Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 360: The shop is yours

Chapter 360 is yours

Xu Weiqing sneered, "God talks!"

She twisted around and dragged her bag away, and then stepped out with one foot when she heard a loud ‘plop’. Xu Weiqing tripped over the threshold and fell firmly to the ground. She didn't get up for a long time.

Shopkeeper Wang's eyelids twitched, and the look in Song Yaoyao's eyes became a little more jealous.

Huo Jiu, who walked in, took out a black card and put it on the counter.

Then he rushed towards Song Yaoya and bent slightly, "Sorry, Miss Song, I'm late. I contacted the person in charge of this store just now, so it took some time." He said warmly, "But now you don't have to worry about it, from now on. Later, this store will be yours."

"Huh?" Song Yaoya tilted his head, "What did you do?"

Huo Jiu smiled, "I didn't do anything. I just told my husband a few words, and then my husband bought the store for you."

Xu Weiqing, who just got up, was amused. "Acquisition? It's so easy to say, how about making a TV series?"

When the voice fell, Manager Wang's cell phone rang, and she answered the phone and said a few words hastily.

Then, together with the shop assistants, bent over towards Song Yao.

Shouted: "Hello boss!"

Xu Weiqing was about to vomit with a mouthful of blood, her knees and palms were scratched, but these were not as shocking as her heart.

Tang Xinrou laughed, and her heart was refreshed.

"Hahahaha! You are pretty, congratulations, congratulations, I'm the boss~~"

Song Yaoyao was speechless, her eyelashes curled up, her eyes shining brightly.

The dimples were all sunken, "How come my brother suddenly—"

Her voice was a few degrees sweeter, not for the shop, but for her heart.

Huo Jiu never forgot Uncle Zhang's entrustment, and spared no room to win a favor for his husband.

He handed the black card to Song Yaoyao.

"Miss Song, this is given to you by your husband. I don't know how much money is in it, but I know, this is the master card of your husband!"

Hurry up and be moved!

Song Yaoya squeezed the black card, feeling a little hot.

She thought of the antique ornaments that can be seen everywhere in the Huo family, all of which are invaluable. It is said that Huo's family also has a large warehouse. The chaise couch in the flower room last time, I heard from Uncle Zhang later that it was moved out of the warehouse.

She also told her that if she wanted anything, she could go to the storeroom and take a look and take out what she liked. Otherwise, if you put it inside, it will be ashes.

Song Yaoya had been rich enough in his previous life, but compared with Huo Jia——

Forget it, no more.

Not comparable.

Xu Weiqing couldn't listen anymore, her face was fierce, as if she had been slapped alive and ran away in a desperate manner.

Tang Xinrou didn't forget to remind her with her throat, "Miss Xu, don't worry, we won't hold grudges! In the future, the store will be updated, so please support me!!"

Xu Weiqing staggered and almost fell on the ground again.

She rolled her eyes angrily, supporting a fart! From today, this store was officially blacked by her!

She would not contribute a dime to that stinky girl's shop if she died!

The shop assistants were trembling, and were a little nervous when facing the new boss.

Looking at them eagerly, Song Yaoya silently put the card into his pocket, planning to return the card when he saw Huo Yunque at night.

Even with her, she doesn't need a large amount of money.

"That boss, look at this skirt, do you want to wrap it up for you?"

Tang Xinrou squinted, "Wrap it up, now you know it's the boss? We obviously tried it first. You actually acquiesced to this deformed way of competition in order not to sin against anyone."

Ten thousand is still two chapters away. Brin has to write the old book first. I will add it later.

(End of this chapter)