Muchuan and Xiang Wan (Murder the Dream Guy)

Chapter 300: , Watching brother play handsome (second

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Mu Chuan Xiang night!

The gunfire in the dark night came from far away.

Quan Shaoteng on the other side of the jungle has already heard gunshots.

"Quick! At six o'clock!"

"Over there! Towards 3 o'clock!"

"It is the 95-1 automatic step!"

"Quick! Everyone's speed!"


They are rushing madly.

One by one walked through the dense forest.

Xiang Wan, shrouded in gunshots, was tense, but thought of Bai Muchuan.

If he is in this forest, he will definitely hear gunshots.

......But all the secret doormen came, but he didn't come.

This shows what?

The heart of the night, heavy.

"Damn! We're not playing anymore-they have few people!" someone suddenly shouted.

"Brothers, don't be afraid! Rush up! They have no more than ten people--"

You have been fighting with me for so long, the other party is not stupid.

So, someone shouted and someone immediately followed up--

"Fuck! Kill them!"

The sound of the guns was getting denser, and the group of people was getting closer and closer. Seeing that they were sick soldiers, they were going to be a plate lunch, and the emotions surging into the evening stomach could no longer be suppressed.

"it is my fault."

No one said anything.

"If it weren't for me to suggest everyone to make a fire, it wouldn't attract people from secret doors..."

At this critical juncture, she straightened out things tonight and regretted it.

However, Cheng Zheng interrupted her self-blame with a cold voice, "Without that fire, we can not only survive the cold, but also prevent them from passing here..."

He turned his head to face the darkness in the dark, "This environment is so bad that no one can change it."

Moisture, cold, pathogens...

Even if there is no secret door, there is no way for them, their lives are also not guaranteed.

"It's a big deal!" Lieutenant Ma is bloody. To encourage morale, he shouted: "Kill one without losing, kill a pair to earn one. What's the big deal?"

"Brothers, we sacrificed for justice. Unlike the kings and lambs, they are spurned like life and death!"


"Fight! Beat hard!"

Xiang Wan didn't know if they were comforting her.

At this time, there is no way to think of anything else-

The number of enemies clearly exceeded their expectations.

The dark Mars is like a star in the sky, dense and dense, giving her a very bad illusion.

At this time, a decision must be made!

With a bite of Xiang Wanya, holding a fluke, he shouted loudly at the empty jungle: "I am Xiangwan, do you want to catch me? Do you stop the fire! I will follow you!"

If only she.

Why bother with everyone's life!

There was no response.

She shouted again.

The gunfire opposite stopped.

Someone is asking: "Is it Bai Muchuan's woman?"

"Yes, I am!"

Xiang Xiang responded loudly and slowly stood up.

"Don't shoot, I will come out by myself—"

She shouted loudly, but trembling.

She would like to make herself more atmospheric, just like the heroines in the TV series, not afraid of life and death, and bravely gave life to her companions.

However, she couldn't do it.

She was afraid.

Fear of death.

His shoulders were shaking, his legs were shaking, and his teeth were gurgling.

"Xiang Wan!" Cheng Zheng shouted her sharply, "Get down quickly! It's useless."

People obviously can be one-sided, why should they let them go?

"Moreover, we don't need your sacrifice." Cheng Zheng gritted his teeth.

"No, it's not a sacrifice!" Xiang Wan heard his nervous voice, "I'm trying to delay the time. Anyway, we have to drag the power team back, as long as the power team comes back... these people are not opponents. We all Know, what we need now...only time. Can you drag it, yes..."

She finished whispering, afraid that Cheng Zheng wouldn't hear it, patted his arm, and stood up slowly.

"Hey! Have you heard it? If you agree, just respond to me. I am the one your boss wants to catch. Your boss will let go of your speech... So, don’t shoot first, OK? I myself Come over..."

She said in her mouth, but she didn't move her legs.


There was a burst of laughter in the mountains.

"Bai Muchuan's woman, something interesting!"

"OK! You come over, we will not shoot now!"

Clenched his teeth late and didn't move.

The other party was impatient, "You are **** fucking!"

boom! Another shot was the urging of the other party.

Xiang Wan narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and gathered courage.

"Good! I will come out here, it's too dark, I can't see it. Don't worry..."

When she talked, she deliberately made her voice cry, which sounded terrified, to relieve the other party's alertness-however, as soon as one leg stepped out, there was a bang in the ear.

At the same time, a gust of wind passed by quickly.

For a second, she suddenly lost control of her body.

The waist was tied, and the whole person was pulled back by someone.

Yeah! She screamed and ran into the man's chest, then she couldn't hold her back and fell to the ground with him.

"Cheng Zheng, what are you doing..."

After a few words, she suddenly stunned.


Not Cheng Zheng!

Nor is it someone else--

That is-the taste of Bai Muchuan!

The enthusiasm that suddenly poured into her head made her almost bite her tongue.

"you are……"

Not afraid to ask, afraid of disappointment.

The night was too dark, and the man's face could not be seen clearly--

"Are you a dummy?"

The clothes on Bai Muchuan's body were soaked, coldly attached to Xiangyue's body, but Xiangyue couldn't feel the coolness, his hands clasped him tightly, like a big monkey climbing a tree, sobbing in a curse.

"Where did you jump from? Why are you asshole?"


When she hit her head on his shoulder, she didn't know when the tears rolled out.

In the night, she let her tears rag out and her eyes were covered.

"Crying? Are you embarrassed?"

Bai Muchuan held her in his palm, and wanted to joke.

But for half a second of silence, he sighed.

"Sorry, Xiao Xiang late, I'm late!"


Last time, he said so.

Last time, he said the same.

Every time she was in crisis, he said so.

"Fool, don't cry! Am I coming?" Bai Muchuan glanced at the fire, which was getting closer. "Is there, are these **** still opponents?"

Tsundere little white.

Always be so confident.

However, Xiang Xiang glanced behind.

Except for Bai Muchuan who fell from the sky, there was no one.

"I don't think you alone have such fighting power." The person who spoke was Cheng Zheng. He couldn't really hear him bragging, sneering, "Don't be hypocritical! Hurry and do something useful."

Bai Muchuan ignored him.

Put your hand gently on Xiangye's waist, "Get up! See my brother show you handsome..."


What's so handsome? He was obviously very nervous, and when he said, Xiang Wan suddenly wanted to laugh.

She yelled, her hands propped on the ground, and suddenly hissed.

"I can't get up..."


Bai Muchuan and Cheng Zheng looked at her almost simultaneously.

Even the unspoken Mei Xin asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiang Wan knew that it was a bit ridiculous to say this, but he had to tell the truth, "My legs don't seem to work--"

Between the words, she slowly touched her leg.

This touch, sticky--

She was startled and raised her hand before her eyes.

In the dark night, is that black, blood?

There was a drop, sliding down the palm of your hand-like an earthworm, curving, with a **** nose.


Did Xiaobai come out?

You can rest assured that your doubts will be explained one by one.

Because the number of words updated every day recently is not very much, so looking at the rhythm is slow, it is actually very fast,

Moreover, there are so many characters, and group dramas are difficult to write-so, can you ask for monthly tickets? Ticket girl, come to the pot!