Muchuan and Xiang Wan (Murder the Dream Guy)

Chapter 309: And this is the order (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Mu Chuan Xiang night!

If there is really explosives?

That is a death trap.

You must die!

If there is no explosives.

That brother Li... what are you doing?

"They won't do it for no reason... It's certain to do things on Xie Wanwan."

"Probably want us to be buried here..."

"Damn, these bastards, I tore them..."

The sound of discussion was low and cold, with the wind blowing from the edge of the pool, as if a sharp knife was scraping on the human heart.

"It's a little wrong!" Xiang Wan suddenly said aloud.

Bai Muchuan turned back, "How?"

Standing up slowly from the ground towards, lame that foot, came calmly and looked at them, "What time are you in the vulture's mouth today?"

"About two or three points--"

"At that time, Xie Wanwan had just left the Nanmu Hotel." He said to the evening, and asked again, "Are you sure you haven't seen Xie Wanwan while you are talking with Libian today?"


In the few hours that Bai Muchuan and Lijing were fighting guerrillas, there was no woman in Lijiang's team.

On the contrary, it was Bai Muchuan who was a few, because he was dragging a weak Lima, who was restrained everywhere.

"Isn't that Xie Wanwan?" Tang Yuanchu's breath was slightly relieved, "Quan team, will you admit the wrong person?"

"No—" Quan Shao Teng thought about it, "I can be pretty sure that the woman is Xie Wanwan."

Quan Shaoteng is not a vulgar person.

He said yes, then it must be—

Xiang Wan thought for a while, "So, Xie Wanwan was sent in from behind."

Everyone looked at her.

She calmly analyzed, "That is to say, when we were trapped inside, Liying and his associates were actually in contact and connected... Therefore, I think that in this jungle, in a certain area we have not explored Wherever they go, there must be a base for secret door organizations, and they still have a way to freely enter and leave..."

The late logical ability played a very important role in this nervous time.

Her calm analysis is also impressive.

"It makes sense to tell the teacher. Then why is Xie Wanwan **** there?"

He turned his gaze to evening and slowly turned to Bai Muchuan.

"I think this is what Xie Wanwan was kidnapped from Nanmu to the vulture's mouth."


It was quiet for a while.

Xiang Xiang added slowly, "Not for the 50 million ransom. But for-to kill our lives."


For their lives, it proves that there is no problem with Quan Shaoteng's judgment.

Explosives, that’s really there—

"Oh shit!"

Tang Yuanchu's buttstock hit the next.


Too angry, he directly hit his toes.


He has teeth in pain.

Pain almost tears!

The inexplicable heart was sour, painful, and twisted.

Not just physical pain, but also psychological.

He was so painful that he gritted his teeth, "Xie Wanwan, who did she mess with?"

This woman is already pitiful enough!

Why do they treat her like this?

Just kidnap her--

In such a cold day, she was also tied to the lake and blowing cold wind.

Even if it is bundled-

They took off her clothes frantically.

Shame her!

Every time, they are humiliating her!

"This world! Too unfair to her!"

Tang Yuanchu's low roar accompanied by the wind sobbing, sorrowful, biting, but no one answered.

"Those people, hell, hell!"

In the curse, there was a choked voice that he didn't even notice.

"White team, let's act! I'm afraid of her-can't stand it!"

He wanted to rush past!

But he had to wait for Bai Muchuan's order!

Struggling inside, he looked straight at Bai Muchuan who was thinking.

"We must save her...must save!"

Bai Muchuan glanced at him, and there was a hint of warning under his calm face.

The mood of Tang Yuanchu was too exposed!

In this case, no matter what you do, it is easy to be calm.

And this is the taboo of their mission!

"..." Tang Yuanchu said nothing.

Bai Muchuan turned his head blankly, looking at the silent crowd.

"Now everyone listens to my orders! Team Cheng Zheng, with the wounded and sick along the route just now, backs up 200 meters and waits for the next move!"

Before coming over, they were grouped.

Cheng Zheng is undoubtedly the most suitable person for logistics support.

In this regard, Cheng Zheng had no objection, "Received!"

Bai Muchuan turned around and looked at Quan Shaoteng. In his deep eyes, he was full of trust and exhortations, "Lao Wu! You are responsible for peripheral security alert. Within two hundred meters of the lake, no one is allowed to approach. interference--"

Speaking of which, he paused and stared at Quan Shaoteng seriously.

"If something goes wrong, you must lead everyone out of the bald eagle's mouth and return to Nanmu County safely."


Suddenly quiet around.

It took about three seconds for Quan Shaoteng to laugh and scold.

"Is there really a last word this time? But, Bai Muchuan, what the **** do you mean? Go to the insurance and let me be a tortoise on the spot?"

Bai Muchuan glanced at him, "I just listen to the order!"

Having said that, he looked coldly towards Tang Yuanchu.

"You and Sailimu, follow me!"

"Yes!" Tang Yuanchu answered quickly!

"...I?" Sailim froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect to be, "Oh, received!"

Upon seeing this, Quan Shaoteng was the first to disagree, "Do they have my specialty to do this? Including you-Xiaobai, not me, you haven't done any special tasks for many years? If there is a bomb, Can you still take it apart?"

"Shut up!" Bai Muchuan glared at him, his face cold and stern, the voice was like ice thorns, which made people shudder, "I am your superior now!"


In a word, Quan Shao Teng choked silently.

After a while, he asked weakly, "I remember, it seems to be a level?"

"Oh! What do you say?" Bai Muchuan glanced at him.

As for the level being equal to the rank, it can be said that the position of No. 1 in the heavy case, he really has to obey Bai Muchuan.

Lying! Quan Shaoteng blacked his face, "OK! You said it!"

After roaring, he began to order soldiers to be guards.

Bai Muchuan turned silently, watching Xiang Wan.

Standing behind him, lame one night.

She hadn't spoken, and stood just like that.

Bai Muchuan felt suffocated, his eyes gradually softened, and his tone softened.

"You stay here with Cheng Zheng! Wait for me to come back."

Looking at him calmly towards the night, silently.

At this moment, there was no sound around.

The whole world seems to be watching this pair of lovers.

Quan Shaoteng was stunned, staring at Xiangyue, hoping she could stop it, and not allowing Bai Muchuan to go--

However, Xiang Ye was silent for a moment, and spit out a hmm word gently.

"I wait for you!"

Bai Muchuan met her gaze.

The eyes were so thick that they couldn't be separated. Upon closer inspection, there was a touch of gratitude.

Thank you only for understanding...

Flicking his eyebrows towards Xiangye, his voice smiled, "However, I have a request."

"Huh?" Bai Muchuan began to sort out his outfits, checked the equipment, heard the words, didn't look back, and just answered at random.

"Can it be the last time?" Xiang Wan asked in a whisper.

Bai Muchuan's well-dressed hands suddenly stopped, and his eyes looked over with doubt.

"Don't always wait." Looking at him at night, a swaying smile on his lips made his string tighten and loosen again. "I've waited enough. The last time, OK?"

"Okay. Just this time," he said.

"Really?" Xiang Xiang asked.

"Seriously." Bai Muchuan approached.

Gently rubbed her head and smiled gently.

"Really true to pearls!"


Sailimu carried his suitcase on his back. Tang Yuanchu loaded ammunition into the weapon. The number of people who had less power to make a good order began to transfer in an orderly way. Cheng was making the patient back...

Everyone is listening to action.

Only standing quietly towards night, watching Bai Muchuan.

At this time when the air has extremely low oxygen content and is almost breathless, her heart is far from being as calm as she looks.

She is breathing as hard as relieve her tension.


Will the bridge in the film and TV play be staged alive?

Perhaps, Bai Muchuan will soon return with Xie Wanwan.

Maybe, they will all be crushed...

If it is the second result, Bai Muchuan... will die with Xie Wanwan.

For a moment, Xiang Xiang even thought, if this is the result, would Xie Wanwan be...willing to die?

Bai Muchuan was ready, picked up the gun, he looked back and smiled and told.

"Go for yourself. Two hundred meters, soon--"

"Uh." Nodded toward the night, still calm.

In Bai Muchuan's eyes, there was a deep dismay.

Unwilling to throw her in this jungle wilderness ravaged by the cold wind, unwilling to let her walk with a crippled injured leg.

But he-with the mission of being a policeman, had to go.

Bai Muchuan pulled his clothes, took a deep breath, and sank his voice.

"set off!"

Quan Shaoteng glanced at his arm, and he felt a little uneasy, "Xiaobai, change me, will it work?!"

Bai Muchuan turned sharply and whispered, "This is an order!"
