Muchuan and Xiang Wan (Murder the Dream Guy)

Chapter 370: , Like a man in the back (two more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Mu Chuan Xiang night!

Xiang Wan took a bottle of mineral water for himself and sat back at the computer.

Nanmu's night has been quiet.

There are few vehicles on the street outside the window, which is far less than the prosperity in big cities.

Quietness is helpful for creation.

Take a deep breath to the evening, put on the headset, close your eyes and listen to music, let your thoughts slowly sink into the story...


"Fang Yelan, why do you say that we can turn danger into safety every time?"

"...Well, the protagonist aura!"

"Go, where does your face say you are the protagonist?"

"Oh, then you talk about it."

"Because we are good people and have a conscience."

Rong Xiaonuan said that he was not sure, as if to insist, and repeat it again.

"I think conscience, like the law, is a potential rule for maintaining this reinforced jungle order, which is often more direct than the law."

Fang Yelan was silent, "Does that person have a conscience?"

"Which one?"

"The temptation of the great god."


"But he still lives well."

"Wrong. He actually didn't live well at all." Rong Xiaonuan smiled firmly: "How can a living corpse living in **** live well? Because he lives so painfully, he will be jealous of others. ...Even hating others and trying to drag them into his **** together! Let them suffer like hell!"


"Human nature has a greedy side, but without temptation, it will not be easily revealed. Most people think that they are a good person. Because of this, they think they will restrain their words and deeds, and they will live with peace of mind... and It is this thing that the demon wants to destroy. He seduced them with the temptation of the great god... Let them run away from goodness and cut off the happiness of the past. From then on, **** into hell, no matter life or death, will be as painful as him."

"In this way, he can ridiculously ridicule. Because he is not the only one. He proved that everyone is like him, humble, bad, and inhumane! So he can act as a moral judge and punisher again. , Killing them with peace of mind and persuading himself, all this represents justice, thus maintaining the balance of value in his heart..."

"Value balance?" Fang Yelan frowned.

"The balance a paranoid must maintain, tolerate the balance of survival."

"Then what will happen to his inner balance?"

"He will be crazy! Or, he will die."

"..." Fang Yelan narrowed his eyes.

Rong Xiaonuan smiled, "All I have to do is break his inner balance!"


"Write into the book and make him suffer. Let him face up to the evil, humility, powerlessness...and pain in his heart!"


Late at night.

Check the chapters late.

Upload, post.

The update today is really early, less than 12 o'clock!

She stretched happily, opened the curtains, and looked at the night view of the city without tall buildings.

That little neon flashed like a star.

The sky is clear and high.

It will be a good weather tomorrow.

But that person... read today's chapter.

Any ideas?

What kind of things will you do?

Wouldn't it be ironic to leave a message as she expected?


The word count updated a bit today.

She is also very devoted to writing and has a high spirit.

At this point, she knew she should rest.

Whatever, I can't sleep!

Accustomed to Bai Muchuan by his side, he was not at ease when he was away.

Xiang Wan doesn't like the feeling of over-reliance on others.

Even this person is Bai Muchuan.

She rubbed her temples and prepared to go back to bed.

The knock on the door outside sounded at this moment.

Three long and one short.

Three short and one long!

Startled conditionedly towards the night.

Silently, she walked behind the door, "Who?"

The voice outside was vague and familiar, "I!"

Power five!

When they returned, he had not returned to the hotel.

Why did you come here?

Xiang Wan: "Bai Muchuan is not here."

She took it for granted that Quan Laowu came to Bai Muchuan.

However, he was wrong.

"I'll pick you up!"

Uh, Xiang Wan: "Where are you going?"

Quan Shaoteng: "I said elder sister, can we open the door first and then speak? Isn't this awkward across the door panel? Isn't it embarrassing? Childish!"


Was so late!

Who is naive?

In the middle of the night, alone men and widows.

Is it appropriate to open the door?

Well, suitable! After all, during the case.

Opening the door towards the night, I looked up and saw the tall and handsome handsome Shao Teng, posing an impatient face.

Seeing Xiang Wan, Quan Shao Teng twitched his hair. "Don't you think you are safe in front of me? What do you do to open a door?"


Silent to the evening.

"No wonder the power team is still single today, it really depends on their own ability. You say, what is the matter with me?"

Quan Shaoteng felt that the first half of her sentence was not correct.

Xiang Ye cleverly added the latter sentence.

From the language logic of a normal person, he will give priority to answering the latter question rather than the affirmative sentence.

"Come with me to the task force office." He frowned.

"Huh?" Xiang Wan was a little puzzled.

"Yu Bo wants to see you."

At midnight and twelve nights, Yu Bo wants to see her?

Xiang Wan arms lazily, "My adult said, without his permission, I can't leave the hotel, let alone go with others."

Quan Shaoteng: "..."

Is he someone else?

Looked at the jokes in Xiang Ye's eyes.

Quan Shaoteng finally understood.

This woman! Revenge is strong.

It was because he didn't get it right.

So, he changed the saying, "You can rest assured, although you are not safe, but with me, Bai Muchuan must be at ease..."

"Oh, why don't you worry? How many times have you lost me?"


With Xiang Wan's insistence, Quan Shaoteng had to tell him.

"Xiao Bai went to the bald eagle's beak, I can't contact him at this moment..."

What the hell?

Going to the bald eagle's mouth again?

Xiang Wan glared slightly, "Did you lie to me?"

Quan Shaoteng shrugged his shoulders, "People like me who look good, never lie."

Xiang Wan: "He alone?"

Quan Shaoteng: "No! They are together with Team Zhang. They also brought Tu Liang and Cheng Zheng. And Cheng Zheng's female assistant, what's the name? Just came at night and went together!"

"Mei Xin?"

"Oh, yes! Meixin!"


Mei Xin just doesn't have a sense of presence?

Or is this guy's memory too bad?

Xiang Xiang thought about it, "Go."


Bai Muchuan said that the 121 case will be reconsidered.

Then according to his character, one detail will not be missed.

It is not surprising that the person was in Nanmu and then he took the person to the vulture.

That is, thinking of the ghost place of the bald eagle's beak, Xiang Wanmang was on his back.
