Movie Witcher

Chapter 700: Apocalypse!

Outside St. Peter's Square, the three closest Moricas immediately saw the true face of the silhouette.

It was... a man, and although the image was of a human being, it was certain that he was no ordinary human being.

He was tall and unusually tall, wearing a set of rough and ferocious armor, covered with a scarlet blood-like hood and cloak, the shadow of the hood covered his face, and he could not see the specific face and expression. You can see a pair of glittering, **** eyes, and the lower half of the face that is as cold and serious as steel.

The pale hair hangs down from the hood, and the scarlet cloak covers the strict armor, especially the pair of gauntlets equipped with both hands. , behind him is a domineering double-edged sword with three mourning faces on the sword.

Angels, Demons, Humans!

Three such souls, embedded in the body of the sword, made a mournful and mournful appearance, and the scene of countless swordsmen slaughtering was born. , difficult to act.

he is?

he is!

he is……

"Apocalypse Knight!"

Tria exclaimed, looking at the man who stepped out of St. Peter's Square and strode towards the three of them, his face was full of horror: "He is the apocalypse knight of the anxious parliament!!!"

"Agitated Parliament?"

"Apocalypse Knight?"

Morica's eyes were full of astonishment: "What?"

As a pleasure-focused succubus, she pays little attention to these things, and has never even heard of the fame of the Agitated Council and the Knights of the Apocalypse.


Elsa also woke up, and hurriedly turned to Morica and said, "Come on, he's coming for us!"

Morica was puzzled: "He came to us?"

"It's too late to explain!"

Elsa took down the Doomsday Judgment behind her and stood in front of Morica and Tria: "Come on!"

She always felt that she had missed something, something very important, but she couldn't remember what it was.

Now she remembered.

Because the answer was already in front of her.

Apocalypse Knight!

Anxious Parliament!

This is what she ignores, misses.

Why ignore and miss such an important, critical, and dangerous existence?

She doesn't know either.

Maybe it's just a fan of the authorities.

What is the reason for the omission is not important now, the important thing is to fix the situation and prevent things from getting worse.

Therefore, Elsa pulled out the doomsday judgment, ready to block the apocalypse knight who strode down.

Who is the target of the Knights of the Apocalypse?


Or Molica?

All are!

The Anxious Council is an organization formed by the alliance of the great supremes at the beginning of the birth of the great universe of the universe.

The structure of this organization is very loose. Although there are many supreme beings, the supreme cannot use its own power casually, so they jointly created four powerful warriors as the direct armies of the anxious council.

This is the origin of the Knights of the Apocalypse, the powerful warriors created by the Supremes.

They obey the anxious council, and maintain the order and balance of the entire universe with the sacred precepts of the anxious council as their purpose.

Their power is extremely powerful, and even the main gods of the major gods can kill them, and no one can compete with them under the supreme.

They belong to the anxious council, and they also represent the anxious council. Their actions, their blades, are the embodiment of the anxious council's will.

Where did the will of the anxious parliament come from, and why did it act?



The anxious councils are the major gods, and the supreme joint councils exist to maintain the order and balance of the universe, and to avoid the destruction of the universe due to the war between the major gods, resulting in irreversible consequences.

Their actions all revolve around one purpose and one core, that is, the sacred commandments jointly formulated by you all and the sacred contract signed under the witness of the council.

Commandments and contracts are not to be violated!

Any existence that violates the commandments and contracts is the enemy of the anxious parliament, the target of the knights of the apocalypse!

Now Elsa and Morica have broken the commandments and contracts.

The war between temple and **** can only be the war between temple and hell!

This is the sacred contract signed by the two parties after the high-profile reconciliation and witnessed by the anxious council.

The war between the church and **** can only be a war between the church and hell, and it must not involve a third party.

This is the heart of the contract.

Around this core, there are many extensions. For example, this third party does not include mortals, but only restricts the gods and the gods above the gods. The behavior of an individual does not represent the whole, and cannot be affected by the individual behavior of an angel or a demon. Judging the entire **** system, etc., a rigorous and strict contract was formulated.

This covenant is to be obeyed by the Sanctuary, Hell to be obeyed, and the Agitated Council to be obeyed.

None of the three parties can violate it. Even if the anxious parliament wants to punish the defaulters, they must strictly follow the contract, but they can't let go of killing mistakes.

Therefore, the goal of this apocalypse knight is now very clear, that is, Elsa and Morica who violated the contract.

One of them is a saint of the Church of the Holy Church, and the other is a witch of Ansrant. Whether they admit this identity or not, in the eyes of the anxious council, they belong to the Church and hell.

If they just betrayed the church and slaughtered the angels of the temple and the demons of hell, then the anxious council would definitely not mind their own business, because this belongs to the dispute between the temple and hell.

But now they are not just betraying the church and slaughtering angels and demons.

They also introduced a huge variable, the existence of a third party, Ronin!

Because of them, Ronin was involved in the war between the temple and hell, and even entered the Vatican City, the sacred realm of the temple, beheading three middle-ranking archangels.

Such power, such behavior, has exceeded the boundaries of mortals.

This is a violation of the sacred covenant!

Therefore, the anxious council sent apocalypse knights to judge according to the contract and set everything right.

Morica and Elsa are the first targets of the Knights of the Apocalypse because they are the direct ones who break the contract.

Ronin is the indirect person involved by them, so he is in the third sequence of the trial.


The Knight of Apocalypse strode forward, stepped out of the ruins of St. Peter's Square, and walked towards the three people who were at a loss.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the Anxious Council are different from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the major gods.

To put it bluntly, the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse of the major gods are the battle of the gods. At the end of the era, the four pioneers of the major gods who entered the human world are in charge of the four most active and powerful laws and authority in the early days of the apocalypse.

Hope, war, famine, death!

These are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the major gods.

The four knights of the apocalypse in the anxious council are different. They do not participate in the battle of the apocalypse, and they do not need to serve as vanguard officers. Therefore, what laws and what authorities are most active at the time of the apocalypse has little to do with them.

They just need power, great power!

It's just the same thing. The Four Laws of Apocalypse are not only powerful in the time of Apocalypse, but are also terrifying in normal times.

Therefore, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the Anxious Council have many similarities but not the same as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the major gods.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the Agitated Council are: Death, War, Fury, Dispute!

Death and war remain, but hope and famine are replaced by fury and strife.

The reason for hope to be replaced is very simple. Hope is the supreme authority of the soul, and the Knights of Apocalypse are just tools of the anxious council. The anxious council does not allow them to hold the supreme authority and the supreme power.

The reason for the replacement of the famine is not complicated. Although the power of the **** of famine is powerful, it is mostly a group influence. The single combat power is not outstanding, and it is not suitable for carrying out the task of the anxious council, so it was replaced with a war-like one. strife.

The oldest and most powerful of the four knights is death, but the red knight who came at this moment is obviously not death.

He is... War!


War knight!

Although it is not the oldest and most powerful death, this war knight should not be underestimated. He masters the power of war and is comparable to any **** of war (except for the second-class garbage **** of war like Ares)

The God of War who can kill the Lord God!

This is the strength of war.

Such a power, in the human world at this stage, is definitely beyond the norm and beyond the boundaries.

The human world cannot accommodate.

The Anxious Council can't force the Human World to accommodate it. After all, the meaning of the Anxious Council's existence is to maintain the order and balance of the universe. How can it break the law of development of things and allow the Human World at this stage to accommodate forces that should not exist at this stage? Woolen cloth?

Therefore, the power of the war knight has been weakened and limited, and no longer has the ability to kill the main god.

However, the human world is the core of the universe. As an existence that maintains the balance of the universe, the anxious council enjoys certain privileges in the human world. Although the power of the war knights has been weakened and limited, it has not been knocked down to the current limit. down, but remain above the limit, one level above the level.

Now the limit of the human world is the median, and the gods above the median cannot come.

Because of the privileges of the Anxious Council in the human world, the current war knights have high-ranking power.

Invincible power in the high position!

Apocalypse knights in the main position can kill the main god, and apocalypse knights in high positions can also kill high-level gods of the same rank.

Below the highest, in the same rank, there is an almost invincible existence.

This is the positioning of the Knights of Apocalypse.

After all, they are the supreme creations of the anxious council, and their support makes this position unquestionable!

Can Elsa and Morica contend with such a being?

Obviously not!

Even if they have Doomsday Judgment and Cosmic Rubik's Cube in their hands.

It's not that Doomsday and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube are not strong, but that they are too weak to exert the true power of these two thematic artifacts.

So, what do they use to fight against the high-ranking and invincible Knights of Apocalypse?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Facing the apocalypse knight who strode forward, Elsa's body froze, as if she had been disconnected from her soul, and the Doomsday Judgment in her hand could not provide any support.

Coercion, just coercion, made her lose her ability to move!

Elsa is like this, and Morica is no better there. She wants to activate the universe Rubik's Cube, but it turns out that the magic power is extremely difficult to operate, and even Ansrant's blood power is suppressed and cannot be controlled.

Is this the power of high?


The real power of high-ranking, the law and authority of a large system, is enough to control an area and reduce these lower-level gods to mortals.

They are okay, they are supported by Doomsday Judgment and Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but their bodies are held there and cannot move.

Unlike Teria, who was already half-kneeling on the ground, the temple armour on her body collapsed and disintegrated, leaving only her regular clothes and no more extraordinary power.

Rolling can't even be called rolling, because there is no confrontation between the two sides at all.

In the face of the three people who were unable to resist and struggle, the war knight pulled out the big sword behind his back and launched a charge without saying a word.

He is the judge, the executioner, and naturally he will not waste time with the object of judgment.

Completing the mission is his only thought!

With the difference in strength between the two sides, the charge of the war knights is actually a bit redundant, and Morica and Elsa can be easily beheaded with a single sword in the air.

But it was his habit, or instinct, the instinct of a war knight.

Killing by swordsmen!

The war knights charged, but Morica and Elsa were still standing in place, their bodies frozen and unable to move.

Just as death is approaching...


The power of the void, the blue light suddenly appeared, and instantly wrapped the three of Morica.

Accidental change.

But the charge of the war knights did not stop there.

It's not that it can't hold back, it's...

There are still goals ahead.


The void shattered, the blue light scattered, and a dark red sword light burst out, facing the sword of the war knight.


He got back in time.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Ronin, it was no surprise that the war knight had a cold expression on his face.

It is really not worth the surprise, and it is not worth panicking. He has experienced too many battles, and Luo Ning is inconspicuous among them.

Hedging with rush, with sword against sword.

The two collided.


There was a loud clang, and scarlet flames splashed. The two equally ferocious, equally heavy, and equally domineering great swords collided head-on. .

The two sides stopped the momentum at the same time, stepped on the ground at the same time, and the ground that was stepped on was also shattered at the same time, a terrifying force raged, forming a violent impact airflow, swept out in all directions, and the surrounding buildings collapsed silently. , smashed, turned into dust and scattered.

In this modern city, the forests poured with steel and cement can't stand the conflict between the two great powers.

Had it not been for the sake of the believers, the Church of the Holy Spirit had emptied St. Peter's Square and the surrounding crowd early, this aftermath would have caused many casualties.