Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 74: Two scenes are brutal, playful brotherho

Qi Ye rolled his eyes and protested, "Aren't single dogs worthy of human rights?"

Who would have guessed.

Si Jingyun's brows and eyes were stained with a bit of a smile, his thin lips were frivolous, and he slowly said a few words.

"They've become dogs, what human rights do they need?"

Qi Ye turned his head to look at him in disbelief, as if you would say such a thing.

half an hour.

He sullenly said, "Master Jing, are you hurting me like this?"

When Xie Lingchuan heard the words, he laughed and ridiculed, "Qi Ye, bear with it! Lord Jing's heart has long gone wrong."

In the past, how could Master Jing say such a joke.

Qi Ye stared at the two of them resentfully, and secretly said, this is still the case before we are together, and we must not finish playing after we are together.

"What do you want to say?" Lu Jinqi raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at Qi Ye with interest.

"I wish you all the best of luck for a hundred years, and give birth to a precious son early," Qi Ye said casually.

The words fall.

Lu Jinqi raised his eyes to look, just looking at the look of his boss Jing Yun, and the eyes of the two met.

After a few seconds, he moved away calmly.

"I think you want to die," Xie Lingchuan tugged at his sleeve and whispered.

Can this be said now?

Qi Ye responded with a smile, "Just kidding, don't mind."

Si Jingyun glanced at him neither lightly nor lightly, and his cold voice was serious.

"If you don't want your mouth, just sew it up."

Qi Ye was agitated, and subconsciously leaned to the side.

Damn it, Lord Jing wants to be so cruel.

When I said a blessing, I wanted to sew my mouth.

"That's a good idea," Lu Jinqi curled her lips lazily, smiling coldly, "I'll do it."


Qi Ye directly pulled Xie Lingchuan in front of him, blocking the sight of the two.

He thought to himself, one is really more brutal than the other, it is just brutal at home.

Xie Lingchuan stood helplessly in front of the human-shaped partition, and said speechlessly, "It's useless for you to pull me."

"At least I can give you some hatred," Qi Ye's shameless voice came from behind.


next second.

Xie Lingchuan felt two cold eyes falling on him, he smiled awkwardly, and pinched Qi Ye secretly.

"Brother," Lu Jinqi retracted his gaze, looked at the man and said casually, "What are you doing at the bar?"


Si Jingyun raised his eyebrows, "It's okay, isn't Ajin here too?"

"I'm talking about business," Lu Jinqi moved her feet, walked lazily to the side and sat down.

"I caught someone," Si Jingyun chuckled and glanced at him meaningfully.

"Tsk." Lu Jinqi smiled softly.

"You're almost there," Qi Ye threw himself into the booth, speechless.


Meng Xizhou carefully folded the paper and put it in his pocket, smiled at Song Nanfeng, "Go home!"

Song Nanfeng was stunned when he saw his smile. Since Xizhou's face was destroyed, no one has ever seen him smile from the bottom of his heart.

Usually to make him happy, he usually pulls out a smile very perfunctory.

And this time, he promised him to come to the bar to meet people, but also to let him relax, but he didn't expect that there would be additional gains.

"Nanfeng, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing him stunned, Meng Xizhou raised his hand and shook it in front of him worriedly, his voice as warm as jade.

Song Nanfeng returned to his senses and stared at him seriously, "Suddenly I think that person is quite good, and it can make you smile again."

Upon hearing this.

Meng Xizhou touched the corner of his mouth subconsciously, but he actually laughed again.

"Okay, let's go," Meng Xizhou raised his radian and didn't fall down, pulling Song Nanfeng's sleeves and wanting to go out.

Looking at the slender hand on the sleeve, Song Nanfeng raised the corners of his mouth and raised his heels unhurriedly.

When the two of them walked to the door, Song Nanfeng saw something out of the corner of his eyes, and the tiger body shook and stopped immediately.

"What's the matter," Meng Xizhou looked back at him suspiciously.

Song Nanfeng raised his chin, his voice suspicious, motioning him to look over there.

"See if that person is K."

Meng Xizhou followed his gaze and saw only the profile of a girl, but from the profile, it should be a very beautiful girl.

"It shouldn't be, isn't K gone?"

He shook his head and denied it.


Song Nanfeng was still a little suspicious. The girl's eyebrows and eyes were really similar to K's, and the clothes were the same.

Lu Jinqi felt two eyes staring at him, turned his head sideways, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Haven't left yet?


Song Nanfeng and the two saw the girl's face, and their breathing stagnated subconsciously.

"I'm sure it's definitely not K," Song Nanfeng instantly overturned his guess.

If K looks so good-looking, he wouldn't wear a mask to cover it.

Meng Xizhou glanced at him helplessly, and said gently, "So, can you go?"

"Of course I can," Song Nanfeng pulled back his sleeves, wrapped his arms around his shoulders, and pushed the door out in a good manner.

Seeing everything, Lu Jinqi had a smile in the bottom of his eyes.

The parents of these two people are a bit interesting.


Being held by him like this, he felt the eyes of the people around him looking at them from time to time, and Meng Xizhou twisted his body uncomfortably.

He whispered, "Nanfeng, let me go, it's strange to be looked at like this."

"What's strange," Song Nanfeng said nonchalantly, "Besides, weren't we all like this before?"

Hear this.

Meng Xizhou was stunned, as if it was right. He had always been here before, so why does he feel unnatural now.

After thinking about it, he came to a conclusion.

It must be what K said that affected him.

Song Nanfeng's eyes were full of doting, and he tapped his head, "Don't think about it, I'll take you to dinner."

"I'd better go home and eat like this!" Meng Xizhou touched his face covered by the mask and said softly.

Seeing him like this, Song Nanfeng felt a sharp pain in his heart, and put his hand on his shoulder with a slight force.

"Does appearance really matter? Are you planning to never go out, so why did you pick up the lyrics and music just now?"

"Hey—" Meng Xizhou whispered, "Nanfeng, you hurt me."

The voice fell.

Song Nanfeng returned rationally and immediately let go, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Meng Xizhou smiled like a spring breeze, "It's okay, let's go eat."

"You..." Song Nanfeng opened his mouth, his voice hoarse, "Let's go back..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was blocked by someone.

"You're right, so let's go out to eat."


"Lu Jinqi, what are you looking at?" Qi Ye probed curiously and found that there was nothing, and asked in confusion.

Lu Jinqi straightened her lips, her voice full of meaning, "A pair of fun brotherhood."


I know every word you say, but I don't know how to combine them.

Qi Ye looked at the person beside him in confusion, "Did you know?"

Xie Lingchuan shook his head.

Precisely this time.

Lu Jinqi's eyes wandered over the two of them, and the ends of his eyes were evil.

"Probably more intimate than you."

All of a sudden, the two instantly understood.

They looked at each other in unison, and moved aside in disgust.


Lu Jinqi picked up the glass and took a sip, covering the curvature of his lips.