Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 172: Brother-in-law comes, Shuangjing couple

"What's the meaning."

Xiao Yao suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

I saw Wen Yu smiled at them inscrutable, "You will know when you see it."


Xie Shuyao whispered, "Why do I feel a little cold on my back."

What does the fat man's smile mean?

She pondered for a long time without coming up with a reason, and completely forgot about how many people were going back to Rongcheng.

"To tell you the truth, I not only feel cold, but also feel a little pain in my body." Xiao Yao nodded.

When Lu Jinqi came over, he saw that the three of them had a delicate atmosphere, raised one eyebrow, and found a place to sit at random.

Seeing the girl, Xiao Yao couldn't help but say, "Sister Qi, is there anyone else coming?"

Lu Jinqi looked away from the phone, looked at him with interest, and spoke lightly.

"Your uncle is coming."


Xiao Yao didn't react for a moment, and when he regained his senses, he got up and pulled Xie Shuyao to leave.

At this time, the girl seemed to feel that it was not enough, and casually added, "Forgot to say, he asked you to tighten your skin."

After listening to it, Xiao Yao only felt that his scalp was numb and his whole body started to hurt.

Seeing that, Sister Qi must have known this in advance, but she only told him now.

When did Sister Qi also have such a bad taste in watching dramas?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel resentment when he looked at the girl, "Sister Qi, we can say no to this kind of thing in the future."

Lu Jinqi leaned back calmly, and said lazily, "I won't tell you now."

The implication is that you can run now if you want.

Xiao Yao scratched his hair, remembering the immediate social death scene, he directly pulled Xie Shuyao to open the door and went out.

"Sister Qi, I really let Brother Yao leave."

Wen Yu curiously leaned in the direction of the girl, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

He thought he could watch the play, but the master ran away.

"You'll know right away."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, the private room door was opened again.

Wen Yu looked up and saw Xiao Yao, who had just left, standing at the door with their faces down.

Just as he was about to speak out, a male voice said in advance, "If you don't go in, why, you're still going to ask me to invite the two of you."

Xie Lingchuan glanced at the two lightly and walked into the private room.

The two trembled, holding hands and slowly following behind him.

"Let go of your hand, Xie Shuyao, sit here for me."

Xie Lingchuan shot at the overlapping hands of the two people with cold eyes, and said unceremoniously.

Xie Shuyao glanced at Xiao Yao's expression before slowly walking over and sitting down.

"Brother, what did you just do?"

As soon as she sat down, she restrained her questioning in a low voice.

"What did I just do?" Xie Lingchuan asked back, "I also want to ask you what did you just do. You just married yourself away when I was away for a few days."

"No... not married."

Xie Lingchuan frowned, "Why, you really want to marry."

He could not wait to open the girl's head to see what was inside.


"Ajin, do you look good?"

Si Jingyun didn't look away from Xie Lingchuan when he saw the girl, his eyes darkened, and he made a sound of unknown meaning.

"It's alright," Lu Jinqi's eyes twitched when he felt the man's mood was wrong, "but brother looks better."

"Really," the man chuckled, "Why didn't Ah Jin look away?"

He pinched the girl's face punishingly, with tenderness in his eyes.

"Brother really can eat any kind of vinegar, so why don't you tie me to you."

Lu Jinqi's eyes were bright, her lips were red, and every word she uttered could easily deceive people's hearts.

So straightforward and bold.

It also made him... the dark thoughts in his heart deepened.

Si Jingyun pinched the girl's face and didn't know when it changed to rubbing, he didn't notice it at all, just stared at the girl with deep pupils.

"Ajin, don't say that again next time."

Otherwise, he was afraid that he really couldn't help taking her by his side all the time.

Wen Yu was sitting next to him, and seeing the actions of the two of them, he felt a sudden shock in his heart.

Shouldn't he go out today? Brother Yao just finished his front foot abuse, and now even Sister Qi doesn't let him go, a single dog.

He pouted helplessly and had to move to the side.

The movements and conversation between the two did not hide. Lu Yuchen frowned and wanted to say something, but he drew it to his mouth and swallowed it.

She didn't participate in her previous life, and even Lord Jing entered her world before herself. What right does he have to say now?

I sighed in my heart, fortunately, Lord Jing is not the kind of person who messes around.

Just when the atmosphere was unbearable, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Wen Yu subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and finally came.

If he doesn't come, he will be suffocated by this atmosphere.

It was the same waiter who delivered the food, and she was a little surprised when she saw how many people suddenly appeared in the room.

But when she saw a man, she couldn't move any longer. She lowered her head to straighten her face, and deliberately stood beside him to serve food.

Every time a dish is served, the body leans a point to the side, so I can't wait to get into Si Jingyun's arms.

All the people in the room stared at her with bad expressions. She didn't see anyone beside Jing Ye.

"Put things down, you can get out."

Lu Yuchen exited coldly and chased people away.

The waiter stiffened and said embarrassedly, "But... the dishes are not finished yet."

"Are you serving the food or serving yourself," Xie Shuyao frowned unceremoniously.

How come there is always such a short-sighted person's idea of ​​hitting Lord Jing? Don't you see that he has a master?

"I..." The waiter's face turned pale instantly, "I don't know what you're talking about."

After speaking, she looked at the man aggrieved, hoping that he would speak for herself.

Precisely this time.

A cold tone wrapped in endless chill shot straight at her.

"The eyes don't want it, I don't mind taking it."

Lu Jinqi stood up lazily and stood in front of the waiter. After looking at her from the beginning to the end, she sneered.

"Do you want to look in the mirror for him?"

The waiter understood the meaning of her words, and his face suddenly became embarrassed.

She thinks that she is not ugly, and many customers usually praise her, but no one has ever dared to say that to her.

From entering this room, in addition to seeing the man, she also saw the girl, but she deliberately ignored her appearance, but she never thought that the girl would make a sound of mocking her.

"My people are not the ones who can care about any cat or dog, understand?"

The bloodthirsty expression in Lu Jinqi's eyes made no secret, and the waiter's heart began to tremble.


She nodded fiercely, not daring to look at the man again.

"get out."

Hearing the voice, she lost her hesitation just now, and couldn't wait to open the door and run out.

It doesn't seem to be able to get out for a second.

"A Jin who is jealous is even more intimidating."

Si Jingyun pulled her down with a smile on his face.

"Brother seems to be enjoying it." Lu Jinqi glanced at him lightly, then lowered his head and played the game.

Seeing that she kept shooting her head with guns in the game, he had no doubt that the child was beating the people inside as him.

It seems that the child is not well coaxed this time.

"Ajin, brother is wrong."

He lowered his head and approached the girl, making a soft sound.

Lu Jinqi's fingers paused slightly, unreasonable.

Sighing, Si Jingyun held her hand, "A Jin really doesn't intend to ignore me."

half an hour.

The girl said casually, "Isn't it very enjoyable for my brother to not say anything just now, why should I ignore it?"

Lu Jinqi also knew that this kind of emotion should not appear on her body, but when she thought of the scene just now, she couldn't help but feel restless.

"A Jin wanted to be silent just now, but now that person is a corpse."

The man explained without concealing his ruthlessness.

Lu Jinqi raised his eyes and saw that there was no trace of jokes on the man's face, the corners of his mouth subconsciously showed a faint arc.

"Brother, murder is against the law."

The next second, the man's words made the other people in the room sore.

"There is no relationship between anything that can affect me and Ajin."