Muchuan and Xiang Wan (Murder the Dream Guy)

Chapter 298: ,Afraid? (Two more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Mu Chuan Xiang night!


In the silence, Xiang Xin heard Mei Xin's voice.

On this way, Mei Xin rarely spoke.

Suddenly hearing her inquiry, Xiangtang was a little tangled.

"Not afraid."

I don’t know who to comfort, so Xiangyong said calmly.

She looked up.

Let's call it heaven.

The dark shadows couldn't see the top.

"If you die here, it's a little unwilling." Mei Xin said suddenly.

"Huh?" Xiang Wan listened, his face showing a trace of interest.

"I just thought about it. It seems that nothing happened in my life. There are still many things I want to do, but I haven't had time to do it. Usually I am always busy. I always want to do it when I'm busy. When the matter was over, I would do it...As a result, I did nothing." Mei Xin turned around silently. "And, I didn't say goodbye to my mother. I don't want to die."


Mei Xin looked at the fire quietly.

That expression made Xiang Wanxin clump together.

"We will not die."

So confident.

Her calmness infected Mei Xin.

"You are so calm!"

At this time, how can an ordinary woman not be afraid?

Inwardly... I was afraid.

She chuckled softly, a little naively.

"I don't think we should die like this. We are all good guys. The bad guys haven't died. Why should we die?"


Mei Xin was amused by her serious look.

"I am a forensic doctor. The one I see the most is life and death. I am actually not afraid of death. I even thought that if one day I die, I would lie on the anatomical table and be studied like animals one by one..."

Xiang Wan: "..."

The picture she described was too scary to dare to think about it.

After thinking for a while, Xiangmei asked Mei Xin curiously.

"If you can choose, would you like that?"

"Not willing!"

Without thinking, Mei Xin answered without hesitation.

"I don't want anyone to see me after death. I don't want to be that be dissected."


Ugly is not ugly.

But people are dead, without soul, just a pile of meat.

Being said, being seen, can no longer feel...

It didn't matter.

But why do you think it is so scary?

"You're right." Xiang Wan agreed. "I also think that if you die peacefully, without pain, you will be very happy... Hey! Just such a little luxury, is it not excessive?"

Mei Xin looked at her.

There was no light in my eyes.

"It's too much!"

"..." Rolled his eyes towards the night.

"Death is always a pain, how can you demand death without pain?"


Is there no kind of death, is it painless?

Xiang Xiang thought about it, his head was numb, and there was a little pain.

However, after taking the medicine given by Cheng Zheng just now, she is fairly stable.

"Change the subject."

After further discussion, the spirit collapsed.

Mei Xin glanced at her, and then looked at the sky in her direction.

"I haven't been in love yet!"


This topic is indeed not scary.

But it sounds so bad?

"Then do you think you should have a good relationship before you lose your life?"

"...At least you have to feel it, how does it feel to be loved?" Mei Xin thought, holding a branch in his hand, drawing indiscriminately on the mud, and suddenly sighed, "No one has ever loved me . No one pursues me."


To tell the truth, if it were not for this special environment tonight, Xiang Wan did not believe that Mei Xin would say such things.

As far as I know, Mei a person who is not very close.

Never mind being cold, dealing with corpses every day.

Ordinary men are afraid to chase her casually.


Without waiting for the answer, Mei Xin suddenly asked again: "Did you feel the fear?"

Xiang Wan stunned, closing his eyes, "Well, there was never fear!"

The whole heart, cool.

The whole person seems to be isolated in this world by the world.

The threat of death is magnified infinitely.

"Lieutenant Ma!"

By the fire, Cheng Zheng's voice suddenly came.

Quan Shaoteng stayed in charge of security for everyone and was a lieutenant of the armed police.

Hearing this, he was surprised: "What happened to Cheng team?"

Everyone was stunned, and hurriedly turned around.

Cheng Zheng didn't answer, slowly stood up and looked into the deep night.

"Don't sleep, don't doze off, rest, and don't fall asleep-we have to be careful, in case the door suddenly appears?"

Everyone's heart shrank.

This is not impossible.

The jungle is too big, no one knows what "demons and ghosts" are hidden in it, and it is not impossible for the missing doormen to appear.

"Oh! Let's just take a few wives and wives, let's be careful..."

Cheng Zheng said, frowning suddenly, and looked at the man by the fire.

"Let's not sit back and wait! Let's get active and do a simple fortification!"


"it is good!"

"OK! So safe!"

Simple fortifications are not necessarily useful.

But there is something in front that always makes people feel more at ease.

Everyone says just do it, and act quickly!

The crowd was silent.

The fire slowly burned out.

Gradually, part of it was extinguished, and it didn't grow up just now.

A soldier came silently to add a handful of wood, and was coughed up in smoke.

"You change direction!" Cheng Zheng said, "the mountain wind blows towards you!"

The soldier of Tim Chai fanned, coughed, barely opened his eyes, and moved a place--

Just turning around, his face suddenly changed color and his eyes widened.

"Cheng team--"

Everyone's heartstrings here are tense.

But any trace of wind and grass is enough to make them frightened.

Upon hearing this voice, a group of more than a dozen people all looked in the direction he was pointing.

There was a fire just now, and I couldn't see clearly what was in the darkness.

But at this time, the fire was nearly extinguished by the branch of the man who fell, and everyone saw the fire from the depths of the jungle--

-The light of the flashlight.

Not one, but a group.

Like fireflies, dots and dots, coming in their direction--

Cheng Zheng suddenly took a tree and suddenly extinguished the fire!

The whole world suddenly fell into darkness and silence.

The cold wind blew, and he shivered.

"Ready to fight!"

Someone took a whisper, "Aren't you yourself?"

"It's not like it. It's my own, I have already shouted!"


Encountered plague, met the enemy.

Everyone was instantly thrown into despair--

There are too few of them!

There are only a dozen people in total, including women and patients.

Lieutenant Ma glanced nervously and picked up the police intercom.

Whether it is useful or useless, call in a low voice.

"Power team, power team! We meet the enemy!"

"Quan team, Quan team! Please answer it when you receive it!"

"Quan Team! Please answer it if you receive it"

"Power team! Request support!"

At the last sound, it seemed to tremble in the mountain breeze.

At this time, a sound finally came from the intercom.

"Number of people?"

Everyone was a little relieved.

"About twenty or so!"

This number is what they counted from the fire.

At the same time, this figure is also watery-what if someone does not have a flashlight?

"Fuck!" Quan Shaotan scolded, "How many people can we fight?"

Lieutenant Ma glanced at his companion in the dark and frowned.

"Less than ten people!"

"Enough!" Quan Shaoteng calmly said: "You hold on, I will immediately -"

He didn't finish his words, and there was a murmur in the intercom, which turned into a burst of electric sound.

Finished! No signal again.

This also means that they will face danger alone.




Don't be afraid!

No need to counsel! After all, the missing people are generally the most powerful adventurers!