Do you mean that Shen Huiyan?"

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