Movie Savior

Chapter 359: Sleeping in a sweet dream (2/2)

   Chapter 359 Sleeping in a Sweet Dream (22)

   Space Base.

   Looking at the images sent back by the spacecraft in the atmosphere of Planet 3, everyone's faces became more and more excited.

  Because the superior conditions of Planet 3 can be seen with the naked eye.

  White clouds, blue sea, and faint green…

   At a glance, this is another earth!

   "It must be our new dream home!"

  The old Professor Brand shouted excitedly when he saw the video.

  Amelia also stood up from the chair in an instant, her usual short eyes staring at the screen nervously, not knowing whether she was excited or worried about her boyfriend, or maybe both.

   "How is the telemetry situation?" Zhang Tianyuan was standing next to Zhou Kun, and the screen in front of him was the information sent back.

   Hearing his words, Professor Brand also came over excitedly, his hands shaking: "Zhou, is the situation okay? I read it right, the image just now must be liquid water and plants!"

Zhou Kun pointed to the two indicators on the screen, the whole person slumped on the chair, and then smiled: "Yes, you guessed it right, it is indeed liquid water and primitive plants, there must be enough on this planet. oxygen."

   "Now just hope its atmospheric composition isn't too weird."

   With liquid water and green plants, this planet has a high probability of being habitable.

   It would be even better if its atmospheric composition was similar to that of Earth.

   Zhang Tianyuan thought of the purpose of those high-dimensional humans, and said: "There should be no problem with the composition of the atmosphere, this planet was carefully selected by 'them'."

   Zhou Kun was stunned for a moment, then he reacted immediately, smiling even more brilliantly, nodded repeatedly and said yes.

  If the atmosphere of this planet is so different from that of the earth that humans cannot breathe, then high-dimensional humans will not choose this place.

   Zhou Kun gave an order to let the unmanned spacecraft go to the next step as planned.

The    spacecraft will orbit to detect the signal of astronaut Edmonds, who had previously landed on the planet, and then land near the signal.

  During the landing, the spacecraft will also automatically perform a preliminary detection of the atmospheric composition at each altitude.

Planet 3 is far away from the black hole, and nothing can interfere with the space-time tunnel, so its connection with the space base has always been very close, so close that some large ground signal receiving equipment can be used, as long as the receiving components are sent to the space-time tunnel. On the one hand, the subject remains on the ground.

   Soon, Edmunds' faint signal appeared on the screen.

   "Signal in Edmonds is in a desert."

   "Let the ship go down and send a remote wake-up command to his cabin by the way."

  Professor Brand somehow already had an ominous feeling in his heart.

  Emilia also clenched her fists, blocking her mouth, her teeth had already made a deep mark on it.

   "Inform the advance team to prepare." Zhang Tianyuan also told his assistants.

   The assistant nodded, and immediately notified the advance team in the wandering time and space through the time-space phone, ready to enter the No. 3 planet to explore.

  According to the scheduled plan, this advance team will first conduct a basic investigation on Planet 3 to confirm that there are no special viruses and bacteria in the surrounding area, and then slowly arrange other personnel to go in to start the new star construction work.

  As the spacecraft fell into the orbit of the planet, the magnificent scene on the surface of Planet 3 flashed quickly in front of everyone, attracting the attention of many people.

   But now Professor Brand is more concerned about Edmonds' situation.

   "Did Edmonds respond to the wake-up signal?"

   Once the remote wake-up signal is sent, it will wake up the people in the dormant cabin. Under normal circumstances, they will receive a response within a few minutes.

but now…

   The staff shook their heads.

   Although he did not speak, the situation was already obvious.

  The spaceship is getting closer and closer to the ground.

   It was gradually clear that it was a light gray sandy ground, and there were a lot of sharp rocks blown out by the wind over the years, and even a long canyon with knife-like rocks on both sides.

   This harsh topography has deepened everyone's worries.

  Finally, the spacecraft approached the signal location and began to slow down and land, and the camera was also synchronously aimed at the ground.

   There was no camp at all on the ground, just a patch of grey boulders and dirt.

   But that's where the signal comes from...

   Apparently, a massive landslide overshadowed the camp Edmonds had established, taking his life by the way.

   He slept in a sweet dream.

   Everyone came to this conclusion instantly.

  The image on the screen made Professor Brand sigh, and Emilia bowed her head as if she had lost her soul.

   One of them was lost and the other was sad, but it seemed that they were already mentally prepared.

After all, before they left North America and came to the Mutual Rescue Society, Edmonds had been out of contact for three years. Even if the Mutual Rescue Society established a communication hub in the new galaxy, they could not search for the signal he sent. .

  Hoo! !

  The surface of Planet 3.

  The spaceship slowly landed on the flat ground in the reverse thrust of the engine.

   Then after waiting for two minutes, the unmanned spaceship suddenly opened the door.

   A ten-person team came out from inside.

   They have small signal search devices in their hands and communication headsets in their ears, so they can talk directly to the space base in interstellar time and space through the space-time tunnel.

   These people followed the directions of the signal and soon walked to a huge falling rock.

Captain    looked up at the rock like a hill, and whispered into the headset:

   "The target's signal is under this boulder..."

   Through the cameras carried by the team members, the frame of the camp can still be vaguely seen in the interstellar space-time, and some places are just buried by shallow soil.

  If it is really crushed by the falling rocks, Emilia will not be able to dig out the camp by herself in the future.

The    advance team quickly dug out half of the camp, including Edmonds' tent. He was not directly hit by the huge fall, but the smaller rock had buried him all over.

  Captain turned off the camera and got down to business, giving the expedition's exotic astronaut the last dignified.

   Edmonds' body cannot be brought back to Earth, but can only be buried there, and for a long time in the future, he is destined to sleep here alone.

  Because this is a desert, it is not suitable for human survival at all.

After the    advance team has collected basic data, they will leave here and look for more fertile land.

   Emilia kept her head down, and her father gave her a hug, comforting her softly.

   Zhang Tianyuan also patted her on the shoulder, encouraging her to cheer up.

   There is a whole new ecosystem waiting for her to study on Planet 3.

   The monthly pass was still 800 two days ago. I was thinking of asking for a ticket, but when I saw it was 1200



   (end of this chapter)