Movie World’s Archvillain

v11 Chapter 49: Accept (second more)

Wu Yang resolutely said, "That's because of my change. Your kindness is superfluous. He must die."

"Are you doing it for me?" Gwen looked at Wu Yang with a touch.

"No, it's to vent my unhappiness."

"It's clear that I still don't admit it, my lovely man." Gwen wrapped his hands around Wu Yang's neck, and took a kiss on Wu Yang's mouth.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Is this an initiative to court? It's better that we fight for three hundred rounds."

"Don't," Gwen said in a panic. "If you dare touch me now, I and you aren't over."

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "I know, I know, just kidding you."

"You can't always let you hold on like this," Gwen flashed an apology in his eyes, "if more than one woman ..."

Wu Yang's eyes lit up and he said, "Gwen, how many women?"

"You're excited when you hear this?" Gwen complained.

Wu Yang's innocent face said, "Isn't that what you said, I didn't say anything."

"If, if you really can't help it, go find a lady," Gwen whispered.

Wu Yang sweated secretly, "Did you let me go?"

"What can I do? I can't let you hold on every time, it's not fair to you." Gwen whispered, "I definitely don't want you to go around, but this is the only way to keep you going It will hurt you. "

Wu Yang hugged Gwen and said, "Wife, you really touched me so much, so I thought about it. But I don't want to sting, those women are too dirty, you want your men to go Are those dirty women? "

"Of course I don't want to, but who can I look for besides them?" Gwen frowned.

Gwen suddenly thought of something and shouted, "Don't you want to be strong, no, absolutely no, if you do that, I'll cut that thing."

"Look at what you said, I wouldn't do that."

"So what do you want to do?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "My method is very simple, just find another wife."

"What?" Gwen yelled, "Sir, you want to open your harem."

"This is for your sake. Think about finding another wife. Isn't it very lively when there are too many people, and it can reduce the burden for you. How good it is!" Wu Yang praised.

Gwen grasped Wu Yang's ear with his hand, "Of course it's good for you, asshole."

"It hurts ..." Wu Yang said deliberately.

"It hurts you," Sir "Lang, I ask you, if you find another wife, will you not like me, leave me alone, partial or something." Gwen looked cautiously.

Wu Yang patted Xiong with his hand and said, "How is that? Not at all, I'm not the kind of person who likes the new and hates the old."

"It sounds so good on your mouth, you big" color "Lang." Gwen seemed to be thinking about something.

Wu Yang's evil intentions deliberately said, "Okay, just kidding, you can do it, you won't go to find any wife."

"You can always be so good to me." Gwen looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

"Of course I can, if I can't, I'll cut off my grandson." Wu Yangxin swore.

"Disgusting. Then I agree with you to find another wife, but she must get along with me and accept me."

Wu Yang waved his hand and smiled, "Rest assured, they will accept you and will be very happy with you."

"They? Happy to get along with me?" Gwen looked at Wu Yang sullenly. "What do you mean?"

"Gwen, I have a good wife."

Gwen put one hand around Wu Yang's waist and called, "What do you mean? You really carried me out and messed around."

"No, they are my wife before me, before you."

"Before me? I know, you already have a woman. Damn, you lied to me." Gwen stared at Wu Yang.

Wu Yangxun smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid you won't accept it?"

"Then you think I can accept it now."

"Yes, because you asked me to find my wife."

"Well, then how many people are there in" them "?" Gwen smiled, and looked happy.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "There should be a lot."

"How many are there? Two, three, four, or five."

Wu Yanggan smiled and said, "I will definitely not disappoint you. I am sure you will be happy together."

"Where are they?"

"In villain space."

Gwen asked again, "Do they get along well?"

"Well, it's just like the sisters."

"Okay, very good, Wu Yang. I looked at you so much. You're amazing." Gwen nodded.

"Don't brag me like this, I will be embarrassed."

Gwen squeezed Wu Yang's ear with one hand and shouted, "You're still embarrassed, how terrible you are, bastard. Let you choose between your women and me, you choose Who?"

"all I want."

"No, you can only choose one."

"I won't choose one, I'll choose all of you." Wu Yang pulled Gwen into his arms, said gently, "Gwen, no matter how many women I have, my love for you will never change. . "

Gwen seemed to admit it, saying, "I really want to break up with you, but I can't be cruel."

"It's ruthless to stop."

"Then you say, what do you do with those women who bully me? What do you do to speak for them then? Wouldn't I be pathetic?"

Wu Yang resolutely said: "It will never be like this, rest assured, if they treat you like that, I will definitely stand on your side."

"Are you serious?"


"Well, I believe you." Gwen nodded. "But still unhappy, asshole."

Wu Yang said: "Gwen, when I take you back to the villain space, you will understand that having them is a completely worthwhile thing for you."

Gwen's "color" was a little complicated, saying, "I see. Okay, now that you have decided to accept, then accept it happily, right?"

This chapter writes water, but I really can't write it well, and another chapter is harmonized, this is the fourth time this month. Update here today, and writing is also water, let me slowly feel depressed. Forget it, my bitter "force" writer can only talk about it. ..