Movie World’s Archvillain

v13 Chapter 111: Killed the flashing fiance (second more)

"Blink, I, I know, you will come to save me, it will, it's great ..."

In front of an iron door, a man with glasses was blinking excitedly. There is a teenager beside the man wearing glasses, and the teenager is much calmer.

"Sister, you shouldn't be here. They won't let you go, you go." The teenager worried.

Wu Yang and Scintillation stood in front of the iron gate, and around them were the bodies of a place.

"What are you talking about?" The man with glasses yelled, "I, I haven't wanted to stay here for a minute and a second, I will go crazy, flash, blink to save me out." The spectacled man begged .

Blink shook his head, with a touch of pity: "You are still so weak."

"Flashing, rescue me out."

Wu Yang looked at the glasses man with a playful expression and said with a smile: "Is this the flash of your fiance?"

"You, who are you?" The glasses man looked at Wu Yang.

The spectacled man and the twinkling brother have been detained, so they don't know what happened in the world, and naturally they don't know Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "My name is Wu Yang, and I'm here to save you."

"Save us? Then you can help me out soon." The glasses man called.

Blinking frowned. "You calm down."

Wu Yang nodded briskly, "Oh, yes, this will save you."

Wu Yang put a hand on the iron door, and with a force, he tore the thick iron door open.

"Okay, amazing." Blinking brother widened his eyes and sighed.

"I, I finally came out ..." The glasses man trembled and came out.

"Sister." Flasher brother quickly walked to Flasher's presence.

A flashing hand "touched" her brother's head: "It's okay."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"It's not good at all here, I'm scared and scared every day, it's enough." The glasses man complained constantly. "Because you blink, you're a mutant, and I'm caught too. I'm so unlucky ..."

Flashing cold voice: "Can you shut up?"

"Okay, okay." There was a flash of fear in the man's eyes.

Brother Blinker said: "How can you say that, my sister doesn't want to do this, she has always tried to save us. I don't have the ability and I blame others.

"I'm just an ordinary person. I have no abilities, and I don't need those disgusting abilities." The glasses man called.

Wu Yang has always been smiling. This glasses man is obviously a greedy person who is afraid of death, and who is bullying and hard.

Flashing faintly: "Go out."

Several people walked towards the outside. The glasses man kept screaming. He didn't see a corpse falling to the ground, it seemed to be horrified.

In the cry of the glasses man, several people went out, got into a car, and drove away.


The car stopped, and Wu Yang four walked down.

The man in glasses asked, "Why don't you go? Send me home."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Send you home, don't worry, there is something to say now."

Maybe he thought Wu Yang was good at talking, but the glasses man called out, "What are you going to say? Is there anything more important than going home?"

"No, wait a few minutes," Wu Yang comforted.

"I'll wait a few minutes then."

Brother Twinkle seemed very dissatisfied: "He saved us, can't you be polite?"

The man in glasses said, "When did you come to teach me?"

"It's enough," said the flashing light.

The spectacled man immediately choked the rest.

Wu Yang blinked and said, "Blink, all I have to do is finished, and now it is your payment."

"I know, so here it goes."

Brother Twinkle asked: "Sister, what does this mean? Isn't he your friend?"

"Friend? No, it's just a business." A blinking hand rested on her brother's shoulder. "Brother, live well in the future, you can."

"Sister, I don't move."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Don't say that, blink, your brother can walk with us."

"No, he's just an ordinary person. I don't want him to stir in any muddy water." Blinking eyes showed love.

The man in glasses said, "Blink, what do you mean? Where are you going?"

"You don't need to know, live your life in peace."

The spectacled man looked at Wu Yang, then looked at Blink, and shouted, "I, I know, Blink, you betrayed me, awful."

"Not so." Blink shook his head.

"Also said no, you **** woman. Don't let me touch you a" hair ", and now I'm looking for a wild / man, you must have kissed Chuang, must be. I haven't done anything with you, I'm too Lost. "The man in glasses called, jealous.

Blinking coldly: "Close your mouth."

"You **** woman, what qualifications make me shut up, I have been oppressed by you all the time." The glasses man called.

Flickering disdain: "That's because you are weak, not I oppress you."

Wu Yang spread his hands and said, "It's flashing, so sad, why did you find such a fine / fiance?"

"You guys, I want to know how terrible I am, let's die."

The man in glasses came to Wu Yang, clenched his fists, and punched Wu Yang with one punch, imagining that Wu Yang could get down with one punch, and then humiliated Wu Yang severely.

Wu Yang looked extremely slow, and his fists were so soft that he couldn't even raise his interest in hands. How could there be such a stupid "force" of this kind of product?

"Do you know what happens to me?" Wu Yang said lightly.

The spectacled man did not respond, only felt a sudden pain in his neck, his body was light, his feet were off the ground, and he was lifted around his neck.

"Ah, ah ..." The glasses man shook his body and struggled, "Let me go, let go of me, I'm going to call the police, you're dead ..."

Flashing faintly: "Wu Yang, let him go."

"I haven't sent him home yet?" Wu Yang uttered a cruel smile.

Click ...

The cracked neck sounded. ..