Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 881: New roommate

Chapter 881 New Roommate

Ye Meichen is lying on the bed applying facial mask and brushing her mobile phone, and the roommates in the dormitory do their own things. As the freshmen report, everyone doesn't know each other, so the atmosphere seems a bit alienated.

"Tuk tuk-"

The door rang suddenly.

"Hello, may I come in?"

The soft tone makes him a good student.

Ye Meichen sat up instantly, looked at Wang Jiayu who was opposite, and asked in a low voice, "Are the new roommates here?"

"Guess so."

Wang Jiayu got out of bed and ran to open the door.

They were shocked when they entered the dormitory on the day the freshmen reported.

Just because the best place by the window has already been selected, the tables, chairs and benches have been replaced with the latest ones. There are various high-end skin care products that have not been opened on the table, and there are also small bookshelves with some obscure books. .

They have secretly seen that the beds are the best for household use, and they are extremely soft. In order to protect privacy, it also specially encloses a shade of light.

The university has just begun, and this new roommate is already fully prepared, which is simply astounding.

Even with that, they are a little more curious about their new roommates.


Wait and wait until the registration is over, and I didn't see the shadow of the new roommate.

They also discussed before whether the new roommate is a big man. For example, young flowers who are currently active in the entertainment industry and also participated in the college entrance examination this year.

But they pay attention to Weibo. These days, there are a lot of gossip news about the freshmen of Fengcheng Drama Academy. Those little flowers have also come to the school to report.

Therefore, they are even more curious.

I thought that the new roommate would not participate in military training, but she actually came the day before the upcoming military training.

Wang Jiayu held back curiosity and opened the door of the dormitory. The girl standing outside the door was holding a schoolbag, her eyebrows curled up, and she smiled deeply.

Too sweet.

"I, shit!!"

Wang Jiayu broke out an **** and froze in place.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Ye Meichen quickly tore off the mask and ran over. The next second, her mouth couldn't close in shock.


Three faces and six eyes, looking at each other.

Song Yaoyao looked dazed, and blinked innocently.

Ask: "What's wrong?"

"I rely on rely on rely on... My mother is stupid, no, little teacher?"

Song Yaoyao: "?"

"Ahhhhhhhh, I have heard your class! During the college entrance examination sprint, I squatted to listen to your lectures every night, every time you assigned homework I have carefully completed! Do you want to check it? I really It’s written!"

Song Yaoyao: "..."

what's the situation?

Wang Jiayu spoke incoherently with excitement, wishing to call his parents now and ask them to send the papers they had left before so that they could be checked by Song Yao.

Prove that you are really her ‘student’.

Ye Meichen was also very excited, but she was better than Wang Jiayu anyhow.

"Come in!"

A few minutes later, the dormitory was silent...

Ye Meichen and Wang Jiayu looked stiffly like elementary school students waiting to be reviewed, and watched Song Yaoya put down the textbooks, sat on the bed by the window, and pulled out a foreign book from the shelf.

Even Ye Meichen forgot to wash the mask.

As soon as Song Yaoya looked up, he was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

She stunned, "You...what are you doing?"

"No... I, little teacher, I am your fan! Super fan!!"

Wang Jiayu was excited and even wanted to go out and run wildly, telling everyone loudly that she and Song Yaoya were roommates! !

(End of this chapter)