Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 73: The origin of the scar, top lyrics

The corners of Meng Xizhou's mouth froze, helplessly looking at the girl across from him, he thought to himself.

I wouldn't be able to explain it if it weren't for your rather profound expression.

"Can we say business?" Song Nanfeng said again.

Lu Jinqi looked over, the corners of his lips curled up, and said lazily, "Do you mind telling me how you got the scars?"

The voice fell.

Meng Xizhou's face was pale, and he opened his mouth to speak, but every time the words were stuck in his throat, he couldn't speak.

Song Nanfeng lowered his face and looked at Lu Jinqi coldly.

During this time, no one dared to mention the scar on Xizhou's face, just for fear of poking his sore spot.

The man in front of him still wanted to know how he got here.

"Does this have anything to do with you helping him?"

Song Nanfeng pursed his lips and spoke in a bad tone.

Lu Jinqi had a panoramic view of their expressions, his eyebrows raised lightly, and there seemed to be a shallow arc.

"Yes, who knows whether your scars are man-made or accidental." Her voice was mixed with an imperceptible indifference.


The two immediately understood that she was right, that if she helped, she would offend people.

Song Nanfeng fell silent for a while, looking at the person beside him with a worried expression.

Meng Xizhou felt his emotions, smiled reassuringly, and then turned his head, his warm voice was a little hoarse at this time.

"It's man-made," a flash of fear in the depths of his eyes was fleeting, "I don't know if you have heard of the Yang Group."


Lu Jinqi raised his eyebrows.

"Well," she nodded, "you go on."

"That day, I just finished an event and was about to leave, but was stopped backstage by someone who was full of foul language and wanted me to accompany him.

Of course I refused, so I didn't plan to pay him any attention. Who would have thought that he suddenly pulled my arm and pressed the whole person towards me.

I started to warn him, but the man laughed and said that he was the eldest son of the Yang family. During the resistance, I accidentally kicked his **** and angered him.

In the end, he said to me angrily, don't you like to sing, I made you never get on stage, and then scratched my face with something. "

Meng Xizhou said briefly, but it is undeniable that this incident has become an indelible wound in his heart.

Hearing this again, Song Nanfeng's heart sank, his hand on the table suddenly clenched, his blue veins burst, and he said angrily, "Wait until I abolish that grandson."

"Don't be impulsive," Meng Xizhou said softly.

A cold light flashed across Lu Jinqi's eyes, and coldness appeared.

As disgusting as the Song family.

"Do you still want to help me now?" Meng Xizhou asked.

"Mr. Yang, what is it?" Lu Jinqi's eyes were wild and his voice was cold.


She took out a ball of paper from her pocket and threw it to Meng Xizhou.

Seeing the paper ball in their arms, Meng Xizhou and Song Nanfeng's eyebrows could not help beating fiercely.

Before they could speak, they heard the girl say in a low voice, "Open it and take a look."

Meng Xizhou slowly opened the paper ball, and a song and lyrics came into view. After reading it, he raised his head in surprise.

"You wrote this."

"Is there a problem?" Lu Jinqi slowly shook the wine glass in his hand, crossed his legs lazily, and said lazily.

The problem is big.

As a singer, Meng Xizhou knows no more than words.

With this adverb and song in his hand, he can definitely say that he can win the award directly.

But the one who wrote this was a girl who looked very small, how could he not be shocked.

Seeing him like this, Song Nanfeng on one side took the paper ball over curiously. When he saw it, he immediately showed the same expression.

At the same time, he was also a little speechless. Such good lyrics and songs were actually crushed into paper balls, just like waste paper.

"You are sure to give me such a good song," Meng Xizhou said with anticipation in his eyes.

Lu Jinqi hummed lightly.

Meng Xizhou's eyes lit up instantly, then darkened again, his expression lost.

What if there are good lyrics and music, Yang has already spoken, and his face has become like this again, what qualifications do he have to sing.

Lu Jinqi pierced through his thoughts at a glance, and said unhurriedly, "Sister Yang, it will be gone soon. Now this situation is good for you."


Meng Xizhou looked at her suspiciously, "Why?"

"Cleaning up the grass will be more beneficial to your development." Lu Jinqi pointedly pointed out.

Meng Xizhou understood that she was talking about those people on Weibo who were clamoring to take off fans, and couldn't help but smile.

"When is the best time to release the song," Song Nanfeng asked a key question.

You said that Mr. Yang was going to die, that's ok.

You said to clean up the grass on the walls, yes.

But why don't you say the most important thing.

"When the time is right, I'll tell you." Lu Jinqi put down a sip of the wine glass she didn't drink, got up and left.

Looking at the back of her leaving, the two looked at each other.

"I always think she's a little dangerous," Song Nanfeng said thoughtfully.

Hearing that, Meng Xizhou hit him, "What nonsense, others are just a little girl, where is the danger."

Song Nanfeng pouted, no girl could say that Yang's group wanted or not, and she sent a top-level song to Xizhou.

"I was suddenly a little curious about her face under the mask."

"It's definitely not good, otherwise how can I wear a mask."

"You can confuse me again."

"How come, absolutely not, you are the most handsome in a mask."


As soon as Lu Jinqi walked to the door of the bar, he saw three familiar figures walking not far away, and stopped.

The world is really too small.

She didn't even want to turn around, and strode to the side.


"Master Jing, that person seems to be the one from your family just now," the sharp-eyed Qi Ye saw someone at a glance, and smiled at the person beside him.

A smile flashed across Si Jingyun's eyes.

What A Jin said was to come to the bar, no wonder he left when he saw him.

Qi Ye touched his chin, "However, why did she turn around and leave? I'm sure she must have seen us."

"It is estimated that he is afraid of someone," Xie Lingchuan looked at Si Jingyun with a smile in his eyes.

Qi Ye wobbled, tsk tsk, "She also has moments when she's afraid."

Si Jingyun's lips curled slightly, and he casually dialed the phone.

"Ajin, where are you?"

Lu Jinqi's eyes flickered, and he said without panic, "Talk about things."


Si Jingyun dragged his tail and said, "I was talking in a bar, and my brother was suddenly a little curious."

Lu Jinqi helped her forehead, she knew there was a problem with the call.

"Come out," Si Jingyun said dumbly.

Lu Jinqi slowly walked out of the corner with her phone in her hand. Seeing the man at the door, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Brother, good evening."

Si Jingyun raised his eyebrows, "It's really good, there is no tuition tonight, A Jin must be very happy."

Lu Jinqi's eyes paused, the end of his eyes lifted, and his lips slightly opened, "Why, I really want to paint with my brother."


Si Jingyun chuckled lightly, his eyes filled with deep meaning.

His voice was lazy, "Really? Then I'll go back and paint well later."

"..." You don't have to take it seriously.

Seeing this, Qi Ye and Xie Lingchuan began to whisper.

"Here again, I actually made a light bulb again."

"The two of them can't think about the mood of a single dog."

Lu Jinqi curled her lips, "What kind of mood does a single dog want?"